Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1255: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (6)

War is never sacred.

Since ancient times, war has been a master of bloodshed, killing, and violence, condensing all the bloodthirsty things refined after madness. The victor will impose all atrocities on the loser without worrying about being punished. Many officers not only "lead by example" but also encourage soldiers to commit various war crimes. In this way, the soldiers can become accomplices, inspire the morale of the soldiers and their enthusiasm for fighting, and they can also intimidate the people in the occupied area and prevent them from daring to resist.

Therefore, since the beginning of the war, the abuse, slaughter and plunder of the people and prisoners have not stopped.

——If there is no war, these things will not happen!

If a pacifist, you can be so critical.

But there is not only pacifists in the world, otherwise wars will not always exist, and various war crimes should have been eliminated.

From this point of view, strategic tactics that can quickly end the war and minimize damage can be regarded as some form of humanitarian action. At least compared to the overall war that has lasted several years, a generation that has died, and the endless security war and anti-terrorism war that has not been seen for more than ten years, the one-month blitz is obviously more in line with humanitarian principles.

Even if it is only to reduce the suffering of the enemy's people, it should win the victory as soon as possible.

Withdrawing his gaze from the gallows full of corpses, Nona moved her gaze back to the railway station that was running at full strength.

The reason why Bastogne can become the node that determines the victory or defeat of the B Group Army and the entire war is precisely because it is the most important transportation hub in the entire Ardennes region. Charlieman’s control of this place can force the B Group army that is advancing towards the Maas River to bypass, thereby gaining valuable time to adjust the defense deployment, and also making it a ulcer on the defense supply channel. The Defense Force won the Bastogne, and could use the transportation facilities here to make rapid advances towards the front of the Maas River and continue to supply.

Nowadays, Bastogne’s railway and highway system is operating at an unprecedented speed. In addition to unloading various materials and personnel, two armored trains transferred from the rear are also driven into the train dispatching station for preparation. Together with an attack aircraft wing of the Air Force, the Balk battle group will advance towards Libramont.

In order to regain the lost time, the above determination is great, and the power invested is unprecedented. A brigade-level battle group with independent heavy armored units, plus two armored trains equipped with heavy artillery (five 155㎜ plus howitzers, open rotating turret placed on a dedicated load platform, no need to install large caliber train guns A dedicated rotating track can be used to fire) and an attack aircraft wing. This size of force is more than enough to directly attack Sedan Fortress. Is it a bit too much to deal with a few small towns?

In fact, even this kind of combat power is barely enough in the eyes of the b Group Army Command. It is important to know that the Charlieman Cavalry Division-the 5th Light Cavalry Division is stationed on the front line from Libramont to Neshato. Due to the delays caused by the previous traffic jams, the Ministry has been aware of the anomalies that are close at hand and began to perceive Start reconnaissance.

Although the army group has got rid of the traffic jam, the huge convoy still lays a long line of snakes along the road. In this state, it is obviously unrealistic to want to launch an attack formation, and it is not a wise move to wait for the troops to come up and let precious time pass by in vain.

"Our mission is to break through the line of defense of the 5th Light Cavalry Division of the enemy, seize the roads and bridges leading to Bouillon as well as possible, and also divide the troops from the south to Neshato for outsourcing. We have no extra time to waste Here, the next thing is left to Stasi and the Ministry of the Interior."

As Lieutenant Colonel Bark said, the actions of Group B’s army are already lagging behind the schedule, and they can no longer delay time here. However, in order to prevent the recurrence of the chaotic situation, considering that the enemy troops in front are division-level cavalry units, if they are allowed to run around on the fragile supply line of the defense army, this battle really does not need to be fought. So this march can no longer be as crazy as before. The armored forces must be accompanied by armored grenadiers to attack the enemy's defense line to prevent the dead enemy infantry from rushing up to commit suicide attacks. You know, although Charlieman has not developed anti-tank weapons with a range of more than 30 meters so far, those weapons that can only function at the distance from the face to the face are actually only suicide weapons, but you can’t stand people. A lot, and the vision inside the tank is not good. The high-density Ardennes area is also an ideal infantry anti-tank paradise. If Charlieman soldiers rushed to the face with dynamite packs, they would be heavy The chariots are too much. The heavy chariot that was blown off the track and the engine compartment is equal to the belly of the cutting board, and the opposing infantry has some ways to clean up you.

Therefore, the marching queue and the attack sequence must be adjusted, even the marching method must be adjusted. Relevant procedures, replacement of communication codes and call signs, deployment tasks... There are a lot of miscellaneous things, and a lot of staff is too busy to even vomit blood.

Compared with these terrible things, putting a dozen spies, human traffickers, religious agents, corrupt officials and relatives involved in the case on the gallows is really not worth mentioning.

Perhaps their family members will feel sad and will be desperate for this, but what about others? The Defence Forces don’t care at all, the interested parties only care about the losses and gains, and the townspeople are a little more complicated, but Nona dare to assert that most of them are relieved because of the death of the mayor-just as the mastermind is known Accomplices who have already died from misfortune.

Nona squeezed her eyebrows, and it took half a minute to suppress the tumbling emotions in her body~www.readwn.com~ With a long sigh of breath, she opened her eyes again.

Whenever there is such a situation that triggers the memory restricted area, Nona will adjust her mindset by remembering someone, and this is no exception at this moment.

But unlike the past, when the eyes were reopened this time, the girl had turned into a soldier, and the wandering in her eyes had been expelled by the toughness of steel.


Nona opened her lips slightly and called silently.

——I want to prove it.

--you are wrong.


When the defense armaments were consolidated from north to south, the arc of the attack line depicted by Ufariz-Bastogne-Tantangi-Matrangi-Arlon was ready for the next stage of advancement During the battle, the Charlemagne opposite them was still in a state close to vacation. It has been 11 hours since 5:30 in the morning, and the two troops around Arden still know nothing about their situation.

Among them, apart from the backward communication methods of the Charlemagne Army, the defensive army’s strategy of bullying and the success of the battlefield interception, the main reason is that Roland was worried before the war-"No one in Charlemagne saw the Ardennes The huge crisis brewing in China." For the Charlemagne, Arden is more a health resort than a rear. Given the rugged terrain of the Ardennes region, if anyone wants to invest heavily here to launch an offensive, this person either does not know how to use troops, or is crazy at all, and to the high-ranking army of the Charlemagne family who has been completely rigid. Speaking, the two are the same thing.

When this group of granite heads encountered a situation that deviated from their common sense and dogma, a tragic comedy scene that started to be laughable began.


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