Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1244: Twenty. The dice have been dropped! (twenty one)

The corpses piled up at the foot of Roland.

The bodies of the girls, the bodies of the murderers who killed the girls.

The girls had many causes of death, and it was like a homicide show.






Beast bite

Almost all the methods of killing that human imagination can focus on are displayed here, as if silently telling the extent to which humanity can be brutal.

The cause of death of the murderers is quite consistent.

All died from freehand beating or strangulation, and all died from the hands of Roland.

The head and chest were smashed, the body with the neck turned in a strange direction and the bodies of the girls overlapped, like a kaleidoscope and a labyrinth of mirrors. The infinitely extended death exhibition. The excessively detailed phantoms rendered crazy colors a little bit to the spirit of Roland .

"Ha, ha..."

Obviously, the mental world should not feel tired, but Roland panted, the whole person was shaking, every step of the way was crooked, as if marching in the mud.



Soldiers marching?

Refugees who fled?

More miserable than these.

The soulless boy lifted his feet aimlessly and put them down in the pile of bodies, and stumbled forward, just like a broken machine, constantly repeating meaningless monotonous movements.

He was forced to the limit of his spirit, and he was only one step away from the "moving corpse". If there was only a trace of reason and spirit remaining, Roland might be crazy.

It can be said to be able to support this level of performance of his mental fortitude.

However, no matter how strong and tough the steel is, bending and straightening will break, and no matter how strong the human spirit is, it will usher in collapse when repeatedly attacking weaknesses.

Therefore, people have to seek some dependence and sustenance.


Shy Minerva appeared in front of Roland.

Roland, who was almost overwhelmed by both body and mind, stared blankly at the shy girl in front of her, branding all the words she said in her mind.

"Protect me."




"Fool Roland."


The girls appeared one by one, whispering softly or vigorously repeating the same request.

Protect us.

Stay with us.

To have many, many children, everyone is happy together.

The young man walked staggeringly in front of the girls, knelt down on the ground in a dull expression, hugged Minerva, hugged Fafna, hugged Gloria, hugged Vigna... just like a sinner When I met the savior who pardoned him, he did not hesitate to accept their request.

Human beings thrown into endless darkness will subconsciously search for light, even if it is a faint halo. When forced to be spiritually closed, people will cling to even the slightest hope, and even have no time to distinguish and think about what they are snuggling.

"I will protect you."

"I will be with you."

"...To have many, many children."

Roland moaned dyingly, raised his head and looked up at the girls' smiles, and the numb should answer questions.

"Whatever you want to do?"


"Regardless of who you will die from?"


"No matter who is going to kill?"

"Then protect us now."

A short knife appeared in the void, waving towards Minerva's neck.

Roland's body immediately moved unconsciously.

Pushing Minerva away, Dirandal stabbed forward.

Even if his mental state is not good, Roland's skill is not affected. The touch of tearing muscles and organs passed from the tip of the sword to the palm of the hand. The long sword accurately hit the attacker's left chest, penetrating from behind, and the heart's pulsation came along the metal.


Roland's hand trembled, and a drop of cold sweat went down the temple corner.


The face of a buddy's best friend still had an uninhibited wild smile, and his body fell back a little bit along Dirandal.

"Roland, thank you."

Minerva hugged Roland gently.

"Roland, thank you."

"Roland, thank you."

"Roland, thank you."

"Roland, thank you."

The phantoms of the girls appeared and disappeared again, and gentle and thoughtful thanks rang in the ears one after another, and swirled in Roland's mind.

"Me, me, me, me... I killed Casper?"

Roland bowed his head and stared at Dirandal, who was shaking hands, dark red blood was splashing down on the ground along the trembling tip of the sword.

"I, I, I...just to save Minerva, I have to..."

Unable to coherent, even escaping miserable wailing overflowed from his mouth.

Just for them

The consciousness that had been forced to escape was clinging to this sentence, as if the person about to drown grasped the driftwood.

As long as they are safe and sound, as long as they can protect them, as long as they are with them, they don’t have to think about anything, don’t have to listen, don’t have to look at them, they can be scarred and painful if they touch anything other than girls , So just think about how to protect them.

Just like this!

The teenager's thinking is gradually covered by a single color. Hesitation and doubts are discarded from thinking, only black and white are left in the field of vision, and the values ​​are unified into a single and clear.

Protect the girls.

Hug the girls.

I'm afraid this is not just the result of Sloss's oppression of Roland, maybe this is a desire deep in Roland's heart. Repeatedly chasing and chasing leads to a gap in the composition of the spirit, and he will never say it or express it. At this moment, his thoughts were free from restraint, and he might be liberated and expressed.

Just like the mother who lost her child. Just as she abandons everything, even giving up face to reality, she wants to revive the dead. Reputation, morality, manners... all abandonment~www.readwn.com~ There are only cherished people in my heart, and I feel extremely frightened and angry about losing each other.

Perhaps when the girls gathered around him one by one and took him on the road against Li Lin, he had such a thought in his heart.

Admittedly, this is selfishness, but it also originates from goodwill, and it is an idea that will naturally arise as a person.

At this moment Roland was forced by this mood to nowhere.

In order to prevent his meaning of survival from collapsing, he took the initiative to stop thinking. Even if it is left alone, he will actively condense the values ​​and thinking on the girls.

There is no need for oppression and inducement. Following the narrow vision that has been confined, Roland will complete the rewriting of himself and become the seeding machine that Slos expects to know and reproduce.

In other words, brainwashing is about to be completed.


There is no place to die.

Favna has only one comment on the scenery that she looks at.

Even the unmanned area full of artillery shells and corpses on the Rhine Front, the desert and the permafrost known as the life-limited zone are more vigorous than here, looking at the empty surroundings, refusing all life without words, not even the wind and the sound Existence, only gray sand, and a horizon that is too broad to cause fear.

"This is the spiritual world?"

Fafna's voice was full of confusion and shock.

Here is the hypothetical spiritual world formed by the connection between Slos and Roland.

The world intertwined with the two spirits should have been full of chaos and color, and the contradiction and resonance should weave a complicated picture.

However, only the desolation, only the silence, appeared in front of Fafna.

It's like... showing ominous signs to her.


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