Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1232: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (10)

"Ah, let me declare first."

The young priest with Li Lin’s appearance and voice said:

"This is not the deity of the adult, but a projection of the dream based on your memory and personal impression, that is, something similar to the puppet suit."

Sloss said lightly, but Roland's defensive posture was not relaxed.

The use of swords in the world of dreams and spirits is meaningless, and the rules of the real world cannot be applied here-these Roland have long known that actions like holding a sword are just to stay alert.

Slos is good at mental attacks and lies. He belongs to the kind of super senior fraudster who can sell you and help him count money. This language can become a world of lethal weapons, and for him, it is a playground for free. If you follow the pace of Slos, God knows what traps are waiting.

"Worry about the trap? Although this is an inevitable reaction, but the game has not started yet, it will enter the state prematurely, and it will be very uncomfortable."


"Yes, the ultimate betting game called "Faust Test"."

The corner of the priest's mouth twisted, and his straight face smiled like a demon.

"Faust" is a masterpiece of the German writer Goethe and the crystallization of his lifelong thought and artistic exploration. The conception and writing of "Faust" went through Goethe's life. He began to write in 1768 and did not finish it until 1832, a total of 64 years before and after the death of Goethe. The whole drama is based on the German folk legend about Dr. Faust and the devil Meister, and is a great poetic drama combining realism and romanticism.

As for the suffix test, it originated from the infamous or notorious "Stanford Test".

The two groups of volunteers played the roles of "prisoner" and "caretaker" respectively. Violent attacks are prohibited, but any form of mental abuse is allowed. As a result, the originally planned two-week experiment had to be stopped by the sixth day, because everyone was too involved in the drama at this time, and regarded themselves as real "prisoners" and "caretakers". The "prisoners" became lambs who did not know how to resist and tolerate, and the "caretakers" became demons who delighted in torturing the "lambs."

The game of gambling that combines the two is...

"The rules are simple."

An extremely cruel smile appeared on the lips of the priest.

Li Lin will not have that smile.

Humans will not have such a smile.

However, only humans can have that smile.

The turbidity wrapped in blasphemy and desires are too human-like, and far from Li Lin's bottomless deep-so that pupil is so disgusting.

"Next you will experience all kinds of things, as long as you shout "Stop!", I will win. In turn, it will end in a big victory for you."

"What about the time span? You can't play with you all day?"

"The six hours in'here' will only pass a few minutes in reality."

"How about the referee?"

"The space itself is the referee. The confrontation between us will create pressure. Over time, we will accumulate, and the moment we win and lose, the accumulated pressure will flow towards the losing side. It is like a dam, isn’t it? ?"

"There is no proof and no guarantee, what about unilateral rules."

"Yes, you can't be sure if what I'm talking about is true or false, and have you hidden information that is not good for yourself."

Slos turned his right hand and added a dice between his fingers. He saw that he played the six-sided dice calmly and said:

"Then do you want to continue? In this unlucky gambling game, I will be the winner and loser. It is up to you to decide whether to stop here or move on. It is up to you to decide."


"Of course, if you give up, I also warmly welcome."

The dice crossed an arc in the air and fell into the palm of the teenager. The narrow red pupil silently said "give me the answer".

"...Even now, I still won't believe you."

The teenager said without hesitation.

"But you're right about it. Go ahead or give up. This is my choice."

Life is like a dice, you have to throw your own life.

Life is a gamble.

The various endings are like the six sides of the dice, with their own choices and actions, showing different futures.

Be successful


Rich wealth



Desolate evening scene;

Different choices portray different futures.

Giving up is also one of the options. And it is still the option chosen by most normal people.

Compared to options with high returns and high risks, it is more realistic and easier to be an ordinary person.

What's more, it's such an unreachable thing to change the world. In contrast, touching the stars with a bamboo pole seems to be less difficult.

Regardless of whether there is such an extremely abnormal existence of the agent of the mind, it is originally a very difficult thing to reform the way of existence of society by personal strength alone. Not to mention the premise of minimizing bleeding deaths.

In this way, it is easier to let your own thoughts fit with the social values ​​you belong to. Roland asks himself that there is no such position to abuse such a mean and timid approach.

The rules are indeed beautiful. Roland believes that the rules themselves are not wrong, as Li Lin said, correct and philosophical.

But right is not everything.

Life should not be the right slave, and intelligent creatures should not become regular puppets~www.readwn.com~ Even if you are deprived of everything, even if you are beaten into a honeycomb, even if you are killed by the roadside, even if you become a wild dog's food-

How to live.

How to die

These things--

"The way I want to go, only I can decide, only I can decide."

A general who decided to challenge the rules and authority in ancient times had spoken bravely when he commanded the army to cross a river that was once considered a rebellion.

"The dice has been dropped."

The hexahedron fell back into Sloss's hands, and the two beasts smiled fearlessly as they watched their prey.



Favna looked at the empty face in the gap with amazement.


The girls who were still pulling the armor plate a second ago stopped.

The girls around the hull also stopped their attacks at the same time, maintaining their final postures as if they were motionless like sculptures, and at the same time overflowed with colorful phosphorescent light from their bodies and swayed in the cabin.

"This is..."

"Good opportunity! Solve them in one go!"

Through the sound tube, you can hear the roar of the returning crew, which was spread by the anger that rubbed on the floor and the pleasure of revenge.

But the rejuvenated Fafna stopped them.

Without knowing exactly what the luminescence phenomenon is, it is too dangerous to get close to it.

not to mention--

The opponent is a biological weapon under the control of seven deadly sins.

If anyone can intervene in their actions.

"...To win, Roland."

Looking at the white armor that fell silent and continued to overflow with colorful light, Favna whispered.


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