Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1301: Twenty-three. People who run counter to the times (7)

If you rank the natural enemies of spiders with a danger index, it is definitely all kinds of bees that sit firmly first.

Aggressive killer bees and wasps will make spiders into meatballs and carry them back to the nest to feed the larvae. Parasitic wasps such as spider wasps and mud bees will lay eggs directly on the back of the spider, making the spider the first meal after the larvae are born. Even tame-looking bees sometimes attack spiders. From all aspects, in most cases, spiders are killed by bees.

As the apex of the bee colony, the queen bee, which is often referred to as the queen queen and queen queen, is generally not responsible for fighting, and its main job is to produce offspring.

Does it sound similar to ants? In fact, these two creatures are close relatives. In modern times, there are species such as flying ants that intuitively prove the relationship between the two. It is not surprising that their social structures are similar.

So, like the marching ants, the killer named "Queen Bee" is also good at making "soldiers" and crushing opponents by commanding group battles. But it is indistinguishable like the bacterial virus of the marching ants. The method of using the large army to crush everything is different. In the "bee colony", only the queen can make soldiers, and the object is limited to women. Therefore, on the group scale, bees It is much smaller than ants. In contrast, the Queen Bee can create "soldiers" with different characteristics and expertise. Compared with highly convergent ant soldiers, not only the individual combat power is higher, but the intelligence, experience, and personality are also relatively complete, and they can be easily mixed in. The crowd was not found.

To put it bluntly, the marching ants are taking the explosive route, which is good at triggering large-scale riots and riots; the Queen Bee is taking the elite soldier route, specializing in covert operations and fine operations. The two sides just focus on different directions, and there is no question of which one is stronger.

For spiders, marching ants and queen bees are both troublesome, but the threat level of queen bees is several levels higher than marching ants.

Compared to the army of zombies, opponents who don’t know where to hide and peep at you, and when they don’t know, are obviously more terrifying.

Such a queen bee suddenly revealed her identity, what abacus she is playing.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to help you."

The sound in the loudspeaker is still pleasant and thin, as if not answering the spider's question, but in a humming tone.

"The guy who peeped and arranged the sniper really dare to say."

"That's part of the job, just as we deliberately leaked some information, so that your intelligence integrator could find a'proper' escape route."

"It's really hard work for you to help you with such twists and turns."

"It will increase unnecessary trouble for you directly? Isn't the old saying said?'Those that don't need money are the most dangerous'. Instead of worrying you, the information sent is not mixed with bad things, take some Time spills out the pieces, making it more efficient for you to put the puzzle together."

"The so benevolent Miss Queen Bee, what on earth do you want to do?"

The spider, who had no patience to continue to play with the other person's mouth, sucked his lips and raised his doubts in one breath. Minerva sitting behind her also raised her ears to listen.

"It's not a crystal ball that I will answer as long as you dare to ask. What is the penalty for the leaker in the confidentiality order, should I not remind you?"

"So how about I come to myself? It's your business if you don't answer, how?"


"Then I will start talking to myself."

Putting away the childish sneer, the spider's face lost its expression and its voice lost its temperature.

"The goal of Alfheim is to let the war end according to the ending you set. All the characters should appear or die at the set time and place. If there are characters, they are still very important characters because of some accidents. Exit... The dictator lord who wrote the script will be very troubled. Once the dictator lord is troubled, the following officials and departments will also have headaches, and it will kill people if they are not in trouble. So anyway, make sure that all the characters are well treated On the stage, continue to play the role assigned to them."

Alfheim’s strategic planning is very reasonable, and at the same time it is both feasible and operable. The only problem is its insufficient flexibility and redundancy.

Due to the unique national conditions and geographical environment, there is no second choice for Alforheim except for the overall victory they expect. Even Roland’s "incomplete victory" as the premise of peace talks is still Alforheim Intolerable.

Because time is not only beneficial to the elves, under certain conditions, such as the solidarity of the countries and the formation of a pair of Alforheim surrounded by a long zero-sum game-time will become an ally of the countries.

In that environment, maintaining the resource channel alone will involve a lot of energy, resources and mobile forces, plus maintaining the stability of the occupied area, rebuilding after the war, and finding new economic growth points in the context of a sharp decline in export markets... … There will be many things to worry about for Alfheim. What's more terrible is that, stimulated by the performance of the defense team of Alfheim in the war, the countries will definitely increase their investment in military technology, although they cannot catch up with Yar in a short period of time, or even a long period of time. The rear lights of Forgem. But if countries launch policies to stimulate population growth, the huge base of soldiers will one day overwhelm Alfoheim’s technological advantages...

Apart from the overall victory, Alfheim had no retreat at all.

Therefore, they will inevitably rule out all the uneasy elements that may affect the development of the situation, such as peace talks. For example, in this coup, Charlemagne’s royal family died.

Prince Louis is the key to victory, and Minerva is the key piece after the stable war. Anyone who is missing will make Alfheim's strategic puzzles appear to be significantly missing. Therefore, the elite team is sent to ensure the safety of the crown prince while deliberately leaking information to Minerva. The motive is to ensure the safety of the two, while maintaining this delicate balance as much as possible.

"Then the church had a similar intention. They also wanted to hold two important trump cards in their hands at the same time. Not only to ensure that the war between Charlemagne and Yalfheim would continue, but also to contain the Holy Girl, the Charlie Mann’s two biggest forces are integrated, and then the two opponents he hates are fighting against each other until they both die."

The spider spoke with a slightly taunting tone.

The church assassin who rushed into the conference room did not kill anyone in the Minerva family. He also said that Minerva is an important hostage. That is to say, Minerva has a value for the church. This value is enough to control the future trend of the battle, so that the church is willing to take the potential risk of offending the crown princes to protect Minerva.

That value is to promote the holy girl and Yalfheim to die together.

"'The heretics are here to end with heretics!'-Isn't this a church-style thinking? If everything goes well, the self-righteous and uncontrollable princes and queens can be replaced by the popular queen's hall after the war. The reputation of the church will become the reputation of the church. There is no better script for the church that is eager to restore its prestige after the destruction of the Holy. As for whether things will be so smooth, or the church has another ace that we don’t know, Then we have to wait for further information collection..."

All in all, both sides need the living Crown Prince and Minerva, and at the same time make sure that the key Minerva will not fall into the other's control.

"So, the next step will be the mutual obstruction between the elite troops of the church and the forces of Stasi and the battle for Her Royal Highness--"

"No need to go on."

No longer frivolous, a calm voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Except for the last part, you are right."

"Oh? There are other troops besides Stasi?"

"Yes, and based on the permissions granted, I can also tell you the name of the unit."

The calm and a little cold voice said:

"I believe you should have heard the name of that unit: the 9th Special Operations Group of the Guards, commonly known as—"


The moment the word was pronounced like a moan, the spider's face became pale.


The chaotic footsteps echoed in the sewer, from time to time and distance, as if with a stickiness, it has never been rid of.

This is a sharp-nosed guy, just like a dog, no, more sensitive than a dog.

Trained military dogs and hounds have the ability to search and track targets~www.readwn.com~ Based on the dog's physical fitness and endurance, once the whereabouts are found, it will never stop without chasing the prey. It is a fantasy to get rid of those rigorously trained precision machines with human physical ability and ability to move on foot. Even veteran scouts must be cautious when facing enemy dogs, because they are well aware that these four-legged soldiers may be more troublesome than the most sophisticated security systems, and if they are careless, they may be torn into pieces.

Compared with the group of guys sprinting in the sewers, the military dog's chasing style of chasing after a long time and staring at its prey will not even seem to be very gentle.

They are not in a hurry to end their prey's life, they seem to be a little careless and laid back, but this is precisely its terrible.

Maintaining the proper distance, driving the prey with a fast and slow speed and rhythm, abrading the nerves and physical strength of the prey, and waiting for the prey to be driven to the preset slaughtering place to expand and surround it.

This is a tactic that dogs will not use. Even a trained military dog ​​will basically give priority to the target's limbs, and will not bite the fatal position of the throat, waist and abdomen as soon as it comes up.

That's a tactic that only wild animals can use. In nature, which can't survive without fighting for life, there is no room for pity and sympathy. If you can't be fatal with one blow, then it is likely that the next step is a heavy counterattack or the food that has come to your mouth will slip away.

That’s right, it’s not dogs or humans that act in groups in the sewers, but a group of teeth grinning, chasing prey constantly, tearing everything in front of them into pieces, spreading terror and awe in every way to every part of the world The hungry wolf in the corner.


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