Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1276: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan! (twenty four)

The Air Force of the Defence Forces completely wiped out the airpower on Charlemagne's front, and the B Group Army on the ground was sprinting towards the Maas River. After a night of rest, their morale was high, their equipment was overhauled in time, and the engineering troops that had been waiting for them with bridging equipment finally caught up. The armored soldiers decided to rush the enemies remaining on the north bank of the Maas River to the other side of the river and take back all the rest time.

At this time, the effect of the "pause advancement" made by the General Staff last night became apparent. The defenders on the front line from Bouillon to Saint-Mansé and La Chapelle spent a night in the wind and cranes last night. Fatigue caused by high time tension is eroding the mental and physical strength of the officers and men. Even worse than this was the group army headquarters’ announcement issued by various units last night, the frivolous tone, the bureaucratic attitude of turning a blind eye to the imminent invasion, the contempt and insult to the soldiers who desperately brought back intelligence-all succeeded in anger The front-line officers and soldiers who had fought with the B Group Army also made many troops who had not yet come into contact with the enemy army confused and at a loss, not knowing which side they should believe in. It was in this state of division, chaos, and exhaustion that the 2nd Army ushered in the offensive on the 12th.

"Shoot! Shoot! Don't let those infantry hybrids keep up!"

Acting platoon leader Sergeant Flavini kicked hard at Paul's **** of the second-class soldier, and then roared closely to Paul's ear to:

"Are you blind?! What the **** are you doing! You're not carrying an anti-tank rifle!!"

"Sorry, Sergeant!!"

The second-class soldiers roared back with a louder voice-in this boiling hell, roaring and sign language were the only suitable means of communication for Charlieman soldiers.

Paul is affiliated with the 71st Infantry Division. His infantry battalion is responsible for the defense of Saint-Manges. This village is one of the few defensive systems that were carefully built before the war. There are many well-disguised bunkers and some rare ones. Anti-tank weapons, such as anti-tank rifles and powerful anti-tank thunder. As a model defensive position for deceiving superiors and coping with inspections, the village's fortifications fully met the standards, and even exceeded it a little. Relying on such positions for inspections, after each inspection by superior units, the Second Army was able to receive excellent evaluations and praise from the Army Department.

Now, it is the turn of the Alfheim Defense Forces to use real guns and live ammunition to test whether the fortifications in this village have failed.

Less than 5 minutes into the battle, the 88㎜ tank gun of the Tiger tank used the **** fact to educate the Charlie Man. 50~60㎜ thick cement may be suitable for the low muzzle velocity of the front mounted smoothbore gun or Dahlgren rifled gun. The artillery is a tough bone, but in front of the 88 artillery is the level of printing paper. If you encounter the 105-chamber gun of the Porcelain tiger type, you can’t even count the paper. Sergeant Flavigny saw how a volley of guns hiding in the bunker was shot into the soul. A flash of light drew a straight line in the air, and a whistle similar to a copper whistle disappeared into the shot. The angled cement layer above the mouth, and then flames spewed out from all the holes in the bunker, and the entire bunker was turned into an erupting fire column, witnessing the scene where the Charlemagne officers and soldiers were stunned until three or four seconds later, mixed The red rain of blood, meat, and gravel rained on the head, and the soldiers screamed and retracted into the anti-blast hole, holding the single-shot rifle and crouching in the damp pit full of smell.

Some officers tried to restore order. They dragged the soldiers hiding in the bomb holes, kicked them with leather shoes, pumped with a whip, and even fired guns into the sky to force the soldiers to return to their posts-in a chaotic battlefield In order to re-enter the soldiers whose spirit has been shocked and maintain the military discipline and military heart that have shown signs of shaking, simple and brutal violence will always be more effective than mental mobilization.

The officers did nothing wrong, and they would do the same with the defense.

Just making such an action that clearly identifies the difference in class is also tantamount to clearing the target for the sniper finger.

That's how the platoon leader of Sergeant Flavini's platoon was knocked out. At that time, a few recruits in the platoon seemed to be frightened by the shelling, covering their ears and chasing around in the trenches. The angrily corrupted platoon leader grabbed the collars of the two poor ghosts, opened bows from side to side, and after a dozen slaps, the platoon leader roared with a voice that could be heard throughout the battlefield:

"What a panic! They can't even hit the elephant at this distance!!"

As soon as the voice fell, a 7.92㎜ sniper bomb got into the head of the platoon, lifted off his skull and flew out of the forehead. The blood and brain plasma sprayed out sprayed the recruit's face and gave the child to him. Scared crazy. I saw him screaming, crying, crawling out of the trench and ran to the rear, only a few steps later, he was knocked to the ground by a bullet.

With a fresh case, no one dared to raise his head above the surface. The deputy platoon leader acting as platoon leader used the periscope to monitor every move outside the trench, and at the same time let the soldiers in the trench do a good job. Chariot ready.

As mentioned above, subject to resources and technology, the anti-tank weapon produced by Charlemagne is difficult to penetrate the front armor of the defense tank. From the perspective of usage and results, the survival rate of users is almost zero. To be honest, those tatters are not so much anti-tank weapons as suicide weapons. Using that pile of tatters to attack the Defense Force chariot is similar to the suicide method used by the Japanese to self-dissect and display internal organs. Process and refer the wrong person.

Charlieman’s grass-roots officers and soldiers are not waiting to see this kind of garbage, which is used for suicide and can’t hurt the enemy at all. The soldiers hate the unnecessary suicide, and the officers can’t accept their own unilateral losses. The enemy tanks are just Blackened or scratched off a layer of paint. So a bunch of "non-nationals", "ignorant soldiers' assholes", and "widow maker" hats were buckled on the head of Charlemagne's military technicians, and for a while, these people did not dare to say what they were doing. A group of people, so as not to go out clean, not only swollen nose and blue clothes, ragged clothes, but also accompanied by a spit, rotten eggs, rotten leaves.

Military technicians are actually quite grieved. Researching is not about cutting the abdomen. It takes a knife to poke the belly into the stomach and then draw a cross. Military research is inherently a highly rigorous and complex technology research and development system. It relies on the accumulation of foundation and accumulation of knowledge, not on the brilliance of a genius, which can advance rapidly overnight. If you don’t have enough technical reserves, even if you get all the weapon design drawings from Yalfheim, Charlemagne can’t build an anti-tank gun, let alone create a steel torrent to bring the animal army opposite. go back.

Metallurgy, materials, finishing technology, chemical industry, optics, electronics, system synthesis, ergonomics... whatever is taken out is enough to allow top scholars and technicians in the two camps of humans and orcs to toss for a lifetime~www.mtlnovel. Com~ still can't make a little progress. Not to mention that all projects have achieved breakthroughs before they are integrated-this is beyond the realm they can understand and imagine.

The development of science and technology is such a rigorous and meticulous road map, whether it is sighing, grieving, or unwilling, people can only accumulate and move forward one step at a time.

In a situation where technical catch-up cannot be achieved, people can only use tactics and flesh to fill the huge gap.

For example, since it is impossible to penetrate the armor of an enemy tank from the front, what about the rear, top, and bottom? Can you let the devil or soldiers get under the chariot or jump on the engine grille and use bombs to destroy the chariot? If it's difficult to rush under the tank, can you get a fatal blow from the bottom when the tank crosses the trench or foxhole?

Sergeant Flavini and other soldiers don't like this tactic very much. Be aware that ghost animals rarely let chariots move alone, especially when passing through dangerous areas such as trenches, foxholes, and fortification areas. They are all assigned to infantry and are specifically responsible for the protection of the tanks from the threat of enemy anti-tank infantry. They use light weapons to suppress or eliminate the anti-tank teams found. The tanks are responsible for destroying fixed fire points that pose a serious threat to their own infantry. The two cooperate with each other. Infantry alone can hardly have a chance to get close to the chariot. Even in the trenches, it is also necessary to face the suppression of the enemy infantry. But in the face of the billowing iron stream, they have no better choice.

Destroy, or drag the enemy to destroy together.

It is such a cruel radio question before the Charlemagne soldiers.


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