Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1277: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (25)

When it comes to destroying and dragging others to destroy together, generally speaking, most of these problems are dangerous people with antisocial personality disorders. Normal people simply cannot think about such problems, let alone put them into practice. But the battlefield is not a normal society. In the assassin of murder and assassination, there is simply no room for thinking about moral ethics. Especially the soldiers who face life and death every day, they don’t know the truth, they only know that you want my life, but don’t expect me to wait for you to kill me. When they know that they have no way back, killing one is enough, killing two and earning one is their common idea.

Therefore, when the opposite Iron King began to charge, the vast majority of people chose to fight hard to resist, even if they died together with the other party.

Their mood is understandable, and there is no problem with their thoughts.

The ghosts on the opposite side understood the idea of ​​the Charlemagne-they not only knew the performance of their tank parameters, but also directly experienced the feeling that dozens of tanks were besieged by anti-tank hunters on the training ground. After the various blue alien possessions and the Kamikaze upper body of the Blue Army's imaginary enemy units were slammed in various poses, the defense armored soldiers had fully understood the strengths and weaknesses of the chariot and faced the enemy tank hunting How to deal with the system of soldiers and trenches. So they sent a full set of death meals for the Charlie Man who was about to die.

Tank guns with straight trajectories and low depression angles are not suitable for destroying trenches. Light weapons such as machine guns and assault rifles must also enter the trenches to exert firepower. Large-caliber howitzers and mortars with high parabolic trajectories fire Coverage, grenade launchers, and grenades can be cleared to a certain extent, but they can exert a certain degree of power. However, the power of curvy jagged trenches will be greatly reduced. If the other party has facilities such as anti-blast holes and tunnel bunkers, The killing effect really depends on luck.

So what is the fastest and most effective way to deal with the trench system?

The answer is cluster bombs, incendiary bombs, fuel-air bombs, and flamethrowers, which is often referred to as "burning".

The cluster bomb can cover the entire depth of the trench in a short time, and various fuzes can be installed to meet various tactical needs as needed. For example, an air detonation fuze can be detonated at a height of 5 to 10 meters from the ground, and shrapnel can be used to kill unprotected infantry. A delay fuze can be installed to become a time bomb, and a special mechanical fuze can be installed to become a thunder or remote control bomb. Used to deal with engineers and perform blockade missions. As long as a sufficient number of cluster bombs are scattered, any fortified area and trench will become a dead zone.

Fuel-air bombs, also known as thermobaric bombs, not only release high heat and shock waves at the moment of detonation, but also quickly exhaust the air within the scope of the combustion, even if the enemy soldiers are hidden in the fort without being killed or burned. , Will also die of suffocation due to hypoxia. Molotov cocktails are roughly similar. They also use large-area burning to kill enemies. Although the flamethrower can't achieve surface killing, it is good to use a specific target to clear a specific target. No matter if it is a bunker or a blasthole, there will not be half a living person after a barbecue.

If you add the "special ammunition" fired by the mortar, there will really be no living creatures in the trench.

The battle group attacking St. Mang’s day happened to be without any of the above-mentioned trench cleaning artifacts. As soon as they found out that the Charlemagne were ready to die, they immediately presented a tailor-made death meal for the Charlemagne based on the situation at the scene.

The first to come was an air raid. An attack aircraft from a squadron screamed at the ground at a nearly vertical angle. The pneumatic whistle mounted on the wing tip gave a screaming scream. As the attack aircraft dived faster and faster, The scream also turned from coarse to sharp, until when there was less than a thousand meters away from the ground, 2 250 kgs hanging under the belly and 4 50 kg bombs hanging under the wings left the body together, straight toward The ground fell. When the bomb fell to 500 meters from the ground, the built-in barometric altimeter activated the shell lock, the shell split into two halves, and countless blue and white spheres scattered out, hitting the entire Saint Mans Day like raindrops. Before the defending army and the villagers could understand what the sky-falling things were, death and destruction had visited the unprotected lambs indistinguishably.

Each 250-kilogram cluster bomb carries 102 sub-bombs, and the 50-kilogram class can carry 21 sub-bombs. Each sub-bomb can produce about 300 pieces of metal fragments and steel balls.

Now 2592 sub-bombs evenly cover every inch of the village. Any unprotected target will be bathed in a full metal storm.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of explosions simultaneously sounded into a huge thunder. People involuntarily covered their ears and closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, the living people who had just been alive just now became a pile of **** flesh in the blink of an eye. In front of the nearly conical killing of air-blasted shotguns, neither lying down nor standing can escape the fate of being killed by high-speed flying debris and steel balls, even if hiding under the roof or in the anti-blast hole, if the angle is not the same It will be swept to the point that if it hits a vital part, it cannot be dealt with at the level of a field hospital. Be aware that some steel **** undergo special treatment and will bend after entering the human body. The shrapnel may be easier to take out, but shrapnel full of rust and sulphur fumes will enter the body with deadly carry, even if there is no death on the spot, The wounded will also die painfully from complications such as tetanus and sepsis caused by wound infection. From this level, it may be easier to die on the spot.

This single blow killed nearly 60% of the defenders on the spot, and some shrapnel shattered the burning flasks stacked in the trenches, causing several fires and explosions, which further exacerbated the chaos. When the defenders began to organize rescue and fire fighting, the mortars carried by the infantry fighting vehicles began to speak.

In the process of researching and developing infantry fighting vehicles, the defense army once had similar differences between light and heavy fighting vehicles. The entire history of infantry fighting vehicle research and development equipment is a historical epitome of related departments whipping, lifting bars, overweighting, bargaining, and lifting tables. This quarrel has continued from the establishment of the project to the finalized equipment, and its wonderful level is almost comparable to the process of developing the "Arjun" tank in India. Of course, under the direct and indirect intervention of the dictator, it didn't turn into a Bollywood-style comedy that had been built for a tank for thirty years and the military was forced to retire within a few years. However, there are many elements of joy.

At the beginning, the military and the weapons R&D department could not dispute whether they wanted an open-topped semi-tracked armored delivery vehicle or an all-track fully enclosed infantry fighting vehicle. Then on both sides, the thickness of the armor and the material used for the armor were torn, and then the martial arts were staged for the weapon configuration, and then the engine and transmission became the fuse of the cup war... until the dictator turned the table in anger, both sides did not Halt.

In other words, the reason for the dispute is that the two parties have different concerns. The military’s focus is on price and quantity. In order to maintain a sufficient quantity under the premise of limited budget, it is acceptable to abandon some performance indicators. The designers believe that the evolution of the battlefield and the speed of technology update are much higher than the military’s imagination. An armored transport vehicle that currently meets the needs is likely to become an iron coffin with a low survival rate after only one year. The development of new alternatives not only wastes time, but also increases the cost of refitting and training staff time. Rather than being in a hurry at the time, it is better to produce a fully enclosed tracked infantry fighting vehicle that is enough to fight a complete battle at this stage. What the military has to do is not to worry about the price, but to apply for more budget to develop and equip this "perfect battlefield taxi."

The views of the two sides are completely different, and there is no urine in a pot at all.

After all, there is a big boss who can decide in a word, or else both sides can argue for decades.

In the end, the dictator personally shot the board: the infantry chariot. To know that the next battle is a total battle, the large-scale use of nbc weapons does not necessarily stay in the safe’s combat plan or war literature. Biological weapons, chemical weapons, and even nuclear weapons are very likely to enter the battlefield. At that time, half-tracked armored transport vehicles and all inexpensive armored transport vehicles with insufficient three-proof capability cannot survive on the battlefield. 10,000 steps back, even if the nbc weapon was not used in the end, the security battle after the frontal battlefield is also an unavoidable problem. An infantry fighting vehicle equipped with multiple fire projection methods and heavy protection is obviously better than a half-tracked armor. The transport vehicle can survive and function in this harsh environment~www.readwn.com~The big boss has set the direction, the rest is naturally easier to handle, and the development of the entire infantry fighting vehicle is quickly on track , The final result is the "Leopard Leopard"-based on the lightweight chassis of the leopard chariot, equipped with a small machine gun turret, equipped with a crew cabin and an 81 mm mortar, it is like a reduced version Merkava Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Mekkawa 4 is an infantry fighting vehicle, no problem). It seems that this firepower configuration is not enough. In actual combat, "special ammunition" such as gas bombs, smoke bombs, and white phosphorus smoke incendiary fired by mortars were also distributed. The white phosphorus smoke incendiary pours into the infantry chariot pilgrimage.

Soon, Charlemagne officers and soldiers who were busy fighting the fire everywhere heard a unique sound from the sky. It was a strange scream similar to a woman crying. It started to be a woman crying, very The sound of crying and howling sounded. Many people raised the pergola with their hands in confusion and looked at the sky. When a group of dark dots quickly zoomed in the field of view, the people who finally reacted shouted the belated alarm with anger.

"Bombardment! Look for cover!!"

The alarm only sounded once, and was immediately overwhelmed by the loud noise of the shell explosion. First, there were 1 and 2 explosions-this was the range-finding test to find the accurate head, and soon the explosion sound became a piece. Even experienced veterans cannot distinguish the caliber and model of the shells. They could not even estimate how many cannons the ghosts and animals had moved to aim at this small village.

The fierce bombardment lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and numerous meteors dragging white smoke splashed down on the ground. The remaining smoke traces depict a jellyfish with poisonous tentacles only reaching the ground. As the smoke gradually spread, the entire Saint Mans Day became a human purgatory.


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