Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1445: Twenty-nine. Vaulting(10)

   "Artillery type" is nominally a single type of designation, and its practical "artillery group" may be more appropriate to call it, because the so-called "artillery type" is basically a big family.

   Unlike other types with a single purpose, the artillery type has a very wide range of tasks, which is inextricably linked to the high versatility of this type of chassis.

Anti-aircraft artillery, rapid-fire artillery, mortar, recoilless artillery, anti-tank artillery, siege artillery, rocket artillery, cannon, howitzer, particle artillery... In addition to train artillery, almost all active artillery of the Defense Force can be moved to the "artillery type" "This multi-foot walking universal chassis makes the artillery model actually a family with many members. Coupled with the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the elves, artillery models with artillery of the same caliber often appear only because of the details of the barrel size, the improvement of the automatic loading mechanism, the fine adjustment of the walking mechanism, the production batch and other details. Later, it became a matter of knowing that the equipment identification number for distinguishing artillery types later, and some historians specially published books to discuss this......

The basic structure of the    artillery type is an unarmored hexapod body. In addition to supporting the hexapod of the body, it is the artillery on the back, and the tail is dragging a pair of long hoe, just like the tail of a scorpion. Because there is no armor protection, and the artillery weapons on the back are slightly heavier, they can be disassembled for catapult airdrops-this has been fully considered in the original design.

   Therefore, less than ten minutes after landing, with the support of the support type, all 7 artillery types are already in place and can be put into combat at any time.

Do not.

   Perhaps use "slaughter" and "destroy" to describe the next thing, which is more appropriate and more illustrative.

   Use 52 times diameter 155㎜ plus howitzer and 40 tube 122㎜ rocket artillery to aim at the flat with no protection at all-regardless of any standard, this cannot be called "combat".

   Artillery direct fire is not a new tactic. It has existed from the moment the artillery was born. In the ancient siege, the heavy barrels were fired horizontally to bombard the solid walls and open the breakthrough. Afterwards, despite the continuous improvement of technology, this artillery tactic still continued the tenacious vitality. From anti-tank vehicles to anti-fortresses, you can see all kinds of artillery shooting flat. It was the Soviet Red Army during World War II that brought the large-caliber artillery to the pinnacle of direct fire. Thick pipes of various calibers turn various black-and-white film fragments of buildings with reversed 4D signs into almost black powder, which is almost the best annotation of Red Army artillery.

  Defense forces often use this tactic, and under the influence of obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobia, they also upgraded this tactic. In the revolving door operation, many of the defense lines that Charlemagne forces hurriedly built were extinguished when large-caliber artillery approached the volley, and some of the fortresses were slammed by monsters like the "Assault Tiger" because the surrender was not timely. As a result, a few 380㎜ rockets went down, not to mention the fortress and the shattered corpse, and even the identifiable objects no longer exist.

  Military protection works were directly hit by large-caliber artillery. This is not the case. What about the village houses with no protection?

   Don’t think that 155㎜ is only half of the 380㎜, you can feel at ease here, if someone really has this idea, it is really...too happy.

  The size of the caliber does directly determine the power of the artillery, but it is not the only decisive factor. It should be known that in order to cooperate with the high-speed maneuvering of armored and motorized troops, traditional self-propelled artillery has some trade-offs in artillery performance. The caliber is small, the power is not enough, the weight is heavy, the chassis can't move, can't move, the body is long, it is easy to insert into the mud when marching, and the recoil can't bear the chassis. The towing artillery is not very troublesome in this respect. As long as it is not a fortress that is so heavy that it can't be moved, the caliber is as large as you want, as large as you want, and as much as you want. The recoil, bore pressure, and reloading speed are not a problem, as long as you can guarantee that you can hit the enemy's head with enough shells.

   Unfortunately, the artillery type is not a traditional self-propelled artillery. In a strict sense, this is a multi-legged self-propelled chassis carrying a towed artillery.

   The 155mm caliber self-propelled artillery equipment previously equipped by the Defense Forces had a 39-fold caliber barrel, and the reason for the design was such as those mentioned above. However, the artillery type is not subject to the shackles of the above frames, relying on more powerful power and terrain adaptability than the crawler chassis, they can carry all types of traction artillery with a diameter of 210㎜ down for mobile marching and combat, and if multiple artillery types are carried out After parallel modification, it can also carry larger caliber artillery to move along the railway line and serve as a train gun.

   against guerrillas and unarmed civilians certainly does not require such exaggerated firepower, 155㎜ plus howitzers are enough to reap them.

   A 155㎜ high-explosive ammunition is enough to eliminate all unprotected target coefficients within a 30-meter radius of the impact point, and replace it with anti-infantry shotguns. The killing range can be further increased to a radius of 50 meters. There are 7 artillery types that have been airborne, that is to say, 7 shells can be fired in a round of volley, which is powerful enough to demolish the entire street in an instant.

  Take this kind of thing to deal with ordinary infantry and even unarmed civilians. How distorted is the morbid psychology and the thick skin like a fortified deck, can this be called "combat"?


The sound of breaking the air with a metal texture sounded, and the high-explosive bombs flying at supersonic speeds screamed like a train whistle, plunging into the crowd of escape, the snow and black soil on the ground expanded and exploded at high temperatures~ www.readwn.com~ The fragments of the human body and objects are scattered, and together with the shock wave and shrapnel, the death is spilled onto all objects within the killing range. Before the fragments of the corpse have landed, a new wave of shelling bursts again.

   Artillery tactics are extremely simple, first drive the crowd to an area, and then concentrate the firepower to cover. As in ancient times, humans drove the beasts to the cliff with a numerical advantage, forcing the beasts to fall and fall. The hunting technique is simple, effective, and deadly.

  In the broadcasting interface, the light spots are gathered into groups, and the whole light spot disappears in the next second-such a picture generally brings extremely comfortable sense to the elf operators who generally have obsessive-compulsive syndrome. This not only satisfies their psychological needs of "everything must be neat and tidy", all the discomfort and haze since the start of the operation also disappeared with the light spot, and the pressure and unhappiness that had accumulated before seem to have disappeared a lot.

   Even Kaspar, who had been sullen, seemed to be infected by the atmosphere and raised his mouth slightly.

  ——So, how are you going to deal with this situation? Do you want to die to save the life in front of you in order to realize your lofty ideals, or do you want to expose yourself in order to carry out your ideals?

  ——No matter which one you choose, I am very welcome.

  ——We are friends, Roland.

   lips raised up spit out a burning breath, and Caspar showed a greasy grin.


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