Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1299: Twenty-three. People who go against the times (5)

The gunshots sounded, and three shots made three eye-catching holes in the wall behind Minerva.

With a pull of the bolt, the pre-installed dummies jumped out of the shell-throwing window and raised the muzzle again to point at Minerva's chest.

"Your Highness, please sit back to your position, don't play tricks. This gun is easy to escape, if you accidentally hurt the lady, it will make us very troubled."

The expressionless man said in a flat tone:

"Under the Coronation of the Virgin will arrive soon, and I hope that Her Highness will see the Coronation under the courtesy of the lady."

"At three o'clock in the middle of the night, I pointed a gun at a woman and forced the other party to obey his orders. This is something that strong and murderous people can do. When did the church fall to the same level as scumbag?"

Facing the muzzle pointed at him, Minerva showed no fear, and turned his gaze to the man holding the gun.

If it is a senior general in the army, his eyes will inevitably be suppressed at this time, but the man holding the gun has not relaxed his guard, nor moved towards the muzzle of Minerva. Those eyes without emotional fluctuations announced silently: if necessary, even if the other party is a king girl, it will still shoot without hesitation.

"Please do not challenge our patience, Your Highness. You are an important hostage, and no one wants to see any damage."

"Ha! It turns out that it's not a strong and murderous man, but a kidnapper."

"I already said it!!"

The unbearable assassin raised his muzzle, this time he was aiming next to Minerva, believing that the near-missing bullet passing by would make the recalcitrant queen recognize the reality and put away her sharp tongue . But in fact, this is a very dangerous move. It is important to know that the shooting accuracy of the Stern submachine gun itself is not very good. The combination of Charlieman’s cottage version of the submachine gun and hand-cut bullets further reduces the shooting accuracy. If you want to use this kind of thing to hit a near-miss shot, it is likely that you will get a Minerva covered with a gunhole.

The assassin knew this, but he couldn't control so much because he was stunned by anger. He just wanted to shut up the arrogant little girl now.

"To shut up!!"

The assassin growled loudly while pulling the trigger.

However, the gunshots did not sound.

That can be said to be a natural result.

The Assassin's gaze slid down, and the greasy expression stiffened.

The trigger that was supposed to be pulled to the end was still in place, but the index finger that caught the trigger was gone.


Not missing.

It’s not just the index finger.

The index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger of the right hand were all cut off from the finger and heel part, and the entire palm of the left hand was cut off, and fell into the scarlet pool with the submachine gun divided into two.


Minerva turned and said:

"start work."


A cheerful girl walked from the meeting room window. With the crisp footsteps, a few strands of silver wire twisted and extended under the light.

"Let me play with you, third-rate amateur assassins."

"Fire! Fire!"

The man who broke his hand ordered loudly. Judging by his injury and the amount of bleeding, even if he didn't cry and roll over the floor at this time, he should fall into syncope after a lot of blood loss. However, this man is still able to judge the situation and give orders. Should he be said to have superior willpower? Or is a strong faith even above medicine?

In any case, this is indeed a determined commander, and his subordinates who act immediately upon instruction are equally good.

It's just that the command itself is wrong, and actions taken based on the wrong command will naturally not yield good results.

It's like a fly that has fallen into a spider's web, and it doesn't affect its ending. It was too late for the assassins who stepped on the spider silk to think of firing until this time.

The index finger was gently hooked, hidden in the gap between the floor and the ceiling, and the spider silk that had been stretched to the limit immediately bounced. The spider silk, originally known as the strongest fiber in nature, has been given great power by passive energy and tension, and its power is even more than that of a sword. Not to mention cutting meat and bones, it is simply a sharp blade for cutting iron and mud.

Silver light flashed, blood spewed out from the neat cross-sections, and under the red blood mist, the big men who commanded countless soldiers to the dead together issued a frightened woman-like cry, clutching their heads and scrambling into the table. . It seems that this way you can escape from the **** and horrible scene far away, from the **** of death who plays with life like playing with a puppet.

As they wished, the **** of death quickly moved away from them--


The conference room presents the most cutting-edge style of battlefield.

There are fragments of human bodies everywhere, and the blood and internal organs of the floor paint strange pictures. The strong smell of gunpowder and blood is mixed in the room, plus the smell of disinfectant and body contents, which creates a suffocating suffocation. The stench.

The shocking Prince Edward and the senior army generals have been transferred to other rooms. The church members are cleaning up the scene. Under the guard of a group of men who look at the iron, the Lady Ji Aier looks at the conference room like the scene of the hunt for murder. .

The green and childish face remained neither angry nor frightened, only calmly accepting the state of affairs and a trace of doubt.

"How did Her Royal Highness know the secret way in the conference room?"

Stopping in front of the pool of blood, Ji Aier looked up at the glass window splashed with blood and body fluids and asked softly.

"Will Her Majesty the Queen hold the Wang Family Missing we don't know?"

"Impossible. If there is such a secret, Prince Wang has long sent someone to hold the secret road of the meeting room, how could the other party calmly retreat?"

"Will it be pointed ears heresy revealed to the queen girl through some channel?"

A subordinate began to open his brain, but contacting the consortium's previous experience in this area is not to say that it is impossible.

More importantly, all traces show that the Minerva line was already prepared.

"This is the spider silk that cuts the church members?"

Looking up at the strands of blood stained with blood, Ji Aier asked.

"Exactly, under the crown, it's incredible."

If it is a cut or laceration caused by a sharp object such as a sword, even if it is caused by a first-class swordsman's use of a famous sword, it will definitely roll over at the edge of the cut. The edges of the fragments scattered on the ground could not find any rolling, and the cut section was even more flat.

Although the metal wire with a counterweight swayed at high speed can cut apples or cut muscle tissue, not only the human body and flesh are divided into two, but even metal materials such as firearms are cut off. What a terrible force was attached to the spider silk at that moment.

The kind of power in tons, even if the physical strength is strengthened by the strengthening system, if you want to apply all the power to a light spider silk, it will form a sword attack that is better than a sword. This is completely unrealistic. of. Even though there are many monsters beyond common sense in this world, as long as it is not the level of a certain agent, it is impossible to achieve this skill by the power of creatures.

In other words, there are agencies.

"The other party may be hiding the spider silk under tension."

A man in a black vest pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the lenses reflected a chilling light under the light.

"It's like a tight rope or slingshot. Since the spider silk is very ductile and tough, it is easier to stretch, so the bursting force is also greater. Once it receives the operator's instruction to stimulate, it will immediately'restore', then--"

"It takes a lot of time to lay these threads and hide them skillfully."

"As stated under the crown. Even a skilled person, it takes a certain amount of time to lay down such sophisticated traps."

"So are the entrance traps?"

Ji Aier flicked at the wooden handle grenade piled on the ground, the lid at the bottom of the wooden handle was unscrewed, and the porcelain pendant was exposed.

"Exactly. The pits where the grenades are placed have been recently chiseled. When retreating, simply attaching the trip wire to the pull ring can turn the grenade into a thunder."

Judging from this series of actions, the Minerva family is prepared for the coup. But since this is the case, why not take this opportunity to kill the crown prince and then evade it to the church? You know, this is a golden opportunity. If Minerva really does this, the church will not be able to say even if it is covered in mouth.

But she did not do so, leaving a political vote and thieves alone, and evacuated in a hurry.

Is it because of brother and sister?

Are you afraid that the retreat will be blocked in time?


Ji Aier asked himself to change to himself or Prince Louis in Minerva's position at that time, and would never miss such a great opportunity. Family? This is a political struggle, either you die or I die. There is no room for any emotion to intervene~www.readwn.com~ time? Will it take a few minutes or a few hours to pull the trigger or throw a grenade?

These two reasons are not valid. So... Is there some other external force intervening in this coup, trying to guide the whole situation into the script I wrote by interfering in some details of the coup?

"Under the crown, look--"

A congregation who was cleaning up the site called out through the bullet holes in the wall. Under the leadership of Ji Aier, a man waited to come quickly.

There are four bullet holes in the wall.

Three of them were left by the 9㎜ Parabellum pistol. Combined with the shell and the dumb ammunition left on the ground, it can be confirmed that it was left by the assault troops that penetrated into the conference room.

So how did the fourth small hole with a caliber significantly smaller than 9 mm and far away from the first three bullet holes come from?

After receiving the approval of Ji Aier, the cleaning personnel quickly cut through the wall, and a short time later, a 7.92㎜ special-spec sniper rifle bullet was presented in front of people.

The answer to why Minerva left in a hurry is self-evident.


Stretching his hands to cover the slightly raised mouth corner, Ji Aier said in a very pleasant tone:

"It seems that our opponents and us are really inspiring."

"Do you want to immediately block the city for a search?"

"Useless, since the other party is already prepared, before we complete the blockade, Her Majesty the Queen, who planned the escape route in advance, will escape from Rudes."


"No need to panic."

Waving his hand, Ji Aier looked at Rudes in the darkness and smiled quietly.

"Although I am sorry, being prepared to respond to emergencies is not just the privilege of Her Royal Highness."


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