Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1236: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (14)

The trembling right arm was too slow to move.

It's easy to slash along with anger, without thinking, without hesitation, just spit out the killing intention, anger and strength together.

——It will be finished if you cut it down.

In the almost boiling brain, a cold voice whispered.

The most important rule of the "Faust test" is that you cannot say "stop", and the actions you perform must not contain an intention to stop your opponent. Otherwise, it is the victory of the opponent.

——This is his trap. He used the deceased to oppress the opponent's spirit first, and then put in the phantom of the living person, shaking his opponent's will pneumatically.

"Will I play tricks and deliberately use phantoms to seduce you to make mistakes? This possibility is not impossible. Just--"

The demon who understood the heart sneered.

"Is it better to use living people than phantoms?"

There was a trace of blood on the corner of the boy's mouth, and he was so bitter and patient that his lips were bitten.

Seeing Sloss's mockery as noise, Roland took a step towards Minerva.

Only one step was taken, and the feet could no longer move.

"You will care about the normal reaction, and I can understand it. But they don't seem to understand it, no, don't you want to let go?"

Muddy under Roland's feet.

I don't know when, the shadow that originally shrunk in the corner of the wall covered the whole ground, and the solid ground turned into a black mud.

Faces emerged on the surface of the quagmire-the faces of the phantoms who had just been killed by Roland, the faces of the loved ones. At this moment they were staring at Roland with a grudge-filled gaze, spitting out the grudges in the mouth that even the iron-hearted people could not help but shake.

——Why not save us.

——Why kill us.

--It hurts.

--so cold.

——Never let you save the girl.

——She is ours.

——You come together.

The faces of men, women, children and young men kept rolling from the black mud. A pair of hands pulled Roland, and countless faces spread their mouths to bite Roland.


Roland cursed and moved his body, but in front of the illusions' obsession, this level of effort was not worth mentioning.

Sloss walked leisurely to Roland, and his unwilling smile almost touched Roland's cheek.

"Continuing the topic just now, is the Minerva over there really true? Can I pull the Queen's Palace thousands of miles away into this space. The first question allows me to keep it in disgust, as for the second one Question-the previous missile attack has fully demonstrated the answer."

Roland's heart sank.

The worst thing that was expected in the past was confirmed by the mouth of the initiator, and the satire and spicy can only be experienced by the person concerned.

Missiles cannot appear out of thin air. There are only two ways to achieve this effect.

The first is the blinding method, which is to use spoofing, optical camouflage and other camouflage methods as close as possible to the opponent to launch a fatal blow. Stealth bombers and stealth cruise missiles in another world are products derived from this idea. The so-called "stealth" does not mean that it can't be found at all, but that it minimizes radar reflections and shortens the discovery distance. The commander of the Air Force said that the Su-30-mki’s radar can find the J-20, which is actually not wrong. After all, it is only found within 2 to 3 kilometers.) After the optical camouflage entered the practical stage, it really realized the real invisibility. "Available out of thin air" A bomber or a pile of missiles is no longer a scene in a science fiction movie.

The stealth technology of the Defence Forces can also do this kind of thing. They can even hide large-scale warships in an academic style, let alone hide missiles. Krolan did not believe that the missile attack encountered by Endeavour was the result of the use of stealth technology.

Since stealth technology is used, why is it necessary to lift the stealth at the final stage to make people on board notice?

More importantly, the number of missiles and the angle of all-round attack.

It is not impossible to change the trajectory through guidance methods or preset programs to achieve a full range of multi-angle attacks, but it must be seamless as in the previous case, and it is necessary to invest a lot of time and resources to practice how to use missiles to conduct "super saturation attacks." . The Defence Force apparently did not have that time.

So, the answer is basically the second one-Slos and Guratoni used some method to "send" the missiles in the distance to the "Endeavour".

Roland made no mistake.

Although it cannot be "existed anywhere, nor anywhere" like Li Lin, Slos and Guratoni can also manipulate the space to some extent, transfer objects or use them for other purposes.

Draw the two points a and b on the paper. The shortest distance between the two points is not a straight line. Instead, fold the paper to make the two points overlap. This is the technology that intelligent creatures conquer the sea of ​​stars after entering the age of the universe. The theoretical basis also opened a brand new door for the development of weapons, which led to the birth of time-space transfer weapons (chrono.weapon).

One of the abilities of Slos and Guratoni is the ability to create a space channel called "gates of heaven (paradise)", which can transfer matter and energy to specified coordinates through certain methods. Previously, they used this ability to deliver a large number of missiles around the "Endeavour", and then launched an all-round attack.

With this ability, it is simply a breeze to pull Minerva who is far from Rudes into this space.

"So we went back to the previous question. Is the royal lady who was there really a real person or a phantom?"


Roland silently cursed in his heart, the power of Slos, the Minerva who fell to the ground, and the dead who were entangled with him-the three continued to wear his nerves. The restlessness turned into a drunken sense of drunkenness that continued to shake his brain, and a figure crossed the twisted vision and thoughts.

That is a woman.

Refusing to face the death of Aiko, guarding the corpse, hesitating to touch the taboo knowledge, and eventually destroying herself.

——Your child is dead!

At that time, Roland was telling her mother who was holding the body of Aiko.

just now.

Your lover is dead.

A cold voice in my mind made a decisive conclusion.

Was it Roland himself or the sad mother of the past?

(Will not.)

-Minerva is dead, this is reality, you must face it! You are too late to do anything now! Meaningless!

(That's a phantom, a fake, really Minerva --)

——When will you deceive yourself? Minerva is dead and killed by your own hands!

(No, not like this!)

——Is it true or false, what is the significance of true or false? Even if this did not happen this time, what about the next time? You are just a small group of human beings, insignificant weak human beings, neither a prophet nor a panacea. When you decide to save some people, you are destined to lose others, don't you?


See what you do. He said that he wanted to protect people's dignity and happiness, but in the end he achieved nothing, even the most beloved girl could not protect! What fraternity, what freedom, what dignity, for these illusory things, you have lost even your true love!

(To shut up!!)

——Is the life of a stranger so important? Do you not hesitate to expose Minerva and expose those girls to the crisis of death, but also to protect strangers who have never met you, don’t know what you’re paying for them, and will not be grateful to you? At this moment~www.readwn.com~ There are people in the world who die because of war, famine, disease, strife, crime, and death. Do you want to intervene and save? Can you? Or does it matter because it has nothing to do with you and is not in your field of vision? You are just in front of yourself-

"I told you to get away!!"

Roland brandished his sword and roared, his irritated passion turned into roar and power rushing, the silver flash cut across the void, the entangled phantom made a dull sound, and fell convulsively.


The surprised voice overflowed from the teenager's mouth again.

Minerva fell to his feet.

The undead phantoms turned into Minerva. It was evident that the bone wound was pulled from the right chest to the left shoulder, blood bubbles continued to overflow from the wound and the Minerva mouth, and the stunned face was a little bit angry and turned into a dead gray.

"This this……"

Roland's blank face turned to the front, and the shadow that was gradually disintegrating appeared before him.

That's right, that Minerva is a fictional phantom.

So, what about this now?

There is still a feeling of cutting meat and bones on the hand. Is this lingering texture sticking on the hand also an illusion?

Minerva falling down at his feet...Is this time fake?

The chills attacked Roland's stiff body, and he walked steadily towards Minerva, who had stopped cramping, trembling all over.

How he hoped that everything in front of him was just a nightmare. As soon as he opened his eyes again, Minerva would smile at him, that terrible wound would never exist, and all mistakes could be written off.


"It's useless."

Like Sloth, like himself, and as if someone in the memory laughed at Roland.


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