Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1237: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (15)

——Time, stop, you are so beautiful.

In Goethe's masterpiece "Faust", Dr. Faust and the devil Mephistopheles bet, Mephistopheles will meet all Faust's requirements, as long as Faust stops pursuing, call out "stop", his Soul will belong to Mephistopheles. At the last moment, the doctor did indeed shout out the above sentence as the devil wished, and the devil won the game as expected. It does not matter whether the ending will be a happy reunion or a badend. The point is that the devil won the game.

This is an inevitable result.

Human desires are bottomless and endless, and even 100 or 1,000 wishes will not satisfy human desires-there is nothing wrong with this sentence. For the human race, its desires are indeed endless. But when it comes to a single individual with a limited lifespan, it is completely different.

It doesn't matter if you are extravagant or desperate, as soon as you reach omniscience and omnipotence (whether true or false), your motivation to seek progress and continue to advance has disappeared. After the initial sense of omnipotence and accomplishment cools down, all that remains is the emptiness and boredom that grows with time, and the burnout of everything. It's natural to wait until you feel tired and tired of your own existence, succumb to the temptation of the devil, and yell "Stop it".

Nihility is such a powerful existence. As a representative of nihilism, the joking negation of the elf Mephistopheles could not have been lost from the beginning.

The trap set by Slos is the same principle. But he changed the content from "satisfying desire" to "infinite pain", using a high-pressure environment similar to the Stanford experiment to force and lure Roland to fall, which is essentially the nihilistic set.

Everything is meaningless;

Everything will eventually return to nothingness;

Rather than meaningless struggle, it is better to succumb to reality;

——Basically a collection of such concepts, the purpose of which is to let the target be imprisoned by despair and treat renunciation as comprehension.

Simple, crude, and effective.

Not only at the theoretical level, but from the current situation, Sloss has indeed successfully stepped Roland into the corner step by step.

So, can Slos' victory be determined?

Positive, positive, negative, positive, negative, negative, positive.

Plural answers echoed in the spiritual realm, and the chaotic ideological disputes portrayed an uncertain future figure. This situation is rare in Li Lin’s many analysis and decision-making processes.

Admittedly, Slos has the advantage and is effectively expanding the advantage without giving the opponent any breathing opportunities to establish the victory in one breath. After solving Roland, the rest is easy. It can be said that it can still be done under the premise of being entrapped with a curse beforehand, probably only Slos.

The problem is that the spiritual world is a place full of uncertainty and possibility than the real world. Any accident will be magnified to the limit. Although Slos used the method of limiting the scope and number of people to reduce the possibility of accidents as much as possible, the probability of accidents was not zero after all. Until the final victory, no one can lightly assert.

Another problem that is more risky than accidents is that entering the spiritual world to synchronize with other people's thinking and emotions will also affect themselves.

If we compare the spiritual structure between different individuals to paper with different hues and spectrums, synchronizing with the spirit of others, it is equivalent to letting others' colors and spectrums contaminate their own paper. Entering the heart of a person who is passionate and fire-like, your own heart will also be heated; when you enter the mind of a mentally dark person, your own thinking will become distorted; if you are synchronized with any perverted murderers and antisocials, the spirit If you are not tough enough, you will lose yourself even if you make trouble, and you will become a criminal mob directly from your personality.

Not to mention that if the synchronization is too deep, it is very likely that the spirits of the two will collapse together.

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Synchronizing with the spirit of others also means that you have to bear the same risks as your opponents.

Li Lin is well aware of these risks, so he rarely enters the hearts of others. But he never told Roland or the seven deadly sins of the risks.

For him, both sides are just experimental white mice, and it doesn't matter which side loses as long as the result is finally available.

and so--

-Proposal, continue to maintain observation without intervention.

Affirm, affirm, affirm, affirm, negate, affirm, affirm. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to maintain the current status.

No joy, no sorrow, no pity.

Leng Che's red pupil continued to work on the side of his own, staring at the miserable appearance of the teenager.


The girl fell to the ground desolately.

The amount of bleeding in the wound gradually decreased, the floor was rendered with a bright dark red color, the twitching spasm had stopped, and the groaning that could barely be heard before had already dissipated.

Roland reached out the shaking face and touched the girl's face.

The gradually dissipating body temperature came from shaking fingertips, and the elastic touch of the remaining temperature seemed to deliberately emphasize that the girl had life activities just before the moment. The pupil who lost focus was questioning Roland silently.

"What a joke..."

Roland muttered.

His heart repeatedly told himself "this is fake." Haven’t you experienced it before? Sloss can create phantoms or replicas that have the same touch and body temperature as a real person. This scene in front of him is just his trick. That's right, it must be. This is a spiritual space, everything is possible.

Roland kept repeating these words in his heart.

However, the corpse did not disappear like the previous phantoms.

Quietly, quietly, his eyes widened at Roland, motionless.

——You killed her.

Someone somewhere-like Sloss on the other side, and thinking of someone in his own heart, the man whispered in Roland's ear while making a harsh laugh.

——You killed her.

——You killed her.

——You killed her.

——You killed her.

Mocking echoed repeatedly, like a knife poking around in Roland's heart.

——You have already realized this.

(shut up……!!!)

——You have long realized that there will be killing Minerva and others, right? Even if the love is dying in front of you, you still don't show a trace of shock and confusion. You are still calm and normal. This is because you think this is a phantom, not a real person, so you are so calm? This is a big misunderstanding. The reason why you can be calm and remain rational is not because Minerva is not important to you at all, even if it is killed by yourself? Is there any other answer?

"To shut up……"

The young man let out a cold grin from his clenched teeth.

But that voice did not let Roland go.

——In the final analysis, what you really think about Minerva is really from the heart? Or is it the result of manipulation? If you really love her from the heart and take care of her, shouldn’t she be the top priority? Shouldn’t she protect her better than strangers she never met? The reason why she didn’t do this is not because she is insignificant to you. You only care about yourself. For your justice and self-satisfaction, she is just one of many objects that can be sacrificed, so you don’t cry or go crazy. . What is the difference between you and Li Lin you hate?


There was pale denial in the clenched teeth, and the trembling voice was almost only heard by Roland himself.

——As long as you still insist on the so-called ideal and believe in dignified dignity and freedom, tragedy will continue to happen, and the people you cherish will continue to die.

A vaguely sympathetic voice gradually sank into the darkness, and a familiar voice came from behind.

"Roland, are you okay?"

He suddenly turned his head and saw Minerva hurried towards him.

The face of the girl's concern was reflected in her eyes, and a sense of relief immediately rose.

"It turns out to be illusion..."

The whisper failed to be exhausted, and the sudden change occurred.


Minerva screamed while spitting blood bubbles.

On her chest, a large dark hole was emitting smoke and burning smell from the outside. From behind the big fist hole, Prince Louis was showing a greasy smile.



When the teenager just wanted to make a big stride, a call came from the other direction. He turned his head involuntarily and looked away, and Fafna's figure was on her eyes.

An arm covered with black scales swayed vigorously, Favna's head flew out immediately, and the headless body spewing out blood fell softly to the ground.

Behind Fafna's body, a boy was licking the blood on his claws, and his amber pupil stared at Roland with a dazzling look.

"Nid Hoog..."


The voice rang again, and Roland looked back again.

Gloria ran towards him~www.readwn.com~Bren Hill killed her;

Vernia ran towards him.

Tyre killed her;

Diana ran to him.

Gerus killed her;

The girls appeared one after another, and the same number of figures killed them.


I knew it was a phantom, and I knew all the fakes in front of me.

Roland still suffered from extremely bitter and painful feelings from those too real images.

Perhaps one or two phantoms cannot knock down Roland, and the number alone is not enough to knock him down.

Even so.


The bodies of the girls continued to increase, covering the ground and clogging the passageway, gradually accumulating and surrounding Roland a little.

Perhaps accidentally, perhaps deliberately, the faces of the corpse were all facing Roland, and the empty, loose eyes asked him silently.

——Why not protect us?

——Why not save us?

The corpses continue to increase, and the line of blame also increases in number and weight.

Countless corpses, countless regrets and resentments.

Roland was surrounded in the middle.

(Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!)

The heart kept roaring, but when Roland heard it himself, it was like crying from the child's sorrow.

Ignoring Roland's wishes, the head of Minerva flew out once again. It was already the first few Minerva's teenagers to stare blankly at the rolling heads in the air, and the dark black sword that was pointed at the ground.

"I said it long ago, you can't go back to "everyone"."

The boy with dark hair and **** pupils sneered at him, throwing away the blood stained on the long knife.

A hoarse roar burst deep in his throat, and Roland, who had lost patience and sanity, threw at the other party.


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