Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1254: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan! (5)

Nona's answer was full of utterance, and it was okay to take it as the propaganda department's manuscript. Maybe the writers of the beautiful pens would also express more righteous words and more awe-inspiring, just like the legendary knights in the legend. Then Mr. Rabalt, the mayor, will be vigorously disgraced to verify why Charlemagne's grassroots officials are such a gadget in terms of race, descent, culture, and history. Finally, the advantages of Yalfheim are demonstrated through comparison.

This trick has long been ruined by the Propaganda Department and the Information Department, but anyone who has independent thinking ability and is willing to actually verify the comparison can find deviations and deliberate guidance. But the people of Charlemagne who are having a hard time are eating more and more of this set-especially in reality, some officials often behave in a more bottomless context than in publicity.

The traitors and leading parties throughout the ages believe in three theorems-"Personal interests are supreme", "Why can others sell, why can't I sell?" and "I am very useful"-no matter how the times and society change, these three laws They will be accompanied by these people, prompting them to betray and betray again and again until one day they are destroyed with the label of betrayal. Then the new betrayer will continue to repeat the same thing.

Mayor Rabalt is one of them.

What Nona said, he might not take it seriously at all, or it might just be a disguise to refuse to welcome. But these are not important. The important thing is that since the other party did not show a clear rejection-at least he thought so-it is reasonable to seize the opportunity by hitting the iron with heat, otherwise let alone the benefits that are still in hand in the future. It’s not good to keep.

"Look, sir."

The pimp-style charming smile was replaced by a kind and kind smile with a little helplessness and self-deprecation, and there was no violation in the whole conversion process.

"All the food in the village has been taken away by the army, and now every household has only one rough bread per day, and some of them can't even eat this. In order for the children to survive, they must make a choice."

I have to say that Mayor Rabalt is a very good lobbyist, and he is more suitable for sales than public officials. The defensive soldiers who were disgusted in the past all eased some expressions, and the leading commander did not show any dissatisfaction or interest in listening. In terms of communication, this is a good start.

With a spit in the mouth, the mayor continued to speak in a slightly bleak tone:

"I know that in the eyes of distinguished soldiers, this is by no means praiseworthy. But... we can’t help it. If we don’t take any measures, the village will starve to death before the aid arrives. People. So, at least let these children have a landing..."

The village head’s emotionally impressive speech was really touching. The armored soldiers began to whisper whether they should take these children. The officers were busy stopping the riots, and at the same time they used Yu Guang to look at the trembling children. Only Nona continued to maintain an indifferent look, and her heroic face could not see what she was thinking.

In fact, Nona is desperately patient, and she is using all her reason to restrain the urge to make a hole in that fat head.

The lies that clever scammers and salesmen are best at are not lies, but truth-telling—truths that only benefit you.

Mayor Rabalt is telling the truth, but this is only half of the truth. Not to mention the fact that Stasi and the Army Intelligence Department have checked the situation in Bastogne and the surrounding area clearly, even though Nona had not seen any reports on the sale of people before the war. Looking at the children's physical condition, and then looking at the belly of the **** in front of her, she can guess roughly what is stupid. I was just anxious to carry out the task before, and I didn’t want to waste time in this area that should be under the responsibility of the internal affairs department. As a result, the scumbag mayor continued to work harder and started to put his nose on his face. Who does he think he is? Who are you talking to?

The mayor of Rabalt did not notice that Noona’s emotions were slipping all the way in the direction of being out of control. Take out the special silver-plated carved pistol.

Ping--! !

The clear sound cut off the mayor's performance, and the muzzle of green smoke was against the greasy forehead of the mayor.

"Mr. Mayor, you have said enough, and we have listened enough."


The eloquent tongue was knotted, and the teeth hit a sound with a click, and a heat flow ran down the crotch to the heel.

"I'm not a policeman or Stasi. I'm not interested in studying your broken things. But if you don't understand the situation, you think you have a bargaining chip to bargain with us—"

There was another gunshot, and the bullet ran across the mayor's ear, followed by a woman-like scream.

"Now that I haven't changed my mind, the person who takes you with you will leave now!"

Less than ten seconds later, Mayor Rabalt disappeared without a trace of laughter and boos, and the soldiers who had seen enough lively continued to focus on the work at hand.

They did not notice that the officers were gathering together and it seemed that they were discussing something.


"If Mr. Mayor still had a little reason and judgment at the time, he should honestly hide in his home, seize the time to transfer his property and family members, or write a suicide note or something. Instead of going over the shoulder with the church and thinking about using pigeons Report to the Charlemagne army."

Lieutenant Colonel Bark lit the match, turned the cigar slowly, and spit out a big smoke.

"Of course, no matter what he does, it will eventually become a sacrifice we use to exchange people's hearts."

It’s not impossible to make a deal with the occupier and sell yourself, but you need to figure out the most basic things-who is the opponent, what is the situation, what cards do you have in your hand, and what cards does the opponent hold. Don't even master these basic conditions, and hurriedly go to sell and invest? Luck was brought up by the foot, and by the way, I sent you "You are also worthy of Taijun?", bad luck directly shot and thrown to the roadside to feed the dog.

The mayor gang hanging on the swings outside the window is an example of the unlucky egg behind.

As early as when formulating the occupation policy~www.readwn.com~The dictator and the General Staff clearly stated that the potential partners should be selected with the hard indicators of ability and political achievements, but if the public complains too much, regardless of the ability, once completed Enter and accept work, immediately publish criminal evidence and publicly punish.

Corruption and malpractice of impeachment of the enemy are excellent themes for occupiers to promote self-justice. Not to mention that these ground snakes have no loyalty at all. Instead of sharing power with these venomous snakes who do not know when they will bite, it is better to exchange their heads for the hearts of the people in the occupied area. By the way, this opportunity can also be used to enrich the national treasury and completely bring local and grassroots into state control.

As early as that time, the fate of the dregs like Mayor Labart was over. No matter whether he stayed at home honestly after being driven away by Nona, or if the people who went to the church wanted to report to Charlemagne, he was eventually hanged by Noona and her men. The frame was hanged in the curse and swearing of people.

"What about those kids?"

"That's a headache for the civil affairs department, we don't need to worry about it."


"The command has just called, and the bombed roads and bridges have been repaired and opened to traffic, and we will set off in a few hours. Before that, the situation will be controlled, and the gallows will collapse when they are hung up."


"...Also let the guys in the logistics department and the Stasi pay attention to the list of relief materials needed to see if they can be evenly distributed."

"Observe, sir."

There was a sound of heel hitting behind him, and Lieutenant Colonel Bark waved his hand. Until Nona left the headquarters, he didn't turn around, just focused on watching the gallows of a dozen people hanging outside the window, and a Fanned windows.


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