Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1286: Twenty-two. War without weapons (6)

Innsbruck, Cerestyrol, 2:45pm.

Located in the heart of the Alps, Innsbruck is a famous tourist destination. This city on the edge of the Inn River was historically under the rule of the Habsburg family. As Habsburg's power weakened, this place was located in Bray The Genz-Vendobon east-west valley and the north-south road passing through the Brenner mountain pass are called the city of crossroads between the mountains and fell into the hands of Serres. This place is famous for its magnificent snowy mountains and many exquisite Baroque and Gothic buildings. Many nobles and dignitaries and nobles have lingered here.

As a place for secret diplomatic negotiations, nothing is more suitable than here.

As a neutral third-party territory, it has relatively strong credit and security guarantees. In addition, the appearance of senior foreign government officials and nobles in the famous summer resorts is not easy to cause suspicion. The most important thing is that the ancient buildings here are quite old, and there is never lack of hidden meeting rooms for private communication. This stage is simply perfect for a series of vertical, horizontal and intriguing fights to be unfolded here.

"Do you know? People often say that there are only three types of Serres. Spies, mercenaries, and bank owners."

The captain of the Guard wearing a high-level suit dress polished his nails with glass steel manicure and said casually:

"Actually they also missed a group of people-brokers."

As the war broke out, Serres’ unique status made it increasingly important in international diplomacy. Diplomats from various countries come into secret contact here; spies steal information from each other; mercenaries accept various commissions, from ordinary caravan escorts to **** important items to deal with difficult events and characters; Qianzhuang boss helps the warring parties Manage money.

It also includes Yalfheim.

For real profit animals, as long as the benefits gained outweigh the losses, then any hatred can be put aside. Not to mention the hatred accumulated in commercial competition, national hatred and family hatred can be thrown aside. It is their only guiding principle to get as many benefits as possible.

Therefore, when Yalfheim approached Serres to handle some funds, the bosses of Qianzhuang did not resist at all. They served customers with sharp ears as diligently as the goddess and served the mother god. Unclean banknotes, jewelry, marketable securities, title deeds, precious metals...

The cooperation between the two parties has always been very pleasant. Yalfheim has added a money laundering channel, and Serres has an additional customer with sufficient funds. The bilateral relationship can be described as glue and water. However, as the balance of the war quickly tilted towards Yalfheim, the fiery honeymoon also began to cool down. A cruel atmosphere full of realism and utilitarianism began to spread between the two countries.

It's no surprise that Alfheim's changes to Serres, as commercial competitors, they are too clear for this group of advertised permanently neutral guys to play tricks in private. To say that they are grass on the wall is really a bit of an insult to others. To be precise, Serres is a wind-chicken. When the wind blows the grass, they will change their faces, not to mention that they are facing "a big change that hasn't happened in a thousand years." On the eve of the rapid change of geopolitical environment, it is a strange thing that those smart people will not have any movement.

A small country with strong neighbors has its own set of wisdom for survival. They know better than anyone that the way of survival in a small country is not to be independent, but to see the wind and the rudder. For example, a piece of Ping Du Zhenlu's floor mat). Now that Alfheim finally pryed off Charlemagne's hard shell, and was about to eat, if Seres dared to cross the bar, he would definitely be rid of it by the angry Alfheim. Therefore, they will never jump out automatically as the first bird, and will secretly build a diplomatic siege net against Yalfheim with the big powers. The big powers charge in front, and Seres wears a needle lead in the back, an invisible big net. That's it. Even if Yalfheim noticed that there was a shadow of Serres behind him, he was pinned by other countries, and there was no clear evidence. Even if he hated his teeth, he could not easily attack these gangs of political brokers.

This is indeed a group of cunning foxes, with a good abacus.

But they are far from the cunning fox.

Looking across the sea, the Albion gang with Charlieman and Alfheim in water is the most cunning fox, or the kind of old fox with white tail that people often say.

The gentlemen of Albion are brutal and bloodthirsty in their bones, and their elegant appearance is nothing but disguise. Dresses and perfumes cannot change the fact that island barbarians are actually a group of fierce and cunning carnivores.

The barbarians of the island country have a far greater understanding of power than their relatives on the mainland. When Charlemagne was still worrying about the princehood system, the central and local nobles were fighting every day; the tsar was grappling with his hair in order to balance all ethnic groups and classes; the pope When thinking about which one to cut, the barbarians of the island countries have built a feudal polity that is more stable than the mainland countries through intermarriage and marriage. This intricate, brutal and **** structure completely follows the law of the jungle, and carnivores are fighting for various powers and interests every day. In the history of Albion, it is not difficult to find that the dynasty and family change in this country is much faster than other countries, ranging from a few decades to a hundred years of ruling cliques. In those dark and brutal history, killing fathers and brothers and taking wives and wives sons have become daily routines. Every family is a complete heir, and no royal family is succeeded. In the face of interests, what kind of loyalty, loyalty and morality is not even as good as toilet paper. This is the true face of the Albion.

Albion has no friends. In their eyes, the so-called "friends" are used exclusively for pits. This is how they play in their own homes. In the morning they are allies, and at night they can dig pits and bury the "allies" family. The gentlemen of Albion packed these routines and changed them to a beautiful name of "Continental Balance Policy", and then directly used them internationally. The silly white sweets on the mainland do not know the depth and are pitted time and time again. As a result, a familiar recipe, familiar routine, and familiar story are staged every time. Now this set of routines wants to play with Yalfheim again, but the Albion obviously forgot that Yalfheim is also a country that implements Machiavellianism in international exchanges. In some ways, The elves are more realistic than the Albion.

For an alliance with Albian that has no origins and feelings, and is based solely on the needs of interests, Alfheim did not hold any necessary expectations from the beginning. It’s not easy to say that the Albion’s covenant can believe that sows can plant trees. However, although Alfheim was on alert, he did not want to tear his face prematurely. In order to fight for time, properly soften the body and echo the so-called peaceful negotiations is not impossible.

As for the United Principality of Ross... the gang of bears seem to be careless, but in fact they are extremely scheming, and they are not inferior to Albion in terms of cunning and brutality. However, they have some weaknesses that cannot be circumvented. In some ways, the Principality is the best solution.

"The most difficult thing to solve in every sense is Charlie Man's "Miss"..."

After a slight jolt, the red signal in front of the seat turned green, and the captain of the guards put away the manicure. He left the first class of the high-speed official flight ship with a chilling smile and a black suit with a blank expression.


Roland felt bulging in his ears, and for a moment reminded him of how he felt when he dived quickly. But he was neither wearing a "unicorn", nor was it in a sky full of blood and fire, not even Charlemagne.

The floating ship is decreasing altitude and speed, and the change in air pressure makes passengers who are not used to air travel have some complaints. However, compared with the many sighs of relief, even a few complaints are not even murmurs. When the towering iceberg and numerous beautiful buildings appeared outside the porthole, all the complaints disappeared.

As soon as the ship entered the port, the passengers who could not wait could get up and collect their luggage. Women's nagging, men's whispering, old man's whispering, children's crying-all kinds of sounds are mixed together, the originally quiet business class immediately became the market of Rüdes, a good short-term floating trip The ship instantly degraded into an exile ship escorting the prisoners to the colony.

The crew are already surprised. As the war progresses, it is not just Charlemagne’s upper class who are considering a retreat, but all families with little news channels and assets have to face an extremely cruel and urgent problem: in case Charlemagne defeated ~www.readwn.com~ himself What should I do.

No one will pin their hopes on the side of Yalfheim. Although the officers and soldiers on their side are all bastards, they are still the same kind of people of the same kind, and no one will lose their lives if they are bastards. Changed to the group of daggers in their mouths, chest medals like dragon scales, wearing iron boots, walking ghosts that would kick their legs to their heads, let alone expect them not to grab money to grab food and women, sharp ears princes Don't practice the contents of Charlemagne's official propaganda that decent people will never show children, the big guys will already thank God. What co-prosperity and coexistence, kindness and friendship, or the princes leave to tell them to listen to themselves.

As the real situation of the war situation leaked out of the gaps in the dam of information control, this anxiety and panic became more and more serious, and finally prompted some people to take action. With people taking the lead, the remaining people with ideas and conditions will naturally follow up, and so the wave of refugees in exile begins to appear. At this time, the sea of ​​Charlemagne and the southwestern land were blocked, and the nationals of various countries were not very friendly to the Charlemagne, so Serres became a fascinating place for the exiles. For a while, the air route and mountain trails leading to Serres were packed with Charlemagne exiles, and as many as three figures were killed in the cracks of the valley due to accidents and missteps.

Relatively speaking, floating ships are much safer than walking on foot. The number of floating ships can be a bit of a fortune and background, but the atmosphere that is still diffused in the cabin along the way is still suffocating.

Among the tired, confused, and uneasy faces, walking down the ramp and stepping on the exotic land, a complex mood rolled in the hearts of the young boys and girls who shouldered the heavy burden.


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