Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1288: Twenty-two. War without weapons (8)

The conditions for peace talks given by Yalfheim are roughly ten.

1. Charlemagne recognized Yalfheim as a sovereign and independent country;

2. The two sides divide the territory by the actual line of control, and Ajanto Raton and Lorienta must be transferred to Yalfheim in a complete manner;

3. Charlemagne withdrew from the territory of Yalfheim after disarming based on the agreement reached between the two countries;

4. Yalfheim does not annex Charlemagne;

5. Yalfheim abandons the national compensation request to Charlemagne, and retains and supports the civil compensation claims of Charlie Man by domestic private individuals and enterprises;

6. Charlemagne must reduce its armaments. It can only retain an army of 100,000 and a navy of 10,000. It must not have offensive weapons such as combat vehicles, submarines, and large aircraft carrying mother ships, rockets, and poison gas. The tonnage of naval warships and floating ships must not exceed 100,000 tons. No new ships can be built within ten years after the war. Ten years later, new ships used to replace decommissioned ships are allowed, but they must be declared to all countries in advance;

7. In order to urge Charlemagne to carry out arms reductions, the countries will regularly check Charlieman's armed forces and armament scale for 25 years in Charlemagne's symbolic garrison. If Charlemagne performs well, the matter of evacuation will be discussed after the expiry. The expenses incurred during the garrison shall be borne by Charlemagne;

8. Charlemagne should adhere to the policy of free trade and open door after the war, the interests of all countries are in touch, and the goods of all countries are freely circulated in Charlemagne in a relatively equal manner, and exclusive tariff barriers are prohibited;

9. Charlemagne officials must ban all organizations and activities that advocate nationalism and expand xenophobia, and establish a review system for non-governmental education curriculum, books, and information circulation. The core decision-making layer of the review agency must include professional representatives sent by various countries. , And enjoy the extraterritorial legal power and the executive power beyond the Charlemagne judicial system. According to Charlemagne's reflection on the war and liquidation performance, 25 years later, we will discuss whether to retain the organization or adjust the composition of the personnel;

10. In order to show the sincerity of pursuing peace, Charlemagne should realize the regime change before the formal signing of the armistice agreement. The current regime that opposes the peace talks must collectively step down. Among them, those who are directly responsible for the war should be handed over as professional war criminals. The International Tribunal composed of individuals tried, and the list of war criminals was drawn up through consultation among the various countries;

From the standpoint of the winner, this is definitely a generous offer.

Since ancient times, it is normal for the victors to demand and defeat the losers. It is the basic to cede the land and pay the money. It is the norm to destroy the country and the seed. Even if you play more madly, even the traces of the existence of a certain country will be erased. Today is no longer an era of tribal warfare. Everyone has evolved a set of established rules on the treatment of the defeated. It looks much better than before, but there is no change in the plunder and squeeze of the defeated.

As expected by all participants, Yalfheim made a request to formally recognize sovereign independence and confirm national borders, but it is too surprising to give up war compensation. You should know that the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. Although Charlie Man said that he has exhausted the treasury because of successive battles, he has a solid family. If Yalfheim proposes a large amount of compensation, Charlemagne can still use the territory or overseas colonies to pay. The big deal is to use tariffs as collateral and accept high-interest instalment plans, which are likely to survive in the end. But in this way, it is equivalent to enhancing the strength of Yalfheim in disguise, especially ceding overseas colonies, which will undoubtedly increase Yalfheim's focus on overseas rights and interests, and devote more strategic attention and resources to strengthening the navy. In terms of strength building, it is unacceptable for Albian, who witnessed the advanced battleship of the Defence Force at the mouth of the La Plata River, and felt it was Alexander.

Special Envoy Wood was originally prepared. He estimated that the lion of the Alfheim Lions would make an astronomical claim for compensation: for example, a huge amount of 5 billion Egyptian dollars.

There is no doubt that the Charlemagne government cannot pay such a high war compensation, or even obtain this huge compensation through loans. Through the efforts of a large number of spies, Charlie Mannequins and accountants, the Albian people are well aware of the financial situation of the old rival.

And there are two dangers in the request of Alfheim: either, it will lead to the breakdown of the negotiations, and the situation will return to the original old road; or, Charlemagne accepts this condition, because it is unable to pay such huge compensation, Yar Hufheim can logically obtain many things that it could not have previously obtained.

For example, the concessions and military bases throughout Charlemagne, such as Charlemagne’s economic lifeline, mineral resources, road construction rights and operating rights, and “advisors” that infiltrate government departments and all walks of life, such as a market that is unilaterally open to v.e consortia.

The Albian people always maintain sufficient sensitivity and vigilance in politics, in order to safeguard their own interests and to balance the power on the mainland. Once Yalfheim made a non-divided request in the negotiations, they would join forces with other countries to stand up and defend Charlemagne's interests.

It sounds like a cold joke, but it is a cruel reality.

According to the original script, he and Count Ramsdorf should take turns in battle at this time, reducing the compensation to less than 10 million Angstroms like cutting sausages (this is an estimate based on Charlieman’s financial situation and ability to pay, high As this figure may cause fiscal deterioration, 5 billion Egyptians can directly declare the country bankruptcy and liquidate), and then lend to Charlemagne to pay war compensation. This not only preserved Charlemagne's strength, but also took the opportunity to seize Charlemagne's economic lifeline, but also contained Yalfheim's inseparable thoughts.

This is really the perfect script.

In order to make the plan closer to success, they also specifically contacted Serres to adjust the arrangements for the reception of representatives of the two belligerent countries. The purpose is to deliberately elicit the statement of Charlemagne on behalf of "nothing else, just for peace", and the representative of Alfheim, on behalf of the domineering, publicly mentioning the huge war compensation and Charlemagne’s request to cede more territorial compensation. The world left a bad impression of the elves being greedy and blackmailed. In this way, intelligence operations were conducted to guide the public to sympathize with Charlemagne, and the attitude of public opinion that resented Alfheim, and then use this pressure to assist Charlemagne in rejecting Alfheim's claims for compensation.

The Albian diplomatic system and Wood’s plenipotentiary envoy, who were full of “plans!”, had no idea that Alfheim wouldn’t put on a suit at all. Not only did he treat the Charlemagne delegation with courtesy, but the formal negotiations began. He simply gave up war compensation. This style is obviously wrong. You said that this happened only hundreds of years ago when everyone's mind was stiffened by the knighthood. Now both sides have spent countless money and lives, and Alfheim is ready for this war. For decades, now it is suddenly said to give up compensation, anyone should be dumbfounded. Isn’t it charity practice? Did the group of pointed ears collectively ventilate?

The first step was defeated, which made Special Envoy Wood shaken somewhat, but he was an experienced diplomat after all, and he soon adjusted his mind to examine the remaining terms.

Although the remaining terms are a bit harsh, they are not unacceptable. After all, we have given so much in the front, and we should compensate for it later. Moreover, Charlemagne was also the object of Albion's containment, and Albion was happy to weaken Charlemagne's military strength to an acceptable level. So as far as Article 7 is concerned, there seems to be no problem.

The problem is the last three.

Perhaps most people don't see anything, but Wood Envoy's old rivers and lakes can see at a glance what tricks Alfheim is playing.

Free trade, open doors, and interests all touch. On the surface, it is to prevent countries from resuming conflict because of the division of the Charlemagne market. In fact, it is to prevent countries from preventing the capital of Alfheim from entering Charlemagne by setting tariff barriers and investment barriers. As long as this rule is established, Alfheim can fully use the advantages of technology and capital to slowly squeeze competitors out of the Charlemagne market and achieve a disguised economic colonization. What’s more, an operational back door is left in Article 5-only state compensation is abandoned, and private individuals and enterprises can still make compensation claims to Charlemagne, because civil compensation is also part of the "postwar liquidation and reflection performance," Directly related to whether the foreign garrison and the review agency will continue in 25 years, Charlemagne simply could not refuse. As a result, Yalfheim was able to ask Charlemagne to use various minerals, agricultural products, corporate shares and even free labor as compensation in a consortium. In fact, it was equivalent to changing the way to control Charlemagne's economic lifeline.

The establishment of censorship agencies to eliminate xenophobic expansion and national chauvinism is to stifle Charlemagne’s nationalist thoughts. Although Albian and Alfheim have similar needs in this regard, Albian also needs to provoke Charlie from time to time. Mann’s nationalism ensures that Charlemagne will not fall back to Alfheim~www.readwn.com~ so that the relationship between these two countries will remain in a state of tension before approaching the critical point, thus achieving his strategic goals. However, the establishment of the censorship will undoubtedly seriously attack this goal, not to mention that the censorship has the law enforcement power and extraterritorial power that overrides the Charlemagne judicial system, and it is a lawless secret police agency. With such a thing, Charlemagne's judicial sovereignty is also gone.

As for the last article, in the eyes of Special Envoy Wood, it is simply holding back his mind to undermine the negotiations. The destructive power of the previous nine articles is not as great as that of the last article.

Regime change is something everyone agrees to and wants to do, but you are so blatantly placed in the terms of the peace talks, and what are you trying to do with the deadline? Did Charlie Man's Army Red Deer lift the table and cut the peace talk? The queen girl and the holy girl who got in the way were chopped off by the Charlemagne themselves. I am afraid that Alfheim would wake up with a laugh. Worthy of being a profiteer, this trick of killing people with a knife is also poisonous.

Special Envoy Wood sighed slightly, and there was an overlapping sigh in his ear. He looked up and hit the countless count of Ramsdorf. Deflecting his eyes again, the Holy Girl's eyes filled with anger and calmness were printed on her eyes.

None of them are fuel-efficient lamps, as can be seen in the small abacus of Alfheim.

But no one knows how to refute this peace talk list at the moment, three key technical issues-waiver of compensation, moral rationality of all conditions, and the close correlation between peace talk conditions-prevent any tampering The possibility of the last three.

"I propose to take a break and restart negotiations after an hour."

Half an hour after the start of the negotiations, Albion’s Plenipotentiary, Lord Wood, made his first proposal.


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