Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1238: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (16)

There is no tactics.

There are no moves.

For violent beasts, those are all superfluous.

Complying with the instinct and passion frenzy, wanton waving your body to vent violence and anger, throwing away all the extra things such as morality, reason, wisdom and so on, blindly beating.

Roland rode on Li Lin, beating the smiling face desperately.

One punch, two punches, three punches.

The bone-to-bone impact sounded with a certain rhythm. Bloody fists fell into each other's cheeks again and again. The eyeballs hung outside somehow. The bridge of the nose collapsed, and the teeth were broken. Even the temples and forehead were already sunken.

Under normal circumstances, Roland could not imagine that he could do such a thing. At this moment, he had no room for thinking and distinguishing. He roared and continued to throw his fist.

No matter how ruined, Li Lin's unrecognizable face was still sneering.

No matter how you beat or how hard you beat, the mocking expression and laughter will not disappear.

The body temperature, touch, and pulse from the fist are all true-Roland's consciousness can only confirm this except for beating Li Lin. With the resentment and pain that could not be eliminated even if the other party was killed, the teenager continued to be beaten blindly, feeling the shock and pain from the fist.

"If you want to protect."

The skull was completely broken, and the brain and medulla flowed to the ground. Only the skull of the mandible and tongue were sprayed with blood bubbles.

"There must be consciousness of who killed."

"To shut up!!!"

Roland reached out and grabbed the tongue that was still tossing, and pulled it hard. The moment blood spattered on his face, he felt his body and soul were separating.

The fist continued to hit Li Lin's body, but no matter how he looked, the opponent should have become a corpse. No creature can sustain life activities even when the brain is smashed, and it is impossible to say clear words, even if he is a divine agent.

Despite all this, Roland continued to punch.


The crooked and twisted chin moved up and down, and the throat exposed in the air gave a laugh of joy.

"You did very well."



Favna frowned tightly, and her slightly opened mouth revealed sharp teeth.

Others in the hangar even pointed the muzzle at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared out of sight.


The guns couldn't help each other, and the crew had no chance to pull the trigger.


The ancient species with a proud figure embraced their arms and always narrowed their eyes slightly opened a thin slit. The inexpressible and powerful pressure filled the hangar and could not suppress all human movements.

"This is the last chance I won, so go back with me."

"I reject!"

Without any hesitation, a decisive answer.

Lu Keya's smile on the face was always faded, and what remained on her face was frost-like indifference.

"Even if you drag the clan into the genocide crisis? Just for your personal ideals? In order to defeat in the most gorgeous and tragic way in a must-have battle? This is really cheap self-intoxication."

The hands that he had been holding down, and the claws covered with golden scales pointed to Fafna who was in a state of war.

"It's still too late, the tribes have made a big attack, destroying Charlemagne's only remaining merchant fleet and garrison overseas colonies. The overseas military force of Alfheim is receiving Charlemagne's colony with our cooperation. It is over, Charlieman's fate is over. But finally, with the help of the elder elder, the adult agreed to give you another chance. So—"

"'The Lord'? When did the Dragon tribe begin to respect the wise head of the sharp ears as the master, and gave their lives to the sharp ears?"

"He is a divine agent!"

Lucoa's voice was raised a few degrees, and the next moment seemed to be avoiding something, and then whispered as if he was discouraged:

"Our family must obey the mother goddess, and since Siegfried Otto Lilin was given full power by the mother goddess, we can only obey his orders. This is a destiny."

"What kind of **** is destined! Because of this sentence, because of this sentence, all the actions of that guy can be rationalized and justified! Should those who were killed by him all crawl out of the grave Thank Lord Long! He personally gave glorious death?!"

Favna growled angrily, and this time Lucoa was silent.

As a life spanning thousands of years, they are not sages with moral cleanliness, nor are they kind people who cannot bear to step on death. The Dragon clan, who has been watching the evolution of intelligent society, has a too clear and thorough insight into the so-called human nature. In this regard, Lucia and Fafna are not far away.

If you question Lucoa who has seen the rise and fall of many countries, is it true that Alfheim is a social form that can be called "beautiful", and Lucya can only report a wry smile.

One divides the nationality into three, six, nine, etc. based on race and ability talents, to determine the number of treatments enjoyed and even the number of the next generation... Even if the material life is richer and better than other countries, it can be strictly investigated, which is a function It’s just a well-equipped livestock breeding base.

Decide on the education and future work based on race and ability-this is different from raising chickens and ducks to lay eggs, raising pigs to produce meat, raising cows to produce milk, raising foxes and mink to make leather ? It is nothing more than changing the experience of "scientific management" and using more elaborate and detailed control methods to control the various races under the control.

It also includes the dragon family.

So Favna couldn't bear it, joined Roland and raised an anti-flag against Li Lin.

"Can I ask you something?"

"what's up?"

Fafna calmed down and answered quietly.

"I know your motivation~www.readwn.com~ and I know what you want to do."

Lucia paused for a moment, as if hesitating, as if arguing with words.

"But what does this mean?"


"Humans under the management of Yalfheim now have no dissatisfaction with their lives. Perhaps they had previously had illusions about returning to life under Charlemagne, but they had seen the'example' of Ajanto Raton After that, all the illusions have been disillusioned. There are indeed different treatments on the side of Alfheim, but at least they can survive, and the standard of living is not bad. After Charlieman is occupied, after a period of domination, everyone You will be familiar with and adapt to the new order, and you will be born and die under the control of the new order. For most people, this is actually not bad."

Ordinary birth, ordinary life, basically most people are satisfied with this life, for everyone, this is enough.

As long as you don't know the truth, no one will think you are unfortunate. Even if it is unfortunate to be placed under domination, it is too sad to be treated as a domestic animal. For ordinary people who can only touch the life circle from life to death, it is only a distant topic that is too vague and bothers them.

What's more, they should take away their stable life so far for this kind of proposition.

"Understood? For most people who pursue a stable life, your claims and actions are in fact the same as terrorists. Even if they are enemies with most people, you... Fafna, you must insist on the rationality of your actions. And legitimacy, do you stick to it?"

Lucoa’s voice was not high, and his tone was not harsh.

Favna, who had always been able to speak well, was stuck for the first time.


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