Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1300: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (6)

Speaking of Lüdes, most people generally think of the city of miracles framed by many magnificent buildings, the symbol of culture and art, and the pearl in the crown of human civilization. Most people don’t know, or pretend to know nothing—under the bright appearance, there is another Rudes.

Rudes Underwater Channel.

When the old city was renovated, the consortium not only built a beautiful city on the ground, but also greatly expanded the underground water system. Its area is almost the same as that of the surface of Lüders.

"When constructing an underground water channel, the consortium built a lot of underpasses. These underpasses have two main uses. One is to covertly transport personnel and materials, and when necessary, even let troops directly attack Rudes from the ground; the other is to use To diffuse various psychotropic drugs, collect data, and ensure the use of diffusion channels."

Standing on the bridge of a small electric rail truck, the spider said indifferently, always keeping a sneer expression rare with a trace of anxiety. .

"Diffusion drugs? Collect data?"

Minerva felt a little weird. It was just medicine. He actually received the same level of attention as human weapons, and even built a huge underground passage for this purpose.

"The unemployed, the farmers who lost their land, the opponents who were driven out of the ground by the consortium, the frustrated politicians, and the gangsters-these people who had no place on the ground gathered in the Rudes underground water channel. The huge underground water channel was once Almost a reduced version of Rudes. In this extra-legal place, distributing medicines to frustrated people, recording the sex, age, body type, amount and frequency of sales, and changes in physical conditions-according to these laboratories After the statistical integration of the unavailable data, the complete experimental information of the drug market is drawn, and the future use method is formulated accordingly. For example, the use of drugs to destroy the hostile country or something."

"Only medicine?"

"Don’t underestimate the power of addictive drugs, especially psychotropic drugs operated by the state. Think about it, hundreds of thousands of tons of drugs penetrate into the enemy country little by little through various channels, and the enemy nationwide has become The horror scene of drug addicts. The national health has been severely damaged, people's hearts are decadent, the economy has collapsed, the entire country has lost vitality, and it has become a little hell. And this side has not only weakened opponents, but also has an extra source of money."

"But this also means that Ping Bai has provided other countries with a handle to blame themselves, and countries that do not want to become the next will not remain silent about this."

"So an institution like Stasi is needed.'Intelligence operations' and'hiding of information' are also their business scope, instilling'this is strategically unnecessary' to the public, or strengthening the hostile country's self-degradation It’s the impression of the reason, or simply make up a criminal organization, and relinquish all faults to this non-existent organization-in short, let those who are afraid of the "evil villain" believe that Alfheim’s approach is just. You See, this way there are no more problems."

"this method--"

"Ah, yes, this is confusing audio-visual, it is black and white upside down. But in front of the high-speed intelligence network that they have, let alone the power of the individual, even the message sent by the state is weak. The speed of propagation is slow and the means are single How big a wave of intelligence can they turn up in front of their kind of network that can be spread all over the world in an instant? To know the so-called public, it is easy to preempt, and they are more enthusiastic about choosing themselves than choosing the right information. Favorite information. Once an impression is established, it is difficult to overthrow it."

The anger of the people of all countries on Charlemagne;

Charlemagne's irrational expectations of war;

These are all examples of the successful use of the "high-speed intelligence network" and "impression operation". After seeing and even shaking the power of the national strategy, Minerva had to admit the terrible power of "intelligence".

"If we can have the same strength..."

"At least you don't have to be so embarrassed to escape."

The spider's voice was full of unwillingness and regret.

Anyone in the spider's position will only produce more regrets.

At that moment, she was infinitely close to the best time to make that idiot. It took a lot of time and energy to create the once-in-a-lifetime moment. The only chance to surpass that invisible intelligence network so far has been Forever slipped through the fingers of the spider.

Under the circumstances at that time, whether it was using spider silk or throwing a grenade at hand, it was absolutely possible to clean up the crown prince and others on the spot, and they could shirk it to the church afterwards. From the standpoint of Alfheim, even if they are willing to carry out intelligence operations, it is unaccompanied to ask them to wash the ground for the church. Without the restraint of the crown prince, peace talks can proceed smoothly, and there is no place for Yalfheim to break the peace talks.

However, since Minerva could think of this, Alfheim could do the same.

Just as the spider was about to finish up in one breath, a bullet tore the spider silk that was used to convey the "command".

That was no accident.

No accident!

Without aiming at anyone in the conference room, even a near-missing bullet is not counted, and a bullet that has been torn into the wall by tearing a spider silk. It was neither a stray bullet nor a missed shot. The other party aimed at that spider silk and carried out a sniping.

As far as the spider knows, there is only one of them.

The number one sniper in arachnid-dragonfly.

Dragonflies are known as the fastest flying insects. Australian dragonflies can fly up to 58 kilometers per hour during high-speed sprints, and individual individuals can even reach a top speed of 72 kilometers per hour. Corresponding to the ability to fly at high speed, it is the strongest dynamic vision in the world.

The number of compound eyes of dragonflies exceeds that of flies, and the angle of field of view reaches 270 degrees. Even under the flying state of up to 72 kilometers per hour, it will not miss its prey. With these two abilities, dragonflies become the fastest predator and strongest sniper among insects.

After rotating, the self-adjustable tail at the end of the warhead pops out while reducing the interference of various natural conditions, and automatically corrects the trajectory of the sniper rifle ammunition, named "Dragonfly Bomb". With the dynamic vision of dragonflies, any target within a radius of 5 kilometers can't escape.

If it is a dragonfly, even a spider silk cannot escape his eyes. The reason for choosing the more difficult spider silk instead of the manipulator's spider to snipe is on the one hand to warn, on the other hand to prevent the dying spider from triggering the organ in the conference room.

If the spider was trying to kill the red deer shivering under the table, it would be hard to guarantee where the next sniping would hit...

There is no way but to retreat.

"It was completely seen through..."

There was humiliation and resentment between the clenched teeth, and the arms holding the console shook with anger.

It is not difficult to see from the configured sniper, sniping time, and sniping target, Alfheim has long been alerting anyone to start against Prince Louis, to ensure that this opponent who constantly sends God assists can always live to At the time specified in the schedule, they also specially dispatched armed spies to protect, including even the top reformers.

If you want to bypass the monitoring network set by the other party and shoot Prince Edward, it is simply an impossible task.

I’m afraid from the beginning, the spider’s self-concealed actions are under the surveillance of the other party. All the other party needs to do is count the sniper to the appropriate position and let him pull the trigger at the specified time. .

The trouble is not good, even now, they are under the surveillance of the enemy.

This is not surprising.

The Rudes underground waterway was originally constructed and operated by a consortium, which is equivalent to their back garden. Even if a part of it is closed and abandoned, they still know the underground maze. In contrast, Minerva and her family relied on Vernia's intelligence integration capabilities and a few exploration teams to outline the appearance of the underground maze. Who has the home court advantage is obvious.

"Now we can only pray that the other party is not interested in us, and don't add trouble to us..."

The spider murmured, and she seemed to have little confidence in the tone of anxiety that almost overflowed in her tone. The nagging words at this time are more like self-comfort to force yourself to calm down than to pray.

The killers of arachnid are the elite of the elite. They are not only excellent killers, but also a sharp blade in the hands of Alfheim. Perhaps there are flaws in character, but as killing machines, they are really excellent, and can remain calm under any circumstances.

However, it was difficult for the spider to keep calm along the way.

An unspeakable anxiety has been stirring in her heart, no matter how she tried to control her emotions, the waves of restlessness were always lingering. It seems that her every move is under someone's peep, no matter how she hides the trace, there is always a pair of eyes behind her.

This is by no means normal.

Being tracked, being monitored-this is almost commonplace for spiders. In the training camp "worm cage" where human rights and personal privacy do not exist~www.readwn.com~The training ground, dormitory, canteen, toilet, bathroom ceiling, floor, and wall are all made of transparent hardened glass. Even though the insects in the cage were always under the sight of others at that time, spiders had never felt such a nearly depressive atmosphere. In her life so far, only face-to-face experience surpassed the present.

This deja vu feeling is-

"Yo, little ~ spider ~ spider ~, and Her Royal Highness, how does it feel to sit on the freight rail tram made by my consortium?"

A frivolous voice came from the loudspeaker. At the moment of hearing the voice, the spider trembled violently. After a while, she resumed her usual sneer.

"It turns out that the command of this operation is you..."

"The mouth is still so bad. Is the reaction a bit slower? When you are attacked by Dragonfly, you should think that there must be a commander who is familiar with your tactics, thinking mode, and operational characteristics. If it is not the case, even Dragonfly's No matter how superb the sniper technique is, how can we accurately find the spider wire that transmits commands?"

Spider webs are the nesting and hunting means of spiders. Spider silk is also known as the strongest fiber in nature. With spider webs and fangs, spiders have become one of the best hunters in nature.

But this kind of spider is still a member of other biological recipes. Needless to say, all kinds of creatures larger than spiders, there are many spider-eating species in the arachnids and insects of the same level. Spiders are the most threatened, and the biggest natural enemy of spiders is-

"What the **** are you doing? Queen Bee?"

Withdrawing his bluff, the spider asked fiercely.


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