Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1437: Twenty-nine. Vaulting (2)

The "Vaulting Horse" operation will be a siege war with high-intensity raids. The guerrillas had accurate predictions about this, and they even guessed it would be an airborne raid. It can go further—the target of the raid, the size and composition of the raid, the use of equipment, the start time of the operation, the sequence and coordination of the peripheral forces—these vital information is completely blank.

The security work of the Defence Forces has been in place, and their racial tendencies have also increased the difficulty for potential opponents to obtain high-level core intelligence. Limited by the "invisible ceiling" and various secrecy regulations, human officials and soldiers have very little chance of touching the core secrets. The inside line installed in the security police can only provide a general picture, that is, the defense force may take a major operation against the guerrillas in the near future, and further information is blank.

In fact, even if there are apostates inside the Defense Force, he cannot send the information in time. In addition to the commander, the participating troops did not know the details. Until the X-1 day, the day before the operation, the divisional command institution of the participating troops would not receive a formal action order. Prior to this, all participating troops were standing by in the barracks, and any act of venting and reporting would expose themselves. Even if this insider willingly took the risk of identity exposure to send the information out, and was extremely lucky to send it out, under the strict blockade and all-round electronic interference, this information will never be sent to the guerrillas in time. Here, let them prepare in advance.

Even so, the guerrillas can grasp the general direction of "horse vaulting", which is quite remarkable.

You know, at the beginning, even within the Defense Forces, whether to adopt an airborne assault plan was also very controversial.

The Defense Force is no stranger to raids. In several raids, three-dimensional airborne operations including paratroopers were indispensable. In the experience of modern airborne assault operations, they have rich experience beyond the reach of their counterparts in other countries. They have a profound understanding of the pros and cons of this epoch-making tactic.

As an important part of the blitzkrieg, paratroopers are to penetrate behind the enemy, bypass the enemy's defenses, and launch sudden attacks on the weak parts of the defense or the command hub when the enemy is unprepared.

Previous wars proved this to be an effective tactic. Paratroopers airdropped behind the front were often dressed as King Charlesman Army soldiers or gendarmerie, occupying and destroying important bridges and material storage sites, confusing road signs, and hunting heralds. , Causing chaos in the rear of the Charlemagne army. When the armored group was killed from the Arden Forest and started to side out, many Charlemagne forces were run over by chariots of the Defence Force in a mess, and even decent resistance could not be achieved. In addition to the lightning fast march of the armored assault cluster, paratroopers' penetration and disturbance are also indispensable.

It can be said that as long as you use the right method, you only need to airdrop a paratrooper battalion to cause endless trouble to your opponents, sometimes even a disaster. But conversely, if your method is wrong, it will become a gift.

The biggest problem for paratroopers to airborne is nothing more than the accuracy of the intelligence and whether it is possible to airdrop troops and equipment of sufficient size to the designated locations in a short time.

The information is not accurate, the light is a waste of time, a waste of resources and time, the serious thing is to jump directly into the trap, and give away people's heads and equipment. The airdropped troops are not concentrated enough, and the number is not enough to form sufficient suppression forces, or the airdrop position is simply far from the target, and the goal cannot be achieved.

Leaving aside the issue of intelligence accuracy, the problem of the scale of airborne troops can be solved by concentrating transportation equipment and troops, but the location of the battle, the Alps, is in the middle of a snowstorm, and this weather has taken a massive airborne and suicide No difference. Even if the aircraft is okay, paratroopers and their weapon storage barrels are likely to be blown away from the target area by wind, and if the glider is likely to fall directly into the ditch with a person.

From the conclusion, there must be a means that is not afraid of snow and wind, does not need to dispatch large-scale air transportation equipment, and can quickly gather in batches after landing the target area quickly.

It sounds like a fantasy.

However, such a magical delivery method does exist, and its prototype can even be traced back to BC before the invention of aircraft and rockets.

That's right, here is the earliest siege device that uses parabolic trajectory-trebuchet.

Applying simple lever principle and law of inertia, the stone projectile is projected into the air after applying kinetic energy. When the projectile climbs to the highest point, it begins to fall quickly. The kinetic energy formed by the superposition of its own mass and inertial acceleration is enough to destroy the solid stone wall. Sometimes, as needed, the incendiary can be thrown into the city to cause a fire. Before the gunpowder and cannon were invented, the trebuchet was one of the most important siege tools and one of the few projection tools.

Of course, it was too whimsical to use a catapult to send people to heaven. Given the insufficient acceleration kinetic energy, the ascent height is not enough to open the parachute, and the projected weight is limited-under the constraints of the above problems, the pioneers who tried to use the catapult to fly to the distance and even the sky finally took the fast lane to **** To tell the world with his flat body that he fell flat, if he wants to use a trebuchet to go to heaven, it will only achieve another kind of "God" effect.

The Defence Forces were not whimsical enough to count on the use of trebuchets to engage in airborne, which was basically under the murder of the subordinates.


They did not say that they would use a trebuchet, and that it was not flesh-and-blood projected to the target area.

Fifteen giant metal insects lined up, the slender hexapod and countless **** (Spade, generally refers to the components installed at the rear end of the artillery bracket to fix the position of the artillery, to avoid the displacement of the artillery due to the reaction force when shooting, (Also called hoe) deeply embedded in the snow and dirt.

After locking all the joints and fixing themselves firmly, the metal insects unfolded a 90-meter-long track on the back, facing the cold wind and snow to the mountains and depressions below the horizon-the core target area of ​​the "Vaulting Horse" operation.

The small metal insects that have been prepared for a long time in four weeks have climbed onto the track in sequence~www.readwn.com~ As an advance force, they are equipped with two standard 7.92㎜ general machine guns or a 40㎜ automatic grenade launcher as standard. Compared with the second echelon equipped with flamethrower, six-packed iron fist launcher, single-mounted 75mm recoilless gun or 12.7mm heavy machine gun, which is enough to deal with lightly armored targets, it seems to be somewhat underpowered. However, considering that their opponents are guerrillas lacking heavy armor and heavy weapons, this configuration alone is also suspected of surplus firepower. Moreover, the time for the two echelons to reach the target area will not exceed 15 minutes, so there is no problem of insufficient firepower.

The small metal insect presses its foot against the reciprocating machine at the end of the track similar to the starting block on the sports ground, and presses down the body as if it is ready to start. After a while, a turquoise electric light twisted on the track.

That's the same technique as Rail Gun, using Fleming's left-hand law to accelerate objects and eject them. But unlike the rail gun, this technology does not focus on the initial speed, and the load is the focus.

Using this technology, it is the "electromagnetic ejection type" that is responsible for ejecting more than ten tons of objects into the air, which is one of the core weapons and equipment of the next generation of the Imperial Defence Forces and a highly intelligent unmanned combat machine "Legion".

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