Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1233: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (11)

There is a so-called "demon deviating" in the world.

The reason why it is called a demon's misrepresentation is naturally contrary to common sense, and it is incompatible with the ethics and values ​​recognized by the public, and it also involves violent crime.

However, the above cognition can only be said to be the impression of ordinary people who are safe and self-serving towards the underworld and criminal gangs. Even the underground world also has their rules and laws, which is the so-called "dark justice". Even these can be ignored, wantonly playing with life, trampling the existence of the human heart is the real evil demon.

Like a gunman who has a cross-dresser who kills girls and makes clothes after peeling;

Like a cult ancestor who summoned believers to commit suicide and attacked innocent people with poison gas;

Like a perfume maker who has a constant sense of smell and concentrates his life on killing a group of girls, only to extract a bottle of girl's body fragrance;

Like a dinosaur with a high IQ and a professor title, just like a gourmet who tastes lamb, chewing human flesh carefully;

They are undoubtedly wicked and unforgiving, they are humanoid demons who die from death.

But with Slossby, the above perverts, madmen, sadists, and killers are not eligible to be called "demon deviating."

"Our God in heaven, may everyone obey God's name, may the kingdom of God come."

The gentle, pious prayer is extremely pure, without any haze.

Like the sunlight shining through the window, it is bright and transparent.

The black priest put his hands on his chest and whispered in an angelic voice:

"May God's will walk on the earth, as we walk in heaven. Our daily diet is given to us today. Forgive us our debts, just as we forgive people's debts, so that we will not be tempted."

If there is the rumbling organ sound and the children's unsung singing, weave the melody of sacred love in the song "Dependant". The priest is bathed in the sun. The golden light, the white tablecloth, and the appearance of the instrument are like a process. A solemn Eucharist (Mass).


"Save us from evil."

While chanting the Lord's Prayer, the finger quickly draws a cross, and the eyes that have been closed are slowly opened, as if the red eyes are about to burn, the white tablecloth is reflected, and there is also a holy body and holy blood. Utensils.

"In the name of God, Son, and Holy Spirit. This cup is a new covenant made with my blood."

The canon of eucharistic worship (kann).

The ceremony of turning the Eucharist and the Holy Blood into bread and wine.

The most discriminating priests and cardinals can't pick out any mistakes, and they will bless and praise from the bottom of their hearts.


The utensils are not bread and wine.

Human blood

Human head

Around seven or eight years old, and the age of trouble and sorrow, is full of vitality and innocent face. At this moment, with a look of despair and pain, he lay quietly on the silver plate and looked up at the priest with black eyes.

"It's really pitiful."

The priest lifted the girl’s head, his eyes and movements were full of love, and he only heard him say with a sigh:

"Life is really impermanent. If she is still alive, she may now be a dignified and sensible lady, or maybe an ordinary village girl in the country. But now, she can only let others play like building blocks. It's strange."

The head in his hand collapsed like mud that was splashed with water. The face that was as fresh as he was a decade ago rotted and collapsed in the blink of an eye. Within three seconds, the girl's head had become a pile of ashes falling in the wind. Then disappeared without a trace.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth."

Clapping his hands, the priest shook his head and mumbled a few words, then replaced with a cynical smile and turned to the side.

"What's the girl's name just now? Chloe? I remember being a good playmate when I was a kid. You really have to do it. I really deserved to receive the elite's full elite education. It's time to start No hesitation."


Standing across from the altar, the teenager holding his long sword at the ground snorted coldly, staring at the pretending priest.

If he can, he wants to immediately crush the **** in front of him, and then set his bones to raise the ashes, and then mix the ashes into the feed to feed the pigs. Or maybe a few hundred kilograms of shots were thrown and thrown into a tens of thousands of meters of trenches to dive, or else find a nest of viper or other fierce creatures, chop off the limbs of this **** and throw them in.

But none of the above can be resorted to, and even violent actions and reprimands are not allowed. Because according to the rules of the game, not only the word "that word" is spoken in words, but the purpose of implementing that word cannot appear in action. Once it was judged that the ban was spoken or enforced, Roland failed completely.

So he could only glare at Slos, while enduring the mental attack imposed by Slos, while waiting for an opportunity to find a counterattack.

Silos knew this too, how could he give Roland a counterattack.

"All my childhood friends have been used up? Well, let's turn to the elders of the past."

When the hands clasped together, the shadows that were not exposed to sunlight began to creep. After a while, a personal black shadow peeled from the darkness, gradually expanding and deforming like an inflatable doll, and in a blink of an eye, it became ten. Several adults with arms.

What is disturbing is not just the phenomenon itself, but also the faces of those people.

They are all dead.

Every face is hidden deep in Roland's memory, entangled with that most joyful and painful memory.

Not to mention that there are-

The two men and women stood in front of Roland.

The female holding the staff is the same male as Roland holding the holy sword "Dirandal".

"Have a good time with mom and dad."

A snap of fingers, the dead who planted deep in Roland's memory swarmed up.

Roland knew that the people in front of him were all phantoms, and he raised his sword to meet him without hesitation.

In the spiritual world, phantoms can indeed kill people. As long as the brain cannot judge the difference between reality and phantom, the body will even show the damage caused by the phantom. In this case, if the phantom causes a fatal injury, the real body will really stop breathing and heartbeat.

Can only be killed.

Phantom's strength is not strong~www.readwn.com~Compared with the prototype, it is simply weak.

But when beheading the phantom, a real feel came from Dirandal.

Cutting the meat, slicing bones, tearing away the tangible sense of organs, the blood splattered on the face and the warmth of the meat, and the screams that screamed in the ears again and again-all really true.

Knowing that it is a phantom, knowing that this is a means for Sloss to persecute himself, but the anger and hatred in the boy's heart are constantly accumulating, approaching the tipping point a little bit.

-Never let this demon sway.

Such a cry echoed in Roland's heart.

(You must wish to kill me right away, young master.)

Watching the fight under the altar, Slos swayed the holy grail of wine happily.

('Using the dead','Troubled by dignity'-these things are the most unacceptable to you, even if you know that this is a trap to push you to the limit, you will still be angry. After all, human feelings are like that What is unreasonable and easy to use.)

Feelings are not things that can be easily changed by reasoning, even if they know it makes no sense, even if they know it will not have any result. People still react to things and situations-so-called feelings.

Among them, the easiest to use and the easiest to get out of control is passion.






When the torrent of these negative passions reaches a certain level, push it from behind, and people will fall into **** that is no longer in a breath.

Now, it's a little short of a foot.

The young man struggling to fight through the scarlet wine showed a skewed posture, staring at the twisted scene, and Sloss nodded contentedly.


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