Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1296: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (2)

Rudes at this moment is very delicate and strange.

On the surface, it just seemed to be a bit depressed, there were more military police on the streets, and nothing more changed. In fact, even ordinary people began to perceive the undercurrents that flowed under the calm appearance. How could the well-informed big people above fail to perceive the low pressure that increases the power every second in the air.

As more and more defeated soldiers withdrew, the news of the defeat that had been covered was finally presented to people's eyes, and the bad news of the fall of the Sedan Fortress and the Verdun Fortress poured into Rudes. Terrible rumors of heresy with pointed ears. A considerable part of the defeated soldiers suffered a severe blow to the spirit, and it is inevitable to exaggerate in describing the enemy’s situation. Some of them have added fuel and vinegar in order to wash out their crimes of fleeing before the battle, and magnified the strength and terror of the defense force by ten times. more than. With the evidence of all kinds of seasonings and the terrible appearance of the defeated soldiers, the citizens of Rudes immediately fell into panic.

Spike-eared ghosts and beasts are killing machines without humanity, compassion and sympathy. They have no personal thoughts and will not discuss chivalry and humanitarianism with you. There is only one thing in their minds—executing the instructions of their dictator, killing Charlemagne, killing Charlemagne, and killing more Charlemagne. The front-line pigs wearing steel helmets and iron boots are thinking about how fast and easy to kill the Charlemagne. In front of these two-legged beasts and humanoid devil, you have only two choices-they were killed on the spot. , Killed after surrendering. In comparison, the former is easier, and the latter is the latter, and the ghosts and animals will not let you die too fast.

The above information can only be said to be terror. What really suffocates the citizens is the part about how the defense forces deal with civilians. According to the vivid description of the defeated soldiers, the ghosts and animals do not like the brutal massacre very much. They prefer "games", and the civilians are naturally the props of the game. The content of the game is varied, such as drawing a few people in a row to see if a bullet can penetrate a few people; or using a gun to force a group of civilians to run back and forth in the minefield until everyone is killed; another example Find out a group of pregnant women. Everyone bets on the boys and girls in the belly, whether they are multiple births or only children. After the bet is finished, the pregnant women's belly is cut open with a bayonet to see who wins and loses...

Compared with these tyrannical "games", the gallows are kind.

In fact, the Defence Forces do have records of executions of civilians in the occupied areas, but they all go through normal legal procedures, with sufficient evidence, and in the end they all hanged and beheaded. The Defence Forces who insisted on death insisted that shooting was the treatment of soldiers The civilians will either go to the gallows or go to the guillotine. By the way, some villages without a guillotine are simple because they are so simple that they simply press the prisoner on the cutting board and cut it with an axe.

The citizens of Lüdes did not know these secrets, they only knew that the ghosts and animals that were killed in heaven were coming soon, and this day would be over.

Panic swept through Rudes like a plague, and everyone had to sit down and think carefully about where to go.


Where to escape? The world is full of Charlemagne’s enemies, falling into the hands of the barbarian and Charlemagne’s **** hatred, the end will never be better than falling into the hands of ghost animals. The road to the neutral country of Serres has been blocked by sharp-eared ghosts and animals. Will everyone go hand in hand and jump into the sea together? This is a good idea. Maybe there are always a few lucky people who can find an uninhabited island to spend the rest of their lives across the ocean.


Waiting for ghosts and animals to come to the door to destroy the house? Of course this won't work, but... If we are a great drop of good people, and lead the way for the imperial army, is it not only to save our lives and property, but also have the opportunity to climb up? Even if you don’t take things seriously, at least you have to leave a way for yourself.

So overnight, countless housewives began to make the black, red, and gold tricolor flags of Yalfheim. The tailor-made beauty with excellent craftsmanship also embroidered the lively Defense Force Black Eagle Banner. The men snapped up the dictatorship’s half-length uniform to slide through various secret relationships, and the underground training courses of various elven languages ​​were full, and there was a situation of supply in short supply.

Ethics, restraint, dignity, patriotism-these beautiful words disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed before, those who once chanted "kill all xxx", "long live war", or it was not Rudes Citizens are either crazy.

Very ironic comparison, but if you want to blame the citizens of Lüdes, it seems a little inappropriate. After all, I have never experienced the disaster brought about by war, and have not experienced the pain, terror, and injury memorable in person. People who stay in a safe place will always call the war irresponsibly. It’s irresponsible to say it’s irresponsible, and the language is frivolous. This is the nature of human beings and the entire society. If it is more true, it will be endless.

In any case, this "all people do Shunmin", "everyone comes together to lead the party" ethos continued until Order No. 270 was issued. Faced with the cold gendarmes and straight-forward sitting orders, those deviant actions and speeches immediately collapsed, at least on the surface.

However, in private, the forces of all parties connected with each other, and the momentum of secret rivalry has become more violent. Main faction, surrender faction, neutral faction, coexistence co-prosperity faction, pro-Albion faction, integration faction with Albion faction, alliance with Alfheim... All factions establish themselves in order to exclude heresy of other factions 'S claim is the only national policy, and he launched a vigorous infighting. From mouth-to-mouth reprimands at various meetings to murders in small alleys, ugly political struggles are staged every day.

Most citizens choose to ignore the chaos in front of them, and now it is extremely dangerous to make any tendentious remarks. If you accidentally say something, before the iron fist of the violent institution comes to your head, some "conscientious" "Youth" or "Worry of the Country" will blow you up first. If you are lucky, you may still be able to hold your breath until the Gendarmerie and the Gendarmerie are having a good time, and if you are unlucky, you just put it in a sack and sink into the Seine. In this depressed and chaotic day, the citizens had to choose to escape reality and persuade themselves to accept the twisted daily life through self-anaesthesia until the bell of the trial sounded overhead.

The coup d’état on the 17th of the lunar month broke out in an atmosphere where everyone knew it but pretended to be invisible.

Starting with the fire at the Apple Flower Pavilion, the coup took place quickly and surely.

That was not a large-scale mutiny like Fengyue on the 26th, nor was it **** and brutal like "The Night of the Long Sword". Compared with the previous two, this coup was hardly even a small-scale offense. There is neither unnecessary destruction nor unnecessary bleeding, but the impact on the upper layers is more than the previous two.

The people who initiated the coup are very good at dispatching troops. Every army, every commander's ability, character, and expertise are fully mastered. How to distribute tasks and how to combine the characteristics of the army to achieve maximum effectiveness—— All are repeatedly counted in the initiator's mind and integrated after verification and calculation. The calculations are so meticulous and meticulous that the real impact is limited to the upper levels of the royal family and ministers. The ordinary people who live in the capital do not know what happened after the dust settled.

The command center is paralyzed by feint attacks, surprise attacks, and assassinations. The small-scale elite is responsible for arresting and clearing important targets. The large-scale force is responsible for maintaining order and martial law in the urban area.

A coup like a textbook, even if the dictator sees it, he will give applause and praise.

It's just that such a classic coup theory is dominated, planned, and executed by the Crown Prince and the Army of the Royal Family. Not to mention the side of Yalfheim, the Charlemagne did not believe the first one. After a series of failures, the level of the entire country against Prince Wang and the elite staff in the Army’s General Staff is really too great. This group of people will at least want to commit adultery, really let them go to a coup, this group of parallels None of the seemingly feasible plans can be written, not to mention letting them do it themselves.

To be able to carry out such a perfect coup, at least the following conditions are required:

Strict organization structure;

Accurate intelligence information;

Huge intelligence network;

Elite and extremely loyal troops;

A leader who is wise enough, and has the ability to adapt to emergency and organization coordination;

There is only one organization that has the above capabilities in King Charlemagne.

In front of the gate of the Bourbon Palace, the guards belonging to the Marine Corps swallowed their last breath. The murderers dragged the strangulation cables almost embedded in the neck bones and dragged the four 190-centimeter bodies to the carriage beside them. A soldier in army uniform replaced the vacant sentry post.

The same murders took place at the outposts guarded by various naval soldiers in the Bourbon Palace. The open whistle, the dark whistle, the communication room, the communication room, the messenger dog kennel for emergency communication-even the warning was in front of the suddenly appeared killer Too late to become a prey for strangling rope and dagger.

Emerged suddenly

Appeared out of thin air;

Where did it come from?

With this question in mind, the Marines fell asleep. In fact, if they still have a little leeway to think about, it is easy to get the answer.

In order to achieve the effect of "appearing out of thin air", there are only two methods.

First, use an illusion-like stealth form similar to the optical camouflage system;

Second, use secret passages that people do not know and have not been marked on the map.

The killer who invaded the Bourbon Palace used both methods at the same time. The illusion style can also be seen by experienced magicians. The secret passage is really unpredictable. However, the Bourbon Palace, a historic old palace, left many hidden rooms and secret passages in its design. It also left a certain prince and bodyguard in a maze-like underground passage in the royal family Mysin The missing records. Now that you can't even find the original design drawings, even if you know that there may be underpasses in the Bourbon Palace, you will not be asked to find them, nor will you send people to explore underpasses.

So how did these assassins know about the existence of the underpass, and even mastered the specific path and various entrances and exits, so that they could cooperate to kill all naval guards at the same time and outside? You must know that after the construction of the Bourbon Palace was completed, in order to keep the secret, even the relevant construction personnel and designers were wiped out. The original design drawings were lost, and the underground of the Bourbon Palace became a trapped death maze.

The answer is actually very simple.

"The gods are omniscient and omniscient, and the people who serve them know some secrets, which is not worth fussing about."

The light footsteps stepped on the ground, and Lady Ji Aier swept a trace of silver-white hair, her eyes almost squinted in a line, slightly opened, looking out at the Bourbon Palace enveloped under the night.

That's right.

As she said, for a church that has been spreading its tentacles in all walks of life for thousands of years, it is very easy to grasp one or two secrets. For example, the underground tunnel of the Bourbon Palace, no matter how thorough the security measures adopted by the Charlemagne at that time, a builder is a believer, a supervisor is a believer, a designer is a believer, and a building material supplier is a believer, responsible for guarding and exterminating The soldiers are also believers in the background, what secrets can be kept? As long as you collect intelligence, such as the manpower invested, construction waste generated by the construction, the earthwork shipped out, the only words of the workers who are not tight-mouthed, some details that the designer and the bedside person inadvertently said-integrate these intelligences Even if you do not directly touch the design drawings, you can guess a rough idea. As for the remaining details... Is this a problem for a church that never lacks a devout deceased?

In addition to mastering the positions of all important people beforehand, the map of Charlieman above and below the ground, after fully contacting Prince Wang, put the staff in place. A perfect coup drew here.

"How is Her Royal Highness and those heretic supporters?"

"In the Bourbon palace, I believe there will be news soon."

The man in a robe stooped down and said, ~www.readwn.com~ Saint Maiden Ayre gently nodded her head, and her face was filled with innocent smiles.

"There was a long war..."


"The long history, from childhood to obscure turmoil, to the battle of the famous youth, connecting all kinds of countless battles, this is the "long war". And what runs through these wars is Is the will of God."

War in the name of god;

War for God;

A war controlled by God;

Everything is for the gods.

Pray, fight.

God will not help those who beg for help, nor will God have mercy on those who seek mercy.

War is what the gods hope, war is the prayer and sacrifice to the gods, as long as the battle continues, one day, God will come and the kingdom of God will come.

Everyone believed this, and everyone went to the battlefield and went straight to hell.



Did God really come?

Will paradise and redemption really fall to the earth?

If the blood shed for a thousand years cannot satisfy God, how much blood should be left to get the paradise? One hundred million people? One billion people? Are these enough?

No, it will never be enough. Even if the corpse has been piled up to the end of the world, God will not be satisfied.

Therefore, this war is not for God. The war in the name of God will end in the hands of this generation.

Ji Aier once again toured the soldiers who controlled the streets and the entrances and exits of the Bourbon Palace, and said the oath.

"For the world dominated by people."

"For the world dominated by people."

The whole street, the whole Rudes repeat this sentence.


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