Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1235: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (13)

The well-cut green stand-up collar uniform and the burgundy cloak with gold embroidered embroidered on the face like a delicate doll. The moment when facing Roland’s line of sight, the sense of security and expectation emerged from the emerald green eyes, and then changed. Call in one sentence.

"Roland? Why... are you here...?"

A simple one-sentence question disturbs Roland's defense more effectively than any sword.

Is that a phantom? Is it really Minerva?

The sound and appearance are the same as that of Minerva, and there is no doubt about it. But this is not a real space where common sense is applicable. It is difficult to tell whether a real person is in front of him or a phantom that is indistinguishable from a real person by information such as sound appearance. Even more troublesome is that Sloss can easily pull others into this world, which further increases the difficulty of discrimination.

Phantom, real person, trap, strategy, response, implementation——

Countless reasoning and hypothesis turned into a wave that instantly flowed through Roland's mind, and he hadn't waited for him to figure out the chaos from the chaos, and the situation was already waiting for him and the unprepared girl.

The shadow next to Minerva squirmed, and the disappeared phantoms rose from the darkness again, and the pupae pounced on Minerva.

"what is this?!"

Minerva yelled silently. Where the liaison is still unclear, a group of monsters suddenly appeared, and the brave queen girl couldn't help but change color.

"Mineva, hurry away!!"

Roland's response was definitely not slow.

At the same moment that the shadow moved stupidly, he kicked the ground and rushed towards Minerva.

Flash of Firestone straddled a five-meter gap in a flash, and even a first-rate swordsman could not do it.

Roland had no time to be proud of it. His heart was only bored by the slow moment.

Can't catch up--

Estimated the data of the distance, degree, next situation, etc. of the two parties, and a cold conclusion came to my mind, too late to get disgusted with this and recalculate again, Roland waved his left arm vigorously. The two knives hidden in the sleeves take the phantom that is blocked in front of them, and the wire connecting the small cone follows the big semicircle.

This can be said to be Roland's last protective weapon.

When using throwing weapons such as daggers, darts, pullbacks, and javelins, the range of body movements is generally large. Unless the timing is very good, it will be easily noticed by the opponent. After the emergence of more subtle and lethal assassination weapons such as umbrella guns, luggage guns, belt guns, and lipstick guns, the traditional so-called "hidden weapons" were immediately eliminated. Even if a small amount survives, it basically exists as a protective weapon and collectible, and no longer serves as an assassin's signature weapon.

Roland's pocket knife is an emergency self-defense equipment to deal with "in case". This kind of trick may not have any effect on a certain agent and his avatars, but his enemies are not only those monsters. As a "Holy Girl" with a popular reputation in the world, it is inevitable that some people will be jealous, and some of them can't control their impulses, and they can't control their fingers. In order to solve the various friends and professional assassins without causing riots, the knife became one of Roland's equipment.

Wires with conical weights are similar. As long as it's fast enough, the wire in circular motion can even form a slashing effect, and the weight hanging on the front end can smash the skull of the person with one blow.

The two weapons combined with the speed of Roland's gallop, and the degree of its explosion was extraordinary. The blades thrown by humans almost chased the bullets straight out of the barrel and pounced on the phantoms facing Roland.

The opponent was unprepared and attacked enough, and Roland believed he would never miss.


The sound of inhaled breath leaked from the extremely distorted face of the teenager.

——The phantom disappeared.

Unreal things will eventually disappear, even if it is the dead in the spiritual world that was forcibly dragged from the underworld to the present world. It’s okay to be beaten by your opponent, and it’s okay to bathe in the sun and steam like dew, and eventually you will only return to the kingdom of eternal sleep.

Even if it suddenly disappears without warning, it is not surprising.

As the two knives were about to reach the back of the phantom, the dead disappeared out of thin air.

Whether they return to the kingdom of death to continue to rest, or wait for the next call of Sloss-these things have no matter to Roland. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the trajectory of the knife that continued to fly. The purple eyes covered with panic and anxiety also reflected the girl who was inexplicable-there was no obstacle between her and the knife.


Without waiting for Roland to shout all the words, the knife easily penetrated the air, and the sound of "poo" fell into the body of the girl.

A throat handle;

A handle of the heart;

The blade accurately hit two key points, and the **** mist sprayed from the wound into the air.


The teenager couldn't care about the weights and wires that flew out of the window, let alone the guard behind him, stiffly standing on the spot with the gesture of reaching out to stop, and groaned silently in his mouth.

The girl’s empty eyes were wide open, and she fell on her back with an incredible and painful expression. Her body and the floor hit a creepy muffled sound. The heavy dull sound was conveyed along the ground all the way to Roland’s feet, and drove all the way to the end. The young man’s heart runs through.

Suddenly narrowed and enlarged pupils tightly grabbed the girl's gradual loss of vitality, and in the heavy breath, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Fatal injury.


No, there is salvation.

not sure yet.

Is that Minerva? Isn't it a phantom?

No, that is not a phantom, that is Minerva.

Countless contradictions, countless chaos, tumbling together, let Roland not know what to do.

"Oh, not only the dead, but even the living can hurt the killer. It is worthy of the adult who educated himself and did a beautiful job."

From behind, Sloth’s applause and cheers, filled with gloating laughter ~www.readwn.com~ Roland reluctantly dragged his thoughts back to calm, while maintaining a high degree of vigilance, while starting to sort out his head.

(I'm not sure if that Minerva is real.)

With the previous experience, it is natural to think that Minerva is in front of the phantom.

But what if that is not a phantom?

At this time, no one can guarantee that he will not encounter the "just in case" situation.

(Even if true, Minerva may not die.)

The teenager so comforted himself, keeping a vigilant posture, and slowly approached the motionless girl lying on the ground.

(Unless actually confirmed, there is solid evidence, otherwise everything can not get rid of uncertainty here.)

Roland moved slowly.

He wanted to rush to check it immediately, and he was afraid of it.

Unprecedented anxiety and discomfort accompanied Roland with intertwined questions.

Is Minerva dead? Is that a phantom or a real person? Did you kill Minerva yourself? Still not killed?

He didn't know, and he was even more afraid of confirmation.

"Does it seem that you are worrying about your real Highness?"

Looking at the chance, Sloss's sticky voice came from behind.

The hand holding the sword was harder, the knuckles were white, and the hilt and the glove rubbed together with a murderous sound.

"The answer is obvious, it's the real Highness Minerva de Bourbon. Congratulations, Master Roland, you just killed your own love just now."

As if a whispering voice tears the ears, if there is a demon in the world, it must be like the present, tempting the world with the tone of the lover's low-spoken love.

Roland gritted his teeth and poured all his energy and killing power into his right arm.


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