Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1289: Twenty-two. War without weapons (9)

"His Special Envoy, it is difficult to modify such conditions."

"I know I know."

Envoy Wood nodded, holding his cigar against his forehead, and Count Ramsdorf shook his head vigorously.

This negotiation is completely different from those they have experienced.

The usual negotiation is sausage-cutting. The two parties cut sausages one by one until they find out the other party's bottom line. Between each other's bottom line, they seek a common divisor that both parties can accept. On this basis, they can maximize their own interests.

Alfheim's peace talks list is equivalent to cutting off a large piece of sausage, and then stepping back. And the piece of sausage in your hand hides a lot of invisible toxins. If you swallow it, it will not only hurt your stomach, but even kill your life.

"Free trade, elimination of Charlemagne, and punishment of those responsible for war-these are the people expecting and willing to support. If they oppose, we will all become traitors and will be questioned whether we have taken advantage of Charlemagne."

"In particular, Alfheim’s initiative to give up compensation, which allowed them to occupy the high ground in public opinion and morality, and the people will regard them as the legendary knights who are morally noble and willing to show kindness and forgiveness to their defeated opponents. Those who seem to Very reasonable requests will be more supported by the public, and those who oppose these "reasonable requests" will be more suspicious and untrustworthy."

Count Ramsdorf spread his hands, and Special Envoy Wood shrugged.

Due to the relationship between war and nationalist propaganda, the people of all countries have no affection for Charlemagne. Those families who lost their family because of Charlemagne are desperate for the government to seek justice for them.

Revenge-Everyone's heart is full of this idea. Everyone is cursing Charlemagne. Who will oppose the request of Yalfheim to completely remove Charlemagne's threat? Even if there is, I am afraid that the punishment is too light. According to the ideas of these activists, how Charlemagne had humiliated and persecuted other countries before should now be returned to the Charlemagne himself tenfold and hundredfold. Delegates should not only demand the complete disarmament of Charlemagne, but also plunder the wealth of this country, dismember this country's territory, and destroy this country's war potential. From the foundation, to eliminate all opportunities to make Charlemagne come back, the ultimate goal is to turn her into a third-rate or even fourth-rate country, so that she can no longer be able to stir up the wind and rain on mainland affairs.

Of course, considering the differences in social status, the possibility of public opinion changing the established national strategy is minimal. But public opinion-especially public opinion that is incited with strong intentions-cannot be ignored by any politician. Experienced politicians should know that public opinion can guide and operate, but it must not be easily rebellious. The guy who forgets this is very promising in the end.

Maybe they wouldn’t be like Charlieman Army Red Deer shouting “Tianzhu thief” to cut down the negotiators, maybe they would... No matter what, Special Envoy Wood and Earl Ramsdorf didn’t want their house to be mob Set it on fire and don’t want to get up one morning, a group of "strong men" with white cloth strips of "respecting the king begging for adultery" stand beside them with big swords, warhammers, and sticks... that would be very unfortunate, more The deadly thing is that in order to protect the image, the government is likely to push them out as scapegoats-anyway, the dead will not tell the truth, nor will they speak for themselves.

This is just speculation, there is no clear evidence that the situation will become so bad. However, if the negotiation fails and relevant information is leaked, it is likely to become a fact.

"The trouble is more than that."

Special Envoy Wood knocked on the file and pointed sadly to the devil hidden in the details.

"The requirements of the whole article are on the surface within our predetermined framework. If we propose amendments themselves, they will probably take this opportunity to break the predetermined framework. And please note that Articles 5 to 10 are interrelated and touched Any one of them will cause a chain reaction, and in the end it is likely to come up with a peace that completely contradicts our expectations."

"These are secondary, and as long as we negotiate, we can always come up with a result. The last one is the root of the problem. Without removing this clause that puts the knife directly around the neck, Charlemagne would not accept this kind of directness. There is no difference in peace talks.

"But Yalfheim made it clear that the resignation of the person in charge of war must be a prerequisite. This is also recognized by everyone. What reason should be used to modify the matter now? What price will it pay for this?"

The Senior Officer of Serres suddenly asked:

"Should we contact Charlemagne's representative and ask them to take the initiative to ask for compensation in exchange for the concession made by Alfheim on the last one?"

"Let the defeated party take the initiative to propose compensation? Rubinsky Senior Officer, you are really a genius."

Count Ramsdorf’s tone didn’t seem to be complimenting at all. He shook his head and sneered and asked:

"And then, waiting for the ancient seed to report a huge amount of compensation that we can't bear? Moreover, even if the compensation is made, the other party may not be relieved."

"That was the request made by Charlemagne. The offer was from Alfheim, and we are responsible for coordination."

"I think it can. If Yalfheim makes a demanding offer, we can still lead the situation back to the original track. If they refuse, we can also operate."

Envoy Wood nodded, turning his face to the young knight standing beside him.

"The contact with the representative of Charlemagne please your Excellency."


The process of diplomatic talks is usually a meeting during the day and a ball at night to socialize. The long diplomatic meeting and the gathering of intelligence gathering are the complete diplomatic talks. Sometimes a few months of meetings and a few months of dancing are possible.

"We don't have that much time, and so is Alfheim."

Roland gently swayed the glass, the golden champagne reflected a colorful light under the bright lights, and his unfocused eyes reflected the men and women dancing on the dance floor.

"Both sides want to end the war as soon as possible, the only question is in what form it will end."

Did Charlemagne retain sovereign independence, or did Alfheim win in full, or did it end in a way that has no winner?

One side hopes to end the war decently before the death of the country. The other side is anxious to reap the fruits of victory before the third party disrupts, and the third party hopes for its own safety and interests-does it sound like a Japanese-Russian war? Indeed, in a strict sense, the war between Alfheim and Charlemagne is also a battle of the rise of an emerging imperialist power, and at the end of the final game, a group of **** sticks jumped out and stirred up. However, there is an obvious difference between the current situation and the Russo-Japanese War.

Either Tsarist Russia or Japan, in essence, lack the strength to truly beat their opponents. More specifically, they have no money.

War is to burn money, even in a relatively calm confrontation, it consumes massive amounts of materials every day. When the battle is fierce, it is no exaggeration to say that shoveling bundles of banknotes into the stove every day to burn them.

Some people may say, is it still possible to support the war and "promote it on the spot"? Food can be collected, manpower can be requisitioned, what about weapons and equipment? Bullets, shells, and gun parts can only be transported from the rear, or you have to burn your own money. What's more terrible is that the robbery is cool for a while. After the supply line is cut off by the angry resistance organization and the guerrillas, do you think it can be cool?

In the era of total warfare, the competition of war is the country's heritage and resources. Like the aforementioned Russo-Japanese War, it was not that Russia and Japan did not want to fight, but that they really had no money to fight. It should be understood that the Russians are fighting on the basis of loans and sales of war bonds from the French. The Japanese are also fighting on the loans and sales of war bonds from the British, Americans and Jews. Poverty has troubled the warring parties from the beginning, so no matter what the outcome of the war is, the third party responsible for providing military expenses can easily eliminate the possibility of any winner from the source.

There is no such problem in Alfheim. It was originally a world-scale consortium, and it has been carefully and carefully controlling the rhythm of war. Although there is financial pressure, it is definitely not a problem. With the wealth they have accumulated over the past few decades, it is no problem to give Charlie Man the last shot~www.readwn.com~ so they have no intention of peace talks at all, only because they do not want to be hostile to the world. body.

Neither willing to talk at this time nor want to take the responsibility of destroying the peace talks on yourself, then the best option is to propose a condition that seems reasonable but the other party can never accept.

"Prince Wang and the Army will never accept'collectively step down! Go backwards! Move in step! Target the International Military Tribunal!' In this condition, it should be said that anyone with a normal brain can't accept it. They are willing to use their own brains in exchange. Peace and the happiness of most people-this wonderful species, I haven’t seen it until now. How much is it that drags the country and people to bury themselves."

Favna fiddled with the ice cubes in the cup. She prefers hand-made juice sodas to alcoholic drinks and carbonated drinks. The bartender at the hotel has good craftsmanship, and the fresh orange soda tastes first-rate, but Fafna obviously can't be more interested.

"The problem is that the participating countries have long had a consensus on the prince's affairs. As long as the prince still controls the power, Charlemagne's credit is difficult to guarantee. As a symbol of the sincerity of peace negotiations, those responsible for the war must step down. Yalf Heim also knew this very well, so he grabbed this article and made immediate decision on the Crown Prince's line as a prerequisite for a truce, and then started peace talks. Damn... this condition is impossible to agree with! There will be no armistice talks, and there will be no peace talks afterwards. What a group of old foxes that are planning to go!"

The cold soda also couldn't suppress Falvina's anger, and for a moment, she almost "missed" and threw the cup on the head of Niederhog, who was chewing Seres chocolate at the other end of the dance floor.


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