Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1285: Twenty-two. War without weapons (5)

Surrounded by a wolf-like neighbor and unpleasant memories of being occupied by Austria prompted Ceres to consolidate military power while pursuing "equidistant diplomacy" to ensure the country's survival. So the Holy See has the loyal Seres Guard. As long as the money is given, whether it is Charlemagne, Ostoria or even the United Principality of Rose, the Serres mercenaries will kill you-as long as the opposite is not a native of his hometown. When the Luis mercenaries meet on the battlefield, they will implement the principle of "the Seres do not fight the Seres." At the same time, Serez’s bank began to absorb the salaries sent by the mercenaries and all kinds of secret funds from various customers. Whether you are a royal aristocrat or a Jiangyang thief, whether the money remitted to the bank is legal income or the road is wrong, as long as you Affordable handling fees, what kind of money can help you deal with flawless and clean.

Relying on all kinds of routines, Seres has become the most successful neutral country to date, with per capita gdp, average life expectancy, and life happiness index all ranking among the highest in the world. For a while, it almost became a priority country for immigrants.

This beautiful thing has been maintained until the rise of the v.e consortium.

As a super trust-based enterprise, the consortium has launched its operations with the goal of achieving a monopoly in all fields, which inevitably conflicts with Serres. In the early stages of development, the consortium’s secret wet and dry forces and the killers of Ceres are fighting every day of the life and death. At the same time, there are sacks full of broken corpses found in the city of Serres merchants and consortium branches. , Killing on both sides can be described as happy. Later, with the intention of cooperation with Prime Minister Richelieu, after the official acquiescence, the consortium was completely without scruples, so the love and mutual killing became a unilateral slaughter. The consortium directly dispatched the private army (no one knew of the defense army at that time) to disguise as a underworld thief, throwing a fire bomb or bomb directly at the store of the Serres merchant, and then the gunmen and crossbowmen surrounding the store fled towards each. People shooting out. Coupled with the consortium's all-round attack on the supply channel and the capital chain, the Ceres businessman finally defeated and handed over the market share to the consortium.

With such a layer of evil, Serres is one of the most reluctant forces in the consortium of Alfheim among the nations, and their aversion to the elven camp is second only to Ymir. As a country founded by mercenaries and money makers, the Seres are very aware of the inherent expansion and mobility of the national monopoly capital, coupled with a strong standing army force, such a neighbor is enough to remind all Seres Shudder. If this neighbor swallowed Charlemagne to grow stronger, the Serres would have been unable to sleep at night.

At that time, the Seres will lament "the heaven is too far, **** is too close" like the small countries in another world with strong neighbors (about xx, please substitute for the three largest UN Security Council).

But if anyone thinks that Ceres will strongly support Charlemagne, and use Charlemagne to eliminate the nightmare of Alfheim, then it is too much to look down on the eyes of this group of beneficial animals.

Through decentralized intelligence networks established by money houses and mercenaries, Serres has a deep knowledge of Charlemagne, not inferior to Alfheim. Perhaps there is not a small gap in the accuracy of information and the level of access to confidentiality, but Serres has a very profound and sober understanding of the nature of the Charlemagne regime and the development trend of this regime.

——This is a country where muscles control the brain and die without fighting or looting.

In a report on Charlemagne, Seres intelligence officials wrote in a very sharp manner.

The so-called militaristic country is, to put it bluntly, a bandit organization with a bandit size. All resources, production, and personnel of the entire country serve the army. The army gains territory, resources, and population through external aggression and expansion. Through such a cycle, the operation of the war machine is maintained. Once this cycle is broken, the entire country will fall into irremediable financial bankruptcy, a large number of soldiers who will kill nothing will join the army of unemployed, and then there will be a series of unrest and civil war, and the country will end.

The growth of such a neighboring country is not a boon to Serres.

When the two beasts interact with each other, for the weak third party, the beasts continue to fight and bleed until they all die together is their most enjoyable situation.

This is the dream of all small countries. In reality, it is indeed not uncommon to adopt the policy of seeing the wind to make the rudder policy wander and the weak countries of the two major powers. It's just that not everyone can play the tightrope game. There are always more survivors who fall off the tightrope than crush the bone.

Ceres is lucky, he is still swaying on the wire, and there are countries with the same views who are willing to take them.

"Our goal is to end this war that is not good for everyone as soon as possible. If Alfheim is allowed to defeat Charlemagne, the result will be a more powerful force than Charlemagne, with both sea, air and land. The newly born hegemonic country with superior position. This is not good news for all countries. On the contrary, if we send troops to rescue Charlemagne to prevent him from dying, then we will become the same as Alfheim in the voice of questioning opposition in the country. Charlemagne, who has gained a respite and has not made any changes to the regime, will not be grateful to Dade, nor will he become a pure, obedient tool against the expansion of Alfheim. If Charlemagne suffered some losses, but kept the army Backbone, and a communicative and rational leadership replaces the current avid and belligerent senior government, then we can intervene in this war."

The young nobleman stopped and took a sip of black tea. After the honey-filled drink soaked his thirsty throat, he continued:

"We will ensure the sovereign independence of Yalfheim, and the warring parties will divide the borders with actual lines of control, namely Agentolaton, Lorraine, Byron, Upper and Lower Rhine, Brandenburg, Silesia, Weiss Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and other places are ruled by Yalfheim, and the crown of St. Esteban and Ostoria choose to join Yalfheim or Charlie by local self-determination. In this way, as long as Ajanto Raton and Loretta are in the hands of Yalfheim, Charlemagne and Yalfheim cannot be reconciled. This is the best situation for everyone . Charlemagne will curb the scourge of sharp ears, and Alfheim will curb the Charcoal scourge."

In other words, it will be a long-term chaos without winners. The only significance is to maintain a rigid and twisted balance and ensure the safety, interests and comparative advantages of other countries.

The only one who came up with this strategy and said it was only the Albians, and only this group of pure and thorough egoists and realists who are more pure and thorough than the Seres to dare to instigate and abet the mainland. Neighbors fought each other, causing everyone to be restless, and also called it the "mainland balance policy."

Although pits and pits between countries are normal, basic fiduciary and diplomatic principles still have to be said. Like the Albians, they are arrogant and shoveling their allies...The Seres are a bit overwhelmed.

Shaking his head, the Rupert Rubinsky Senior Affairs Officer threw a trace of unhappiness and nausea out of his mind and carefully asked:

"Lord, will Charlemagne and Alfheim be willing to accept mediation?"

There is no doubt that this is the core of the problem.

No matter how perfect the plan is, without the cooperation of the parties involved, the plan will only stay in the plan stage.

Will Alfheim and Charlemagne be willing to stop?

Charlemagne may be a bit rigid, and it often happens that he has to face and suffer, but life and death and devaluation to a mess of self-esteem, normal people know which side is more important.

The problem is actually Alfheim.

Unlike the exhausted parties in the Russo-Japanese War who are willing to accept the mediation of the Theodore Roosevelt Commander, Alfheim is fully capable of carrying the war to the end and will definitely win the final victory. It's harder for them to stop when they are about to win a full victory than to ask men to give up the girls who are about to catch up. Carelessness can also arouse resentment from this emerging power. From a long-term strategic perspective, it is also extremely dangerous to look at the surrounding Alfheim with doubt and resentment.

"So, the change of Charlemagne's regime is imperative. Only by handing in enough troublemakers can we persuade Yalfheim to accept such an imperfect but not unacceptable peace."

The Albion Kingdom Special Envoy, Lord Halifax, Edward Wood, spoke in an unquestionable tone.

"We have already got in touch with Yalfheim. The dictator made it clear that ~www.readwn.com~ he paid tribute to the sincere and sincere attitudes of the countries, and will send celebrities to a neutral third party, which is Cyprus. Reese’s land is in contact with all parties. However, he believes that under the current circumstances, as evidence of Charlemagne’s pursuit of peace, Alfheim has to ask Charlemagne to make a more explicit expression than has been expressed. ."

"In other words, regime change is the most basic prerequisite for realizing peace talks."

The unspeaking Special Envoy of the United Principality of Ross, Foreign Minister Vladimir Nikolayevich Ramsdorf, inserted.

"My country also believes that the current Charlemagne cabinet is not suitable for the important task of peace negotiations. Charlemagne must be led by a more savvy and sensible leader on the road to peace, and faster."

"If they can't do it themselves, we can help."

The Lord said casually. He had a very bad impression of Prince Louis. More than once, he suggested sending someone to give a shot to the head of the patient with severe secondary and secondary disease.

The two princes with big mouths on the side, who had no barriers, had no good feelings and agreed without suspense.


The Senior Affairs Officer cleared his throat.

"According to the scheduled itinerary, the negotiation staff of both sides will arrive at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It is unclear who will be sent by Alfheim. The representative of Charlemagne is Jean de Dalk."

"This is really... heavyweight."

The Lord was about to slash the match with his hands stiff in the air, and after a full three seconds, he made a meaningful ridicule.

"Let us see if this legendary saint girl can once again create a miracle, and whether Charlemagne can escape the crisis of the dead country under the leadership of a woman like the oracle passed down from ancient times."


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