Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1436: Twenty-nine. Vaulting (1)

The falling snow falling in the night sky, the thick snow that should appear silver gray reflects the moonlight with a trace of blood, as if the sound of stepping on the snow and breathing in the stillness of freezing everything is extremely harsh and small.

If you list a tough leaderboard for various tasks of the guerrillas, Xueyeli will definitely rank first in the guard post.

The temperature in the mountain area is already lower than that of the plain area. The snow falling on the body will turn the cold protection clothing into a wet and heavy torture tool. At this time, the night wind of minus ten degrees will blow. It is not something that can be described as "sour and sour". In winter, the victims who are frozen and icy are often found in the mountains. Some people were finally frozen to madness, and they took off all their clothes and ran in the snow until they died. If there is a blizzard, even if there is no chance to go crazy, it will become a stiff corpse, buried deep under the snow, and will not be discovered until the snow melts in the coming year. It is not difficult to imagine that there is no hot food or hot water, and there is no chat partner, no fire or shrinking in the long snowy night in the house blanket. The night post is almost enough for everyone who has experienced A difficult task that will last a lifetime.

Even so, no guerrillas will refuse to undertake this task. After all, no one wants to be blocked in the bed by the enemy who attacked at night, wearing a pair of pants and being beaten into a sieve. If you don't want to die so foolishly, you have to arrange guard posts every night regardless of wind, frost, snow and rain.

After a violent shaking like a seizure, Barney felt warmer. He shivered and took out the jug. A spicy and warm alcoholic beverage ran across his throat and a dried bacon was thrown into his mouth.

In principle, dining time is not allowed, let alone drinking. However, the guerrillas were not regular soldiers. In an environment where they could not maintain a stable supply, they had to act cheap. For example, drinking alcohol while standing guard will indeed make people unresponsive, alcohol will also cause the body temperature to lose speed, and excessive drinking will seriously affect the execution of tasks. However, in the long winter night, alcoholic beverages can indeed promote blood circulation, raise body temperature in a short time, and reduce the possibility of frostbite on the extremities. In the cold night when no fire can expose the post, this is the best personal heating tool that the guerrillas can start with.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, the tremor of the body stopped temporarily, and Barney opened his eyes again to search the vast snow field.

In normal times, winter is a rest period when mountain people stop most activities and stay at home with peace of mind. Previously, pickling food, collecting fuel, and repairing houses were all prepared to survive the winter.

Under the control of the beautiful and merciless Winter Goddess, even the bravest hunters dare not venture into the mountains.

The "Prince Eugen" brigades, who are also descendants of the mountain people, also knew this. As early as the first autumn leaves fell on the ground, they began to act.

The goal is not to annihilate or sweep, but to interrupt the guerrillas’ wintering supplies reserves, rush the guerrillas into the forests and mountains early, and then continue to block the mountains, engulfing the guerrillas by severe cold and hunger.

——From the standpoint of the empire, this is probably the most economical and labor-saving way of anti-guerrilla warfare.

Barney thought so when he stomped his feet that were about to lose consciousness.

Barney, who has just completed the elementary literacy teaching course, does not know what is a "consumption ratio" and what is a "strategy", but he knows what is saving money, and what else can be done to save money. The empire, formerly a consortium, knew how to make money and deserved to know how to save money. Since they were good enough to overthrow the Charlemagne kingdom, there was of course no reason to miss a way to save money and solve problems.

Most members of the "Liberty Corps" share the same views as Barney. The Defense Forces are of course well-equipped, well-trained, highly motivated, and experienced, and do not have to worry about supply problems. Launching large-scale offensives against mountain areas and forests that are difficult to defend and difficult to attack and difficult for mechanized troops to move and play is "short for the length"-this has been proven by previous battles. Therefore, instead of wasting resources on siege operations with suspicious effects, it is better to start the harassment in the autumn with the aim of disrupting the guerrillas’ wintering material reserves, and then establish a sufficiently complete and strong siege blockade line for the guerrilla zone in winter. Many guerrilla fighters struggled to survive the first winter. Even if the survivors survive to Kaichun, whether the survivors are sound and healthy, and how much combat power there is is still a question.

But the upper levels of the "Liberty Army" don't think so.

——The enemy's goal is to extinguish all resistance forces at the fastest speed. They will not tolerate tens of thousands of mobile troops squatting behind the bunker and barbed wire for nothing all winter.

-In order to be able to eliminate the guerrillas, in addition to the drive-out and blockade operations, the empire will most likely carry out a three-dimensional attack with a central blossom and an all-out attack.

- Judging from the signs of a series of enemy movements, this attack is likely to start before the new year.

The senior officials said so, although there is no specific information to support the judges' judgments, but in view of the previous series of correct judgments, the guerrillas have escaped the crisis from time to time and the "Legislative Army" has continued to grow. Barney can only choose to be convinced.

"When will those sharp-eared devils be killed?"

Spit out the doubt and the fog from his mouth, and the young guerrillas stared blankly at the end of the endless darkness.


"If they plan to do it, it should be these few days. It is estimated that once the snow stops, it will start to act after the sky clears."

"A raid was launched from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day? Well, this is indeed very much like their style."

The girl shook her head and smiled bitterly. She who had been there over the years knew very well that the defense force has always been cautious and cautious during the operation period. Any combat operation date is based on comprehensive consideration of factors such as troop movement and weather. None of them is a whim. Determined by patting the head.

In the winter in the mountains, you have to consider the impact of wind and snow. In particular, this operation is a three-dimensional coordinated operation of all arms, and the participating forces must be coordinated. If the most important airborne assault forces and air forces cannot be deployed, even if other ground troops are barely dispatched, they can only fight a standard sweeping together. This equals all previous efforts in vain, and they cannot accept this result.

In addition to the above considerations, there is another factor that cannot be ignored-the New Year is coming soon. This period is a period when people are more psychologically relaxed, and they are even less prepared for raids. Once the battle starts, the effect of the surprise attack and the disruption of the command system will be more obvious.

"As long as it is still snowing, the siege operation can only be postponed, and we can make the troops more dispersed and concealed, avoiding the enemy's frontiers. Going behind them and harassing the logistics line, disrupting their deployment so that they cannot be looked after. They must also continue to break through the traffic lines, harass enemy sites and material storage areas. They are forced to end the siege as soon as possible and return to the rear to guard important transportation hubs and strongholds. In this way, this winter is considered to have passed through. I believe that by virtue of the anti-siege We can attract more people who are not willing to be enslaved to join our cause, which will be a strong guarantee for the next step of the strategy."

The young man stood up and talked, the swaying firelight illuminating the side face full of determination and determination, and the clenched fist was raised to his chest.

"Dictatorship... no matter how wise a monarch or an excellent emperor, it is necessary for one person to decide the lifestyle and life trajectory of all people-this kind of thing cannot be sustained in the end. The advancement of humanity, the advancement of history, It should not be determined by road signs."

That's a swear word.

It is also a prayer from the bottom of my heart~www.readwn.com~ Even if it may be criticized by most people, I am also determined to realize this revolutionary road to the end with many like-minded comrades.

——I don’t know if I’m foolish or mad, I only know how to move forward.

That's all.

The slender arms hug the teenager, and the scented breath and soft touch from the back bring an inexplicable sense of relief.

"We... will win."

The clenched fists clenched in the back, like comfort or responsive oath.

Just as the young revolutionary mates were immersed in the gentleness of only a moment, 90 kilometers away from them, the gangs of steel reptiles were conducting the final inspection before the battle, and many multi-legged metal beasts plunged their long feet deep into the snow. In the ground, the slender back component points to the target hidden under the snow and the horizon.

It is less than fifteen minutes before the "vault horse" operation is fully launched.

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