Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1298: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (4)

Minerva's expression was very plain. She was originally a very beautiful girl. When she showed a lazy expression, she even gave a feeling of coziness. But in the eyes of the army generals and the intruders, the lazy expression surrounded by many guns and malicious sights was mixed with a playful smile, which looked almost similar to contempt.

She is scorning herself, this little girl is scorning herself who controls the whole situation——

Realizing this moment, General Louis Luvazo de Grandmaison, who was proud of himself, immediately sank his face. After a few seconds of stiffness, he remembered that he had won the ticket, and he didn’t have to ignore the barking of the losing dog. The Minister of Warfare said in a bitter, almost contrived tone:

"His Royal Highness, we had hoped to persuade His Highness and the officers of the Navy as much as possible to promote the sincere cooperation between the Army and the Navy to share the national crisis. It is also compelling for things to develop to the present situation..."

"Oh? Sincere cooperation? Army?"


Major General DeGrandmayson pretended not to hear the mockery in Minerva's tone, and continued to speak with a heartbroken tone:

"At a time when national affairs are so critical, we should unify the country, establish a system of landlords and followers, and train sailors who have lost their warships into the army, and launch a resolute and decisive offensive to the enemy with the momentum of fighting against the enemy and fighting to the end. Wouldn’t it be beautiful? Even if the enemy has a strong force, takes advantage of the terrain, or has new weapons beyond imagination, we will not be deterred by this. Under the help of God, the cowardly ghosts and animals ..."

Unconsciously, Major General De Grandmaison’s eyes have lost reality, and he will not immerse himself in the personal world to vent, nor can he notice that Minerva looks at him except for the almost outbreak of anger. There is still a trace of pity and bitter smile.

——This kind of person is actually the Minister of War who formulated the entire army strategy and decided the lives and deaths of thousands of people.

Thinking of this, Minerva not only wanted to laugh loudly, but also wanted to burst into tears.

This is really ridiculous and extremely sad that it is difficult to describe in words.

I don’t know if Major-General DeGrandmayson, who is flamboyant and narcissistic, knows that every sentence and every word he said has no possibility of realization.

Landlord sea slave? Do you think that naval soldiers are your domestic animals, you say east will go east, you point west to west? When you order navy soldiers, you will obediently listen to the Army Red Deer's front line to block bullets? Still fighting with the enemy and fighting to the end. With the face of the army, the navy will really fight the army to the end. As for the strategy of Rear Admiral De Grandmaison’s use of soldiers, that is beyond description.

The so-called new weapons beyond imagination have indeed shown a lot since the war. From the mysterious super weapons that annihilated the Northern Expeditionary Army, to the guided rockets that bombed the city, to the Thor’s Hammer of Iselon’s turrets—Yalfheim’s super weapons are like dazzling toys on shelves. Behind the gorgeous appearance is what really makes Alfheim intimidating-strong economic strength, industrial production capacity, and advanced technological capabilities. Only by gathering the above three elements can it be possible to turn a series of extremely destructive super weapons from conception into reality. In contrast, Charlemagne has always been used as a negative teaching material. Even if there is determination and perseverance in the air, even if there is a physical weapon of the Alfheim standard weapon, so far it has not been able to produce a usable imitation. The comparison between the two is really awesome.

What's more, compared with the super weapons in the hands of the enemy, the rigid thinking of one's own top level is much more deadly to one's own people.

Since ancient times, the use of new weapons to determine victory or defeat in war has been rare (in the strict sense, only one crow and two crows in modern Chinese history can barely be counted. The Spanish invasion of the Inca Empire relied largely on smallpox virus, not Musket. As a negative textbook, the cute, equipped with modern weapons are stupid, but they were beaten twice by Abyssinian black **** to find their teeth...). The true decision of victory or defeat depends on 30% of the front-line troops, and 70% depends on the overall strategy of the decision-makers and the degree of rear support.

What Minerva was afraid of at this moment was not what new weapons the Defense Army would come up with, or what brand-new tactical tactics it would launch; what really scared her was Li Lin’s strategy and Charlieman’s own misjudgment. The wrong choices made below-thinking that his own strength is stronger than the enemy, thinking that using spiritual power can take care of all difficulties, Charlemagne alone can win this war, and throw many lives unscrupulously. In the betting game.

Major General Degram Maison is still preaching his theory of "spiritual force must win"-"defense of victory" must be held after repeated defeats, and "faith of victory must be held without food". 2. The unarmed must also hold a "belief to win" in the face of tanks and cannons-anyway, the noble major general does not have to face death, hunger, pain, and disease. Of course, he can ask others how to blush without panting.

Minerva has no interest in continuing to accompany this farce. Her time is very precious, and she has no spare time to continue to listen to the long talk of mental patients.


The pink fist hit the table, and the whisper of "enough!" scared Major General De Grange Maisson and almost bit his tongue.

"I'm tired of your exaggeration. Please put away your clichés and leave it to yourself to appreciate it!"

"You... Highness, Highness, is this an insult to the lower officials?!"

"If you think that presenting the facts is an insult to you, think so. For those of you who are hiding in a safe place and turning your lips, if you want to show your talents, please take up your weapons and go to the front line, and the frontline officers and soldiers Practice your rhetoric together and see if you can do what you say!"

After a pause, Minerva added another shot to the mouth-opening Minister of War.

"I have never seen a brazen man like you!"

Major General De Grammysson’s lips were twisted fiercely, and after losing his **** face, a gruesome scream, his spirited eyes always lost focus, and his nostrils and mouth opened wide. A weird and terrifying look fell down. The awkward army general hurriedly carried the wood-like major general out of the meeting room, yelling to give way, and calling for a doctor along the way.

Afterwards, it was verified by the military doctor that Major General De Grammaison suffered from a mental disorder called conversion hysteria, commonly known as hysterics. This condition is common in young children and is considered to be a symbolic conversion caused by inability to resolve inner conflicts and desires. The physical clinical manifestations are movement disorders, convulsions, rigidity, sensory disturbances and so on. According to experts, in order to eradicate the root cause, the patient must not be given any setbacks, and his wishes must be met. In other words, it was to ask the royal queen, the navy general, and the holy girl to kneel down and thank the major general. All the army and navy soldiers thoroughly implemented the major general's instructions. In this way, Major DeGrandmayson's disease can be eradicated, gratifying, congratulations.

In any case, Major General De Grandmaison’s military career came to an end. Even if he can miraculously reply himself, Prince Wang’s personality will not continue to use the entire ugly guy. When historians of later generations mentioned this matter, they even had a bitter evaluation: how to treat a guy whose mental structure is like a child with the lives of millions of people. What a grand gesture! It is believed that after receiving this treatment plan in the isolation ward of the psychiatric hospital, Major General De Grandmaison will be drowned by the tears moved.

Minerva did not know, nor was he interested in knowing Major De Grammysson’s illness and cause, and the clear emerald green eyes stared straight at Prince Wang’s profile.

"Is this the same as Brother Wang's opinion? Even if the country is turned into a scorched earth, even if we drive all the people, including the old, the young, the women, and the children, into the battlefield, we must break up for a meaningless defeat and the ambitions of the church. Will this war go to the end?"

"If I said'yes, that's right', what are you going to do? Use my head to beg and plead for heresy with pointed ears? Where is your courage and dignity as a royal family? Open your eyes and see the reality! It is not our duty as a royal family to let the sharp-eared heretics and the hostile enemies take control of this country, cooperate with the church, and defeat the heresy completely!”

Don’t open your eyes back to the trajectory of tit-for-tat. There was a layer of disappointment. The delicate body fell deep into the high-back chair.

"is it……"

It was too bland, and even a distressing voice echoed in the quiet conference room.

"Since Brother Wang is determined to take this path of no return, then we have nothing to talk about."

The decision-makers with the preserving of power as the priority, the mentally unsuccessful executors-even the fate of nearly a million soldiers and the whole country is entrusted to such a combination. If the frontline knows the truth and there are people willing to fight to the end, this person is either a masochistic self-intoxicator or a real war mad.

Minerva is not easy to fight, nor does he use the blood of himself and others to satisfy the ecstasy of self-intoxication. As a normal person with conscience and common sense, as she said herself, there is no Anything to say.

"Since the army is determined to go it alone, please play the war game to the end, please do it yourself. Please forgive us for not being there."

Closed eyes reopened, did not look at Prince Louis twitching his cheeks, and ignored many senior army generals and armed men. Charlemagne’s maiden stood up, gently raised the cloak, and said majesticly:

"Next, the Navy and Marine Corps will break away from the base camp command system and take action alone. We cannot watch the motherland being pushed forward step by step by a group of politicians, waraholics, mental patients, villains, fraudsters who will only hide in the safe zone. Bottom of the abyss, we will act to save the motherland. As for you...... Please do it for yourself!"


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