Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1243: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (20)

The black light flashed.

The wet tentacles with the characteristics of a python and a leech split the air, and the obstacles on the arc of the attack trajectory, human body, steel, and smoke are like pieces of paper in front of this slash that is comparable to a giant axe or a large blade. The response is not fast enough or the luck is not good enough will only result in a cut off.

With this strange power to destroy the armored warships such as the "Endeavour", I believe that it takes only half a day to restore the entire ship to the state of parts, and no one in the ship will be left.

Having said that, it's just that.

For Favna wearing "Dendrobium orchid", these gadgets can't even be called threats, at best they are larger flies and mosquitoes. But in the cabin, she couldn't cast magic and use weapons at will, and had to rely on her own strength to give the other party a head-on attack.

"You shit!!!"

The tail covered with golden scales was thrown hard. The black mud that was still in Yaowuyangwei was thrown onto the hangar bulkhead. It was torn apart on the spot and fell to the ground.

"It's useless."

The black mud covered with eyes slowly squirmed together and reunited into an unshaped mass, and Sloss's cruel and mocking face floated up from the mud again.

"This is just an avatar. Even if it's smashed a thousand times or 10,000 times, I won't hurt."

Favna sucked her lips and gave a low growl.

"What the **** did you do?"

"It's no big deal, but it's an experiment, the ordinary and boring kind."

Sloss twisted merrily, with identical faces rising from the black mud one after another.

"We are not villains in fairy tales, and we will repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Even low-energy monkeys can learn from failures and learn lessons to avoid the next failure. We will do similar things."

After each battle, regardless of victory or defeat, a variety of data will be fed back. After analysis and review by relevant departments, make adjustments or formulate corresponding countermeasures.

Like the "Axis Shock" phenomenon, which is full of unknowns and whose potential value is difficult to estimate, the Defense Force will also not miss every valuable data collection, and strive to grasp this unknown power with great potential as soon as possible.

They are doing very well, they are fully committed and serious, but the research progress is not satisfactory.

The straightforward point is that when the bottleneck is encountered, progress is stalled.

"Researchers now only rely on "imitations" to cause resonance."

The medical department of the Defense Force has been trying to train and mass-produce soldiers with common sense capabilities, on the one hand to gain battlefield advantages, and on the other hand, to try to reproduce the "Axis shock" through these soldiers. However, so far no successful cases have appeared. Regardless of whether the subject is injected with medicine, using hypnotic hints, or using twins with similar biological characteristics, all methods of improving the brain quantum wave synchronization rate have been tried. The brain quantum wave induction framework still has no response, and the colorful light has never appeared. Even once. The research has completely entered a dead end.

In this regard, some scholars have proposed a hypothesis.

The induction wave synchronization formed by technical means is only the surface conscious brain wave synchronization, and the brain quantum wave that induces "Axis shock" originates in the deeper consciousness area, so it is impossible for people who rely solely on artificial induction capabilities A phenomenon like the "original version" is reproduced, not to mention the ability to lead the "Axis shock" to weaponize it.

"Anyway, you can only use real products"

The face said leisurely:

"Then let the real thing show up, and then just do it."

"So from head to toe, it's all"


If Slos alone cannot meet the conditions, then we must find ways to pull Roland into the water, and then resonate, then mentally oppress Roland, brainwash it, and then pour all his own maliciousness into the resonating rainbow like ink Drop into the beaker filled with pure water, add it little by little, and observe the changes in the record.

"Thanks for your blessings, everything went smoothly! The adult might praise me! Go to the newspapers, special programs, and commemorative stamps, oh yeah!"

The human faces laughed together, and the unbearable crew shot at the group of sickening monsters.

The trigger was indeed pulled down, and the bullet was indeed struck.

The human face still laughed arrogantly, but the crew members who shot were falling.

The gate of heaven.

The space operation ability held by Sloss in the second form. This ability relies on the scattered avatars to continuously position several coordinates in space to form a segmented plane that separates the continuity of space, and what is captured by the "cutted plane" will be transferred to another by the "cutted plane. back" A spatial coordinate. Sloss used this ability to send a large number of missiles around the "Endeavour", and now he sent the bullets that were flying to him in front of the shooter.

However, there are several flaws in this ability, which is logically unusable now.

For example, when commanding the "attack body", faced with complex battle conditions, Slos could not be distracted to calculate the space coordinates.

For example, when the exit or entrance is too far away from the body, it is difficult to control the timing of opening and closing of the "cut section".

The reason why the obstacles that were difficult to surmount in the past can be eliminated in a short period of time is precisely because of the light phenomenon called "color of the abyss".

Monsters and biological weapons are just the by-products of the "Color of the Abyss". The real use of this frightening brilliance is to force connections and seize the conscious capacity of others through contact. Translated into words that everyone can understand, it means that the color of the abyss will turn the person’s body into black mud covered with pus and eyeballs~www.readwn.com~The brain will become a remotely connected server , To help Slos handle the increased computing and manufacturing space channels.

The form of wanton tampering and trample on life is exactly what makes the "Color of the Abyss" taboo and frightening.

With the supplement of the "Color of the Abyss", Sloss's power can be said to be a higher level, and it seems that the perfect task can be achieved.

The human face was trembling with excitement for this, and as they wriggled and prepared to kill, the confusion and consternation climbed onto the dirty face.

Numerous eyes on the surface of the black mud turned to the "color of the abyss" together. The original dazzling like unidentified creatures were constantly flashing. In the flickering light and flicker, the movement of the black mud was inexplicably stiff.

"This is...! How dare!!"

It seems to be aware of the reason why the aberration occurred, the voice of people gnashing their teeth, countless tentacles rushed to the "Dendrobium orchid" with a thunderbolt.

"Dendrobium orchid" fixed on the hangar deck can never avoid tentacles.


Before touching the "Dendrobium orchid", the tentacles were unexpectedly frozen in mid-air.

Confused and anxious voices flowed out of the human face.

"How could... actually... no... it turned out to be..."

As if fearing the silence of Fafnah, he would not be killed or burned. The tentacles, which should have no fear of any power, twisted and tremble repeatedly, but they couldn't go further.

The situation was so abnormal that the other crew members were also inexplicably confused.

"Since that...since this, I will entertain you! This is what you asked for!!"

Countless faces roared together, and the twisted faces all sank into black mud in the next second, and the strange silence once again enveloped the Endeavour.


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