Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1297: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (3)

If there is a religion in this world whose goal is to hit God, in the face of this paradox like bad joke, I believe most people will laugh.

However, there is no absolute thing about human-related matters in the world, especially those involving interests, no matter how they evolve and develop, there is no need to be surprised. This is the case with the rebellion of the princes, as well as the self-reliance of the gods.

Like all organizations, the church at the start-up stage was indeed devout and full of vitality. At that time, the priests were devout and simple. It was a very common phenomenon for the priests to share bitterness with the civilians and help them. Over time, the organization continued to expand, bureaucracy and privileges gradually penetrated into the organization, and the church gradually degenerated into a hypertrophic organization only concerned with protecting rights and interests and seeking more rights.

In this way, the church fell and acted as the god's thug for the gods. Finally, one day, an idea came up.

Why can we only be God's spokespersons on earth, and why can't we be Gods ourselves?

That's right, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, human beings are an absolutely unsatisfactory creature. Even if you have already obtained something, you will soon get used to it and get bored, and then you will start to crave for something new. The so-called hard-to-fill desire refers to this matter, even if you chop yourself up, you still cannot fill the bottomless greed of the other party.

After completing the confrontation between the two camps under the control of the church, the senior members of the church began to yearn for more wealth and power. However, the biggest obstacle before this wish was the **** they believed in.

If there is no world where God exists, I believe that the church will not have this kind of thinking. After all, God is just an abstract, fictitious concept, as long as you can justify yourself, you can explain whatever you want. Rather than saying that they are God's spokespersons, it is better to say that they themselves act as gods and interpret agents of gods and doctrines at the same time. Whoever dares to question, who is heresy, quickly catches up and burns.

This is generally the case in the dark medieval period of Western Europe on earth. In the most serious period, let alone the publication of "heresy" will be sent to the torture rack. Holding any knowledge prohibited by the Holy See is also a felony. Those who hide knowledge will find out Like the great Bruno, his tongue was cut off and burned to ashes.

What the Holy Church today intends to achieve is a world dominated by a theocratic regime in which both religious power and theocracy are combined. All countries are integrated into a whole, and the church directly governs the entire world, while preventing any rebellious doctrines and church official policies from appearing, and the world is always frozen in this form.

To be honest, what Alfheim wants to do is not much different from the church, only one side is to let the church sit on the throne of the gods, and the other side is to achieve the goal under the guidance of the revelation of the gods.

One side is the goal, the other is the means, plus the different races on the throne, from the beginning, the church and Yalfheim have no possibility of reconciliation. Not to mention that the mother goddess and Li Lin have long been aware of the betrayal conspiracy hidden by the church under the appearance of obedience. The hindsight and hindering things behind the scenes. So there was a tragedy that a certain divine agent came down from the sky, and under the glory of the Holy Light, all life of Ymir turned into amniotic fluid.

The destruction of Emil was indeed a heavy blow to the church. Almost all high-level personnel died in that battle, and the central agency and a large number of departments were paralyzed. It is replaced by other organizations that have encountered this situation and have long lost their cohesion and entered the stage of collapse. However, it was only at this time that the church's deep heritage was truly reflected. After some rapid and thorough integration, the church's action and cohesion not only did not decline, but also showed a growing trend. Although there is an original bloated and bureaucratic structure with the extinction of the Holy City and the personal charm and talent of His Royal Highness, if there is no accumulation of nearly thousands of years, if you want to complete the integration so quickly and launch it in Charlemagne A quick and drastic coup is also an impossible task.

However, this is almost the limit of the church.

No matter how they say, they have just suffered heavy damage, and a considerable part of their organizational functions have not yet been restored. Moreover, the Defense Force is about to complete the encirclement of the main force of King Charlemagne’s army. It can be foreseen that this will be a glorious victory. With the divine agent’s consistent practice, the next step must be to take the victory and start to clear the church. Influence. At that point, even if the church wanted to resist, it would not have the strength and courage.

So this coup is really the last dying struggle of the church. If they cannot reverse the current trend at this historical fork, they can only be obliterated in the next torrent. As a huge organization with ambitions and once only one step away from the goal, they are not willing to withdraw from the stage. Just like the aging actresses who are gradually fading out of people's horizons, they will recover what they are losing at all costs, even if they pay an unbearable price for it.

The door of the meeting room opened without warning.

Armed personnel penetrated in. These men in army uniforms were expressionless, neither awed to enter the supreme power center, nor squinted to see the big men’s nervousness, but with a face like a machine, armed with weapons. The people around the round table were surrounded. Outside the gate opened by the cave, the body of the guard was being dragged into the corner.

Minerva glanced coldly at the armed men, as well as those smirking Army generals and his brother, who was as sculptural and immobile, silently sighed.

——Is it really like this?

Before he set off, Roland had predicted that the crown prince would likely initiate a coup, thereby binding the country and his own destiny together.

That is to say, since death and sanctions must be faced anyway, simply let the whole country bury themselves.

With the anxiety and depression of the crown princes and the army's senior officials, combined with the idea that Yalfheim was unwilling to backfire in order to undermine peace talks, plus the general background of countries eager to promote peace talks. This coup is an inevitable result. Whether it is secretly promoted by Yalfheim, or the crown prince can't bear the pressure and broke out, the coup will definitely break out at a certain point in time. But what Roland and Minerva did not expect was that this group of people would work with Prince Wang...

The muzzles are all aimed at the Minerva and the Navy. The armed men are not holding single-shot after-load rifles, but a small size that can be easily hidden in their arms and has a long horizontal insertion. Guns for magazines.

Submachine guns-not those of the Alfheim Defence Forces who changed the 79, nor the high imitation mp5 that was released recently. It is a self-developed submachine gun that Roland and the dwarf craftsmen are making, a submachine gun that fires 9㎜ Parabellum pistols, which can be made even by plumbers and small family workshops. That's right, the Sden submachine gun, known as the masterpiece of the plumber and the king of fire.

Just as the historical pressure on the German mp38/40 series of submachine guns, the corrupt designers hurriedly tossed out the Sden submachine guns. In front of the strong automatic firepower of the Defense Force, Charlieman’s individual weapons were almost suspended and had no power to fight back, let alone assault rifles, submachine guns, and general-purpose aircraft. In the case of a self-defense box gun and a carbine semi-automatic rifle, the single-shot rifles were also crushed on the ground. Therefore, the development of a low-cost (Charlieman really has no money to do anything tall, so the price is placed first), the structure is simple, and the performance is sufficient to meet the needs of the front line. The second important task of the Roland R&D team (the first important thing is to develop anti-tank weapons). After several setbacks, a sublime submachine gun with high imitation was developed.

Seeing this, some people have to ask, isn't Siden's structure very simple? Not to mention the plumbers in Europe, as long as you give the drawings, Tuba Road can be made for you to see? Why did Roland and they struggle for a long time before they came up with a "barely usable" junk?

That’s right~www.readwn.com~The structure of the Stern submachine gun is indeed very simple, and the cost is also very low, but please don’t forget that this simple and cheap is at the cost of low reliability, even in the history of the British production Drivers' submachine guns are known for their high rate of fire escapes, so that the army clearly ordered soldiers holding Sden submachine guns to always walk in front of the team, so as to avoid accidentally injuring other soldiers by such submachine guns that would fire if you fall on the ground.

Based on the metallurgical technology and manufacturing level of the corrupt country during World War II, the manufactured submachine guns are so dangerous. What about the team on the Roland side?

Another difficulty is the old problem they encountered in the development of anti-tank rifles-metallurgical level and manufacturing technology can not keep up with the idea.

Just as the body of the anti-tank rifle is difficult to withstand the high pressure of continuous shooting, the submachine gun made by Roland also has the problems of a serious jump on the muzzle, it is difficult to control the spread of the bullet point and it will explode after continuous shooting. However, through some tricks, such as loading pre-loaded magazines with unfired dumb bullets at a certain interval, the soldiers are forced to fire only three or five shots, so that the firing mechanism can temporarily cool down during continuous shooting. Manipulation, thus making the use of guns possible. At present, it is ready to enter the small batch trial production stage. According to the schedule, the first batch of products will be off the production line in two weeks and delivered to the Lüders garrison for testing.

And now... it should have been a bunch of submachine guns waiting for assembly to point at themselves, plus text embroidery on the white cloth strip hanging on the neck by the armed men-for the world dominated by people. The identity of the uninvited guest is already ready.

Facing the ten submachine guns awe-inspiringly, Minerva opened her lips slightly and asked indifferently:

"What are you doing in the church?"


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