Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1438: Twenty-nine. Vaulting (3)

?As we all know, the defense army has a weakness that cannot be passed around, that is, the lack of troops.

The population of elves has always been a serious injury. Even with the introduction of modern medicine and eugenics, even through administrative means to encourage every elven family to have children who can form a football team for the country and the nation, the fertility rate is only slightly improved. There is no way to think about it in time.

The Defense Force once tried to solve this problem with technical force, and Chimera was the product of such efforts. Cruel, fast, and deadly, and the source of raw materials is stable, in the eyes of those crazy scientists and war mads, it seems to be the perfect weapon they dream of. However, during the war with Charlemagne, Chimera, who had high hopes, could only be said to be unsatisfactory. During the war, apart from being responsible for the defense of the stronghold on the long Siegfried line, Chimera hardly assumed any serious tasks. It wasn’t in the battle of Isselan’s fort defense that Chimera almost shredded the invading Charlieman assault team, and the General Staff and the General Equipment Department almost posted Chimera with “burning waste” "Er" label, so stop all organic biological weapons research.

Objectively speaking, this assertion is not fair. It is important to know that the main tactical tasks scheduled for organic biological weapons are infiltration and area clearance, and stronghold defense can only be regarded as a sideline. The Defence Forces all played mechanized corps quickly to break through the encirclement. In this high-speed action, Chimera with insufficient IQ could not keep up with the rhythm, nor talk about coordination, and naturally it would not be of much use. If it is expected to be used to create a no-man zone on the battlefield, Chimera is likely to shine.

In any case, in view of the performance in the war, although Chimera did not dismiss the entire project, it was also recognized by the military's senior management as unable to shoulder the important task of the next generation of main war weapons. In order to meet the next war, the General Armament Department once again issued research and development instructions to study the next generation of main weapons. In response, the technical experts proposed to duplicate the "Legion" idea and use massive unmanned weapons to overwhelm all opponents.

That's right, the Scientists of the Defence Force intend to use their own hands to reproduce the army of undead.

The decisive battle on the Rhine Front not only frightened the powers of the countries, but even the group of technicians with the Defense Force also felt an unprecedented strong impact. However, unlike the fear and disgust felt by humans and orcs, the technicians are strongly moved and excited.

You did not misunderstand or misunderstand. The elf technicians witnessed the endless "Legion" flooding the battlefield, daring to face the gun forest and rain without fear, crossing the corpses of the companions and enemies, without hesitation and sadness, just constantly Offensive attack and then attack until the enemy formation and the earth are engulfed together, pushing the "legion" frenzy all the way to the scene on the other side of the sky. The technicians were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, and some even left tears on the spot.

Under the training of Li Lin's words and example and the workplace environment for many years, the R&D unit of the Defense Force has long been insulated from the so-called "morality". To be honest, here is not so much a research unit as a paradise for mad scientists. A group of mad scientists stuffed with cutting-edge technology and extreme nationalism in their minds is thinking about how to strengthen the defense force every day.

In fact, this is nothing. Science has no borders, but scientists are nationalized. No one does not want their motherland to be strong, especially when the motherland is in a state of war or strong neighbors. This kind of mood will become more urgent, and the transformation into a sense of mission will prompt scientists to explode unprecedented power and creativity.

However, just as a positive number and a negative number are multiplied, the result will inevitably get a larger negative number. When the positive numbers such as sense of mission, national pride, and ability are added together, and then multiplied by the large negative number of "crazy", the result will inevitably be a very large negative number-no sense of morality, everything is given priority to military needs and efficiency -Just like their majesty the emperor.

The thinking model of the Defense Technical Researchers is very different from the common sense of ethics and morality of the general public. They wholeheartedly want to make the country strong, so that the elves can stand on the top of the world again, so they can trample on all morals. Whether it is injecting medicine to innocent children, performing anesthesia-free surgery on crying and wailing teenagers, cutting open skulls one by one, carefully observing different brain tissues, inserting electrodes into the brain marrow, observing and recording the brain after being subjected to various stimuli Reaction……

Such a group of guys will be moved after seeing the performance of the "Legion" on the battlefield is the normal reaction.

This is exactly the form of the perfect weapon they have been struggling to pursue. They are fearless of death, fearless of pain, tireless, and advancing. They have a certain degree of tactical coordination and learning ability, and can quickly adapt to different battlefields. The most important thing is that it fills the last short board of the empire's military power-quantity.

It can be said that as long as there are sufficient resources and production lines, the "Legion" will continue to go down the production line. From the moment they start, they inherit the knowledge and experience required for combat and can immediately enter the battlefield without starting from scratch. Training. They will not question why they are fighting, they will not complain because of hunger and fatigue, and they do not need to retreat because of injuries and losses. To put it extreme, even in the worst case, the empire has been destroyed. As long as the automatic production line is set up in advance, this army of undead will continue to form an army, which will continue to ravage the world like a natural disaster.

Normal people face this kind of thinking and only lament that the elves are crazy, but for those crazy technical researchers, this can't be more reasonable. First of all, if the empire can dominate the world smoothly, the above problems will not arise, and it is not worth worrying about. Second, if the empire is unfortunately defeated, it fails to fulfill its long-cherished wish to dominate the world. Then it is necessary to wait for the liquidation and revenge of the elves. This time they will never be as lucky as thousands of years ago, and there will be survivors who will survive and wait patiently in the dark corners for the opportunity of revival. In this case, then this world is not worthy of attachment and protection. Rather than letting the barbarians despised by them step on their corpses and climb onto the throne that dominates the world, it is better to let the legion turn the whole world into a dead place where the mechanical undead wanders. To put it bluntly, if you can't win, you must at least be prepared to pull all your opponents to pour coffins.

Now that the direction has been determined, the rest is hands-on research and development. Due to the considerable experience accumulated in the R&D process of MDS and MA, there is not much trouble in the design and manufacture of the body. By contrast, giving these combat machines intelligence is the most troublesome part. Prior to this, only Golem and Automated Puppets who followed steps in accordance with the instructions in the world had no concept of artificial intelligence that could recognize the situation and make their own judgments. The Defense Force is also almost blank in this regard. It seems that everything must be started from scratch, and it must wait for decades or even hundreds of years of technical accumulation before progress can be made. Before that, people need not worry about the threat of "Legion"?

If anyone thinks so, then he really underestimated the mad scientists of the Empire~www.readwn.com~ The gang has always been a group of excellent devil.

The "Legion" enlightened them not only at the conceptual level but also at the rapid prototyping of artificial intelligence.

Rather than spending time, studying artificial intelligence from scratch, just copying the ready-made intelligent composition directly, such things already existed long ago.

That is the human brain.

In the previous battles, the "Legion" had the action of extracting human brains to strengthen its tactical computing power. The researchers of the Defence Forces have also been inspired to use the human brain-to be precise, a replica of the human brain structure to act as a central processing unit (CPU). In this way, the human brain is easy to rot and the trouble of dissecting the whole brain and implanting it into the body is also eliminated. As long as the skull is cut, the intact brain structure is scanned and rewritten into Tianjing, and a central processing unit with fast processing capability is completed. After that, as long as various instructions and tactical regulations are input, they will be placed in the aircraft and it will be done.

As the first batch of practical "Legion" test machines, the 350 "Legion" under the 500th Special Technology Battalion will assume the heavy task of assaulting the core target area. They will use the results to prove their value.

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