Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1279: Twenty-one. Clash into the door of Sedan (27)

A pair of curious eyes glanced through the eyepieces at the battlefield that was a little bit outlined, and the uncovered shock and incredibleness filled those eyes.

After cluster bombs and white phosphorus smoke bombs scrub the ground, can there be living people? Isn't the group of Charlemagne opposite made of iron?

Every defense officer has such doubts in his mind. They are too aware of the power of cluster bombs and white phosphorous bombs. After being washed by that kind of thing, although the ground will not grow into grass, any creature larger than the mouse can definitely guarantee the death light, and the size of the human body can leave a A complete body is a miracle.

However, it was under such a terrible blow that Charlemagne actually survived and dared to shoot them with anti-tank rifles.

The bullet struck not only the armor of the Tiger chariot, but also the psychological armor of the officers and soldiers of the defense army, which made them feel a shock.

The shelling and bombing alone can wipe out the enemy troops hiding in the bunker fortifications-the British, Germans, Americans, and Soviets have all thought about it and put it into practice. However, during the Battle of the Somme, the British' preparations for three days and three nights failed to bury all the Germans in the tunnel. The Germans have also tried one by one in Verdun, Marne, Brest Fortress, Sevastopol, Stalingrad, Warsaw, and they have never succeeded. Americans who never lacked steel and explosives dropped countless ammunition on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, North Korea, and Vietnam, and ended up either leaving unbearable memories or almost drowned in the mire of war. The Soviet Red Army, known as a fighting nation, has no upper limit for artillery shells in Afghanistan, cluster bombs, mines, gas, and incendiary bombs-except for the atomic bomb, all the weapons in the equipment sequence have been used one after another, and they have not been able to hide in the cave. The guerrillas cleaned up and finally withdrew from the Imperial cemetery in vain. The Red Empire collapsed.

Expecting a round of carpet bombing and white phosphorus bomb scrubbing to completely eliminate enemy forces with a complete trench system is too naive to be optimistic.

Whatever the defense system of Saint-Mans Day is also a model position for coping with superior inspections, there is no shortage of things, and the functions of anti-gun, fire and anti-virus are all available. If the defenders lacked training, panicked when they were bombed, and fled, instead of hiding in underground bunkers and leaving only a few troops to monitor on the ground, white phosphorus smoke incendiary bombs would not even cause more than single digit casualties.

To put it bluntly, it was not the inhumane weapons of the Defence Forces that caused the heavy casualties of the St. Mang’s garrison, but the stupid bureaucrats who squatted in the Sedan fortress’s office. It was their malfeasance and slack that buried St. Mang’s. Eighty percent of the last possibility of defending the army and preventing the B Group army from rushing towards the Meuse River.

Sergeant Flavigny and his men survived the indiscriminate bombing. Judging from the records of the battles between the King Charlemagne Army and the Defense Force, this is indeed a proud achievement. Soldiers or officers who have achieved this great cause should be promoted, awarded medals, and commemorative stamps. His stories will be included in school textbooks, inspiring generations of loyal and patriotic Charlemagne to follow suit.

But the parties were not interested in those praises and honors. At this moment, only hate, fear, and pain that could not be erased filled his mind.

Sergeant Flavigny has now become the platoon leader of their infantry platoon. At this time, there are only 9 people left, five single-shot rifles, an anti-tank rifle and three thorns. Two of the survivors had their eyes damaged, and the other had a severe burn to the lungs. Sergeant Flavigny, who had a little veterinary experience, had to use a bayonet to cut his trachea, and the rest was crowded with him The same robes that survived in a flooded blasthole.

A sergeant, two second-class soldiers, three rookie rookies, three seriously wounded, six guns and three thorns-this is the only remaining combat power on a 200-meter position. Opposite them is a brigade-level armored fighting group.

Including the parties themselves, no one believes that Charlemagne can win. They can only choose between decent surrender and glorious battle.

Sergeant Flavini did not hesitate, picked up the anti-tank rifle, and hung the shoulder bag full of bullets on his shoulder.

The sergeant has no higher education and can only spell his own name. On weekdays, he has to write a letter and have to follow the army pastor or even his deputy. What is the eighth and the most unprecedented, what is a broken jade, to this fifty-year-old old sergeant, is completely a distant story in another world. It stands to reason that he shouldn't bet his life on those illusory things.

However, as a good old sergeant who confessed to death, Sergeant Flavigny firmly believed that soldiers have what soldiers have to do, even if there are millions of soldiers on the opposite side, they must stick to the last moment-this is the destiny of soldiers.

The tip of the bipod plunges deep into the sandbag. The sergeant puts the **** against the shoulder. The hand holding the grip pulls down firmly. The grip draws a semicircle along the fixed axis of the receiver. The linked latch is opened. The recruit who was acting as a loader on the side hurriedly filled a 12.7㎜ bullet into the exposed gun barrel, lifted the grip again, locked it, loaded it, and with the sound of a “click” falling falcon, the anti-tank rifle had After loading, the two second-class soldiers stepped forward and stood, holding his hands against Flavone's shoulders.

The sergeant put his **** against his shoulder, suppressing panic and anxiety, and looked towards the intersection covered by dense fog.

The legend of .50over is well known in Charlemagne’s army. This gun is inseparable from the miserable end of the user. Flaveni has also heard the rumors and witnessed the shattered shoulder blades who had to retire early. Guy. At that time, the old sergeant who had retired had also wondered whether to take the time to test shots, and then went home to cultivate after a few months and then farmed. Before the sergeant implemented this plan, the ghosts and animals were killed. Now operating this infamous rifle, Sergeant Flavigny could not help secretly lamenting his fate.

Breathing for a moment, the noisy noise came from the other end of the dense fog, followed by a roar of machines. After discerning the direction of the sound of the mechanical operation, Sergeant Flavigny pointed the trigger at a looming shadow in the thick fog.

The orange fire, the roar of the grenade exploding in the ear, and the choppy field of vision are the first information captured by the brain. After a while, the smell of smoky smoke fills the nasal cavity, and the pain of the whole body is torn with a soldering iron after being torn apart Spreading along the shoulders and arms, the fierce tingling that almost made people faint into one wave after another, Sergeant Flaveni's brain thrashed in waves of pain. It took five seconds for the sergeant to take a breath, looked at the scald marks in the shape of the shaking palm and the grip of the palm, and then look at the second-class soldier Domière who was screaming at his shoulder, Sergeant realized that he could not hear anything.

-What the **** is this?

The sergeant raised his trembling right hand and shook it, indicating that he had no problem, while cursing loudly at the heart of the people who designed and produced this anti-tank rifle.

You know that although he is shooting in a standing position, the buttocks are equipped with springs to absorb recoil, and in order to prevent two people from supporting his shoulders from behind to spread the recoil.

Even so, the huge impact still made the bones of the whole body crunch. With just one shot, the body of the gun became extremely hot and even burned the right hand holding the grip.

A rifle that can only be fired once;


Frightening legends and nicknames flitted through my mind. Sergeant Flavigny clenched his teeth and dragged the bottom of the grip with his right hand again.

After a rough sound of metal rubbing against each other, the red cartridge case popped out. The brass case was broken and tattered. Looking closely at the inside of the gun barrel, the gunpowder residue and metal fragments adhered to the magazine and flickered. A heat wave hit the sergeant's face. As the heat rose and twisted the light, the magazine was swayed and twisted in the sergeant's eyes like an oil pan or a steel-making furnace.

Loading ammunition into it is almost the same as pouring explosives into a hot iron pan.

The loader on the side looked at Flavone with fright, and the sergeant nodded. The young man quickly filled the 20 mm thick warhead into the magazine, and immediately ran away.

The second-class soldiers stepped forward again against the sergeant's shoulder, and Sergeant Flavigny glanced back at the two old men who were born and died many times. Domière nodded silently at him, and Podhol remained expressionless, his empty left hand holding an envelope-that was a family letter sent a week ago, which told the 58-year-old second-class soldier his son After being called up, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby boy. He is now a grandfather...

The veterans did not communicate, they did not need extra words. They knew that no one could guarantee that the rifle could withstand the next shot. Even if luck bursts the watch, what if it can withstand 10 rounds? The people and guns at hand alone can't stop the enemies pouring in like a tide. If the opponent is smart enough, even without wasting time to adjust the strength, an infantry company can launch a tentative attack to find out the real situation here, then they will quickly tear the line of defense, and destroy the remaining defenders.

This village can't hold it anymore. I'm afraid this war will also...

If you want to die here anyway, as a veteran, as an old man, merit, honor, and wealth are no longer important to them at this moment. But if it can replace the young people in the battlefield, it is a merit. After a long life on the battlefield, in the end, they can still exert a little strength, and the veterans even felt a little happy and gratified.


-Almighty Goddess.

-We pray to you and offer you our flesh and blood.

——If you can hear our prayers, please let our children and grandchildren no longer face this kind of killing, and do not repeat the same mistakes!

Carrying the voices of the veterans, the anti-tank rifle roared again.

On a foggy battlefield, you can only do a rough aiming shot. It is impossible to say that even if you are lucky enough to hit the tank, it is impossible to penetrate the armor of the heavy tank. But for veterans, it doesn't matter.

It was not a counterattack, nor a dying struggle.

Only the roar poured into life and prayer came from this rifle.

One more shot, one more shot--

The thunder cries that seemed to tear the dark clouds sounded one after another until the fourth unprecedented roar and the strange noise like metal hanged the metal torn the entire battlefield, everything returned to tranquility.


The army finally occupied St. Mang's day at 4 pm four hours later. All the infantry battalions stationed in the village were killed in battle. No one surrendered or was captured.

The two belligerent parties were not surprised by this result, but the defending army insisted that the last person's deadly fight left a deep impression on the defense army, saying that it was a spiritual shock. This is mentioned in the defense report and the history of the war, and the most representative of the sense of the front-line officers and soldiers is a text record left by the 101st experimental heavy armored battalion commander who participated in the war.

"This is a group of brave people, a group of real warriors, they have defended their flag and honor with action. After this battle, I believe that there will never be anyone else who will blindly believe that the Charlemagne are just a group of cowards. Something like that? If anyone else dared to speak eloquently, ask him to lie on the front armor and charge with the troops to experience the power of the "coward". To be honest, if I move somewhere, I don’t think my military can Be braver than these Charmans."

Nona stood on the edge of the trench~www.readwn.com~ Not far in front of her, there were three stacked bodies. About 10 meters from here, several young men in the army uniforms of the Charlemagne family lay down in the trenches. These children, who were not yet Nona, squeezed their arms tightly and rushed towards the armored grenadiers. Direction.

The body in front of Nona has been highly damaged. The two outermost bodies are barely recognizable. The innermost body is completely unrecognizable. Not only was the part above the neck blown up, but the uniform was also severely burned. Even the identity and No military rank can be identified (the Charlieman Army did not popularize dog tags).

The three bodies maintained the standing posture when they were found. Two second-class soldiers supported the third person's shoulders. The unknown third person's shoulders pressed against the huge buttstock. The left hand went nowhere. The charred right hand held the grip tightly. The index finger clasps the trigger.

Moving his sight slightly forward, it was a metal tube that burst from the inside, and the guard and iron hoops that fixed the barrel were also blown out. The metal that used to be an anti-tank rifle was now a twisted bouquet. Stand on the quiet trench.

With a slight sigh, Nona continued to write:

"If Charlieman soldiers have better weapons in hand, and there are enough qualified officers to command them, I am afraid that this battle will be dragged on longer, and our army will face a more complicated and difficult situation."

After writing, Nona lightly dried the ink, re-reading it and found nothing in the problem, then put the notebook in the jacket pocket, turned around and ran back to her car. With a roar, Nona and her troops ran down A battlefield, with this little war that can fit in your pocket-

Behind her is a forested single-shot rifle. Each rifle pierces into the mound with the muzzle down, and a military cap hangs from each buttstock.


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