Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1290: Twenty-two. War without weapons (10)

"If there is nothing unexpected, I think Albian or the United Principality of Ross will send someone to come in contact with us soon."

Light tea took a sip of champagne, Roland said lightly.

"Is it something we want us to claim compensation for?"

Fafna smiled coldly and sipped a large sip of fresh orange soda.

Regardless of whether it is a country or an individual, the motives of brokers willing to intervene in disputes will never be goodwill. As pure animals of interest, they will never take action to sound beautiful words such as morality and peace. What drives them to act is always a more pure and direct thing-interests.

Political interests, economic interests, security interests, strategic interests, and core interests—these are the direct reasons that drive countries to intervene in this war. In order to get or keep these benefits, they put on the cloak of angels and slammed Charlemagne on the ground at Alfheim, singing out the song of peace when they were about to cut their throats and bleed blood, as if they had always been a peace-loving holy Angel, never did anything dirty and bloody.

I have to say that this kind of thing is really ironic.

The parties will not care about such trivial matters, they only care about their own interests, and whether they can obtain those expected benefits is closely related to the progress and outcome of the peace talks. When the negotiations are at an impasse, they will even be more anxious than the warring parties, forced by their own positions, and they are too inconvenient to oppress Yalfheim who seems to have made a "major concession", so the pressure will only have one place...

“Let’s ask for compensation in exchange for Alfheim’s concession on the last one, and then as a third party to help us bargain, and then come back to benefit us afterwards. Worthy of being a senior broker, I give five Star rating."

With a sneer, Favna pouted to the side, Roland looked down, and a young man in a dress was approaching him.

"Beautiful lady, can you be honored to invite you to dance a song?"

The polite and formalized invitation was granted a formal response.

"It's an honor to be a little girl to dance with the round table knights of Albion."

Putting his hand in the other person's palm, Roland in a whale-bone skirt smiled at Lance Rode in men's clothing.

At this time, it happened to be the end of the song, the exit of the exit, the appearance of the play, and it was quite noisy for a while. But as a pair of beautiful women stepped onto the dance floor, the noise suddenly turned into admiration, stunning, jealousy. Favna even saw several ladies lying on the ground with their foreheads covered, while several times the ladies were biting their handkerchiefs, staring fiercely at the girls who were off the stage and the dancing partners standing on the spot like wooden stakes.


Favna smiled and shook her head bitterly, while unconsciously imagining the reaction of the group of soulless men in front of her knowing the true **** of the "beautiful girl". Is it as uncomfortable as eating a fly? Still downcast? Or silly. Having said that, a **** once said, "As long as it is true love, what **** is not a problem at all." That is to say... there is a possibility that some guys will be bent on this, don't care about Roland's gender, and extend the salted pig hand to Roland? !

"Damn, which **** came up with such a set of grotesques, this guy should really go to **** and push a rock to climb a mountain."

Favna cursed fiercely, and a loud sneeze came from the special area of ​​the delegation of Alfheim on the side of the restaurant.

The men and women on the dance floor have already stood up, the orchestra conductor waved his baton vigorously, and the elegant "Wondo Bona" sounded, and the gentlemen and ladies began to spin and dance.

Waltz and social dance were not popular in high society until a few years ago. At the beginning, the conservative high society did not regard it as social or cultural. For those princes and gentlemen who hate to wrap women tightly, the embrace of men and women is not a question of incompatibility, but is it raised to the guy who proposes this evil, slutty music and dance A serious problem with the torture rack.

Among the various attacks against Waltz, the upper level of Albion and the Church of the State of Albion are the most intense. The conservative grandpas criticized waltz as a sloppy, entangled limbs, close to the body, put his wife and daughter in a stranger's arms to embrace arbitrary dance, should be limited to the popular between prostitutes and sluts. Nowadays, it is imposed on the upper class by the unscrupulous, and the solemn and implicit tradition of the distinctiveness of Albian women is severely distorted...

It is hard to imagine that these words actually came from Protestants who have always advocated reform and liberation. It can only be said that if people are stubborn, it is quite terrible.

Finally, waltz has become popular among the upper classes of the countries. Since everyone is hugging and singing, Albian also lowered his face to stop pretending to be tall. After a short period of depression, Waltz swept Albion's social circle with a stronger momentum than before, especially the knights who were keen on chasing beautiful women. Waltz has become one of the essential skills of Albion knights. As a round table knight, Lance Luodai is also inevitable. As a top round table knight, her waltz level is also outstanding.

As for Roland, there was a ghost father... cough, the guardian gave him social and dance lessons, but at that time he learned all the men's dance steps, and was tuned by a group of girls before this trip... cough Cough, some training. It was a book on his head again, with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a group of devil instructors stared at it. After a special training for the devil, it is considered qualified.

Nowadays, the golden boys and girls in the eyes of others, under the cover of textbook-standard and graceful dance steps, endured many burning eyes and exchanged information softly.


"The pseudo-mother who pretends to be a woman and the pseudo-language who pretends to be a man, they are a natural pair. Well, this is actually a good subject, forced to pretend to be a daughter of the last king of the dead king who pretended to be a young knight, and had to pretend to protect the country. The young warrior who carried the banner of the war, crossed the borders, race, gender, and faith, filled with a sense of forbiddenness and virtue... Ah, no, the hands started to tickle again."

Niederhogg sighed for a long time. After a full minute of pain, he gave up the inspiration and ideas that sprang up, and then resumed his previous carelessness.

Niederhogg was not surprised that Albion made small moves under the table. Before the departure, the adult had fully analyzed the motives, ways, possible means of the various countries involved in the war, etc. The severely spoiled Captain of the Guards could not be contacted privately by Albian and Charlemagne at this time. This little thing shakes.

-The so-called peace talks are just a form.

When the dictator talked about the peace talks, he commented in a disapproving tone.

In the final analysis, the purpose of the peace talks is not peace, but to continue to consume Yalfheim, to ensure that Yalfheim does not threaten the security interests of the countries, and at the same time prepare for the coming war.

Peace is just an intermission before the next war. Today’s allies may be enemies tomorrow. In order to meet the war, in addition to strengthening their own strength, it is also important to coordinate the alliance system and trip potential opponents. Therefore, in addition to maintaining the balance of international power, this negotiation also comes with the task of dividing the camp for the next war-the prototypes of the elf camp and the anti-elf camp will gradually emerge after this meeting.

Not to mention letting Alfheim take part in such a meeting, even if you don’t send an agent to blast, it is even worthy of the gang of "ally." Before the battle is over, I am in a hurry to stab it. If you want to win, do you have to stab the knife from behind? There are more alliances with ghosts, and there are also many digging pits and stumbling blocks, but like Albion, it is really rare.

Even so, Yalfheim decided to participate in the peace talks. On the one hand, it is not to tear the face with the countries too early, on the other hand, it is also to stir up Huang Shang's "anti-genie encircling net" in the prototype-digging and burying people is not Albion's patent.

Albion’s strategy is to use Charlemagne as a grinding wheel, and continue to kill away the resources and strategic attention of Alfheim so that Alfheim will not strengthen military forces in other regions, especially at sea. At the same time, Albion did not want to weaken Yalfheim too much, because the ongoing war in the heart of the continent would create an opportunity for the Principality to intervene in the human camp. Once the furry bear paw reaches into the land of the human camp, It is very difficult to move it away. Therefore, a balance should be maintained between the countries so that Albion can adjust it to ensure that the relations between the countries are neither too good nor out of control into a chaotic, full-scale war that lasts for thirty years or more. readwn.com~ This is really a very difficult task, to build a certain balance of power, and then try our best to maintain the political pattern around the world, to prevent any changes... Well, this is really a thinking mode with a **** stick characteristic, No one but Albion wants to try this role of "world police"-using his own national power to provide security services to maintain the balance of the world? Borrowing a certain military department from the Blue Star Lighthouse country, the guy with this kind of thinking should check whether he is mentally disabled.

This is purely a thankless job, and it will inevitably end in failure. Even without waiting for decades, this result will be seen soon.

That's right, soon...

With his hair cut in the forehead, Niederhogger turned his attention away from the lady on the dance floor and turned to the report on the Rhine front just sent out at dinnertime.

The Group B army has made rapid progress. Since breaking through the Verdun fortress, they have never encountered organized resistance again. It is believed that they can rush to the enclosed point of Basel in up to three days to complete the main force against the enemy together with the Group A army. Together, everyone will witness a rare war spectacle in the history of world wars-300,000 troops surrounded nearly 700,000 enemy troops. The whole world will be shocked by this extremely brilliant record. Everyone will realize that a new order will fall to the ground after the end of this war. Charlemagne is preparing a sacrifice to celebrate the birth of the new order.

Of course, the Charlemagne are not stupid. Prince Wang and the Wangjia Army General Staff sometimes have a little brain, but the basic military literacy is still there. At this point in the present, they will not see the plan of the Defence Forces. In order not to become a joke, they are trying to save the troops on the Rhine front. As for the effect... I can only say that it is a matter of opinion.


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