Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1278: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (26)

White phosphorus bomb is an extremely cruel weapon.

People who have used it, seen it, and directly suffered the damage from this weapon will not doubt this.

This weapon has the dual characteristics of incendiary bombs and gas bombs. If it is stained with a star, it will be burned to a dead body alive. Inhalation of white phosphorus smoke will burn the lungs and cause internal organ failure. Even if it is too close, it may cause hypoxia and suffocation. danger. As for the victims of various white phosphorus bombs, as well as those survivors who have spent the rest of their lives with painful memories and disabilities, they can only be described as "miserable".

Because of this, since the first use of the First World War, white phosphorous bombs have been banned by various international conventions, but if you think that you can lock this inhumane weapon into Pandora’s magic box, then you are also unavoidable Too small to see the black wisdom of mankind. You must know that since ancient times, only countries with no power have to abide by the treaty. Powerful countries either do not participate in the convention, or try to avoid the **** of the treaty, or tear up the treaty at some point-for real powers and superpowers, The treaty was signed to tear it up at some point.

For example, when the international convention prohibits Dam bombs, people find ways to change the material of the bullets so that they can easily roll over and break apart when they enter the body. For another example, when most countries in the international community jointly requested the abandonment of cluster bombs and landmines, the major powers expressed their high regard for the humanitarian problems caused by landmines, fully understood and consistently supported the efforts of the international community to solve this problem, and then turned the corner. It is very blunt and blunt that after careful research, according to "national security", "military needs", "security commitment to allies" refused to sign a convention to stop the production and use of landmines and cluster bombs. When it comes to the cruel and efficient weapon such as white phosphorous bombs, everyone will change their face and package them into smoke bombs and signal bombs. Even if someone pointed out the substance of this weapon and cited a large amount of evidence to prove that the so-called "white phosphorus smoke bomb" was not only used on the frontal battlefield, but also used to disperse the protesting crowd, a large number of unarmed civilians were burned into mummies, or The shattered shattered arm and limb were waiting to die on the hospital bed. What about then? Who is unlucky because of protests and accusations? Or did the white phosphorus bomb disappear from the world? Everything continues as usual, and the sun still rises.

The Defence Forces are not humanitarian people who are compassionate and compassionate, nor are they international rescue teams. They are iron-blooded professional soldiers who give top priority to efficiency and results. When the Charlemagne's determination to fight hard is stopped in front of them, of course they will give top priority to how to quickly and effectively remove obstacles. First use cluster bombs to maximize the destruction of unprotected targets, and then use white phosphorus smoke incendiary bombs to further eliminate the remaining enemy troops hiding in the bunker. At the same time, use the high temperature induced by white phosphorus combustion to detonate cluster bombs that have not exploded due to fuze failure and other reasons. After the poisonous smoke disperses, the armored forces and armored grenadiers will cooperate to break through the defense line, and the subsequent mechanized infantry will clean the battlefield-this is the fastest and most effective solution they can think of.

Since this is the most effective and time-saving, there is no problem using this tactic. As for whether it is humane... First, Marshal Helmut Karl Bernhard von Mauch, the famous German strategist and founder of the General Staff System, believed that the war between the two countries did not necessarily involve civilians. But even in that era of the old gentleman, no army regarded his judgment as a creed and a code of conduct, let alone the popularization of general war thinking; secondly, when Alfheim himself was planning this war It is premised on the overall war. The so-called blunt battle is to use all means to hit you on your knees and lick your shoes while calling your father. Since all means are exhausted, it naturally includes the listing of civilian installations and ordinary civilians as targets of attack; in the end, since ancient times, only victory is real and the process is of no consequence. The world will not condemn the victors. If someone condemns you, it can only show that your victory is not thorough enough.

In summary, when using cluster bombs and white phosphorous incendiary smoke bombs, the officers and soldiers of the defense army did not have any psychological pressure. Even if the curses, wailing, screaming, and cursing like the bottom of **** came out from the yellow and white smoke, they still looked as usual. The officers continued to study the marching route against the map. The soldiers counted the ammunition inspection equipment, and the chemical company responsible for the decontamination operations (anti-chemical is actually a sideline, using chemical weapons is the main business). They were wearing protective clothing, and the logistics truck on the side was working. Remove a can of water-based fire extinguisher.

It should be explained here that there is a saying on the Internet that white phosphorus spontaneous combustion cannot be extinguished. Once contaminated, it will continue to burn until it is burnt to ashes. This is actually a kind of misrepresentation that does not understand the characteristics of white phosphorus. As long as the white phosphorus is isolated from the air, it will stop burning. If it is contaminated with the burning white phosphorus, immediately put the burned place and the attached white phosphorus in the water. After completely isolating it from the air, the white phosphorus It will soon go out. In addition, a large number of dry powder fire extinguishers (that is, the common red fire extinguishers) and water-based fire extinguishers (mostly green tanks) sold on the market can be extinguished by covering and covering the white phosphorus. Nowadays, dry powder fire extinguishers are gradually being replaced by water-based fire extinguishers due to their unique corrosiveness (water-based fire extinguishers can be sprayed directly on the human body, which can play a thermal insulation and flame retardant effect within a certain period of time, which is impossible for dry powder fire extinguishers), basically When encountering chemical fires such as white phosphorus, people first use mostly water-based fire extinguishers.

The chemical company is working on the surface, and the white phosphorus smoke needs a process. After the defenders are burned or died of poisoning, they will quickly clean the scene with water-based fire extinguishers, extinguish the unburned white phosphorus fragments, disperse the smoke, and ensure that The troops can pass quickly. In the process, if they meet the survivors who have not yet died, they will do their best to let the other party out of the pain.

Instead of dying from the pain caused by pulmonary edema and phosphorus poisoning, www.readwn.com The same). Regardless of what other people think, I have seen the victims of chemical poisoning who struggled to the last moment under various poisons. The soldiers thought it was kind.

The time seemed to be almost the same, the smoke concentration began to decline, and the sounds of resentment, regret, pain, nostalgia, and sadness had not been heard for more than 10 minutes.

It's time to start construction.

The company commander raised his hand and was about to wave his hand. The dull sound broke the silence.

It was a gunshot, but the movement was too great as a gunshot and almost caught up with the machine gun.

What corresponds to the sound is its powerful power.

Generally speaking, even if hundreds of rifle bullets hit the chariot, no matter what angle it hits in any position, it will only scratch off the paint and bounce off. The rifle in front of him was indeed unable to take the heavy armor of the Tiger chariot, and fell helplessly into the grass on the roadside after he opened it.


Obviously it was just a shooting. It actually left a 5㎜ deep, thick finger jumping jump groove on the front armor of the turret of the Tiger tank.

"The chariot troops stepped forward! The chemical company retreated! The enemy had an anti-tank rifle in the hand! Repeat, the enemy had an anti-tank rifle in the hand!!"

The roaring moment came from the headset, and the captains who showed half of their bodies from the command tower shrank back, and the anti-chemical company that was about to go back to the place of departure. During this period, another bullet hit another. The front armor of a Tiger-style chariot hit the driver's observation window a few centimeters away, and shocked the lucky man with cold sweat.


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