Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1463: Thirty. What makes people (6)

? All living things have an instinct, which is to aspire to areas that they cannot reach.

The deep-sea fish longed for the sun, the beasts on the ground yearned for the sky, and the humans yearned for various unknown fields.

And what the deceased yearns for but cannot get is the privilege of the living—a chance to return and tomorrow.

——It says to fight to the end, but he doesn't want to give up the body that is not suitable for fighting at all.

——I have never thought of losing the eyes of others, listening to the ears of words, touching the hands of others, and growing and advancing together, nurturing the body of the next generation.

——There are obviously people with them.

-Obviously want to be happy with the other half.

-We can't do it anymore.

——We are already dead.

The undead staying deep in the brain pour out envy and abhorrence of the living together, and the thoughts left in the world are turned into a thousand words, fermented into blameless accusations.

——You are still alive, you can do it. Even if everything is deprived, even if everything is lost, there is always a chance to get it again.

—— Obviously you can also get happiness.

——But you actually.

-Don't care and talk big.

"You really can say it."

As the words trembled in the air, the whole space began to shake violently.

The human face is constantly twisted and twisted, even with a voice, and the tone is changed. The successive, unsynchronized sticky sounds are not like the sounds that people should have in the world, but they are similar to the roar of the undead army.


Not a metaphor or description. But it is really similar to the phenomenon that the murmur of the dead is directly amplified in the brain marrow after being amplified by the brain quantum wave induction framework when facing the legion. At this moment, it was performed with unprecedented intensity.

One hundred? Two hundred? Five hundred? One thousand?

This is not such a small number.


Roland couldn't help but shrink his body and wanted to block his ears. Although the "sound" was not transmitted by air vibration, but was directly generated from the brain, even if the tympanic membrane was destroyed, he still tried to block the crazy cry. .

It was a huge group of thousands and even no time to calculate the numbers. It was said that the gates of **** were opened, and all the dead souls in the underworld flooded.

And unlike the last legion of the "Legion" that freezes indefinitely as it lasts, the voice roaring in Roland's brain at this moment has a clear will and emotional color, so it can be questioned and rebuked.

As literally expressed, it was the sighs, anger and envy of the dead to the living, countless bitter squeezed out hatreds oozing from the miserable and desolate voice. Endless roars of undead roared in and out, like a sharp blade repeatedly stirring under the skull, tearing reason and hacking the brain. The head seems to be a balloon blown to the threshold, the mind becomes the bow string pulled to the limit, countless howls turn into a torrent of torrents, and the ancient brain pours into one's consciousness.

Along with the extreme sense of smell, the field of vision became narrow, and everything in front of him was stained with blood. Relying on the consciousness on the verge of breaking and grasping the senses tightly, Roland did not faint on the spot.

Countless voices intermingled and merged, and finally merged into a dark voice that was hated by the ice.

--Kill you.

The space where the ripples continued to rise suddenly calmed down, and the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Roland out of thin air.

"I wanted to say that, including Serres, the evidence of armed exchanges between the countries and the guerrillas has been mastered. No matter how you answer, the situation will follow the set direction."

The guerrilla armed with truncated foreign aid is the rootless Pingping. Perhaps with the support of the people, they can still support it for a while. But it is not an era of farming. In the face of the continuous improvement of surveillance and search technology and the existence of the "Legion", which directly transforms industrial strength into combat power, the destruction of the guerrillas is only a matter of time. Without the assistance of weapons, ammunition and funds, in the face of the endless and hordes of "legions", failure is inevitable. As long as the strike strength is controlled, the guerrillas are weakened to a certain extent, then the attack is suspended, and the guerrillas are allowed to develop. When the guerrillas grow to a certain size before they are attacked, the empire has in fact achieved the Kind of reform". So whether Roland nodded or not agreed was not really important.


"It's not bad to change you by cruel reality, anyway, idealists will bow their heads anyway. After repeated collisions, the corners should be cleaned up. But... what should I say, ah, by the way, speaking of parents do not understand is love, there is nothing to correct the wrongdoing of a child, and she must be achieved through fist ah. do not hit you, I think all those words in front of white say. "

One by one unbuttoned the clothes button, the twisted neck joint made a piercing sound.

If you don’t know or understand Li Lin, most of you think this is a street gangster or underworld thug who is provoking trouble, but once you understand the imperative behavior of his emperor and the terrible force he holds, people immediately You will understand that this is a precursor to destruction and death.

Siegfried Otto Lilin is not the messenger of destruction, he is the destruction itself.

"Probably because I rarely have a "hands-on" relationship. Most people think that I am only good at using energy conversion radiation skills such as particle beams, flare guns, and vector wave guns. In fact, in order to cope with various battle situations in the humanoid state, I have a special form."

The tactical form is a human form. In this form, it is sufficient for various tactical tasks, and it can also meet the needs of intelligence warfare.

The battle form is a huge nine-headed dragon. When encountering a space fleet that can sail between stars, it does not fall.

Between these two forms, there is also a special form dedicated to melee melee.

"Under normal circumstances, the current form can meet most of the situations. There is no need to use the form with low energy conversion efficiency. This is a special preferential treatment... When fighting with Lenado Dalk, I Haven't changed into that form."

The coat he took off fell with the wind, and Li Lin with his naked upper body took a deep breath.

-The password "The Beast" (The. Best) is activated.

The moment the code hidden in the black box was decompressed, the nano-machinery inside the body burst into a commotion, and the next moment, a nearly reborn change swept Li Lin's body.

As an artificial life highly integrated with nanomachines, it is very easy to change the appearance, height and image. As long as Li Lin is willing, he can be a muscular brother in the first second and become a pretty lady in the second. The current transformation is exactly the same from the basic principle.

Increasing the proportion of nano-machines in the body, changing the body's tissue structure, and then transforming the surging power of the retreat furnace into body strength and resistance to shock. In order to create a superman with great power and invulnerability.

The principle is very simple, but if you ask anyone who wants to become a volunteer, try to feel like a superman. I believe no one will.

The process of the fusion of nanomachines and cells is extremely painful. Not only is the pain in the body, but it is gradually no longer a human being. The clear feeling of being transformed into another thing will be magnified and strengthened indefinitely, and it will continue to erode the spirit. For an adult who is physically and mentally healthy, it will go mad at most in one minute and die in about one minute and thirty seconds. This is why artificial life is needed to serve as an experimental platform-not only cheap, but also capable of withstanding pain far beyond humans.

Nowadays this transformation, which is unbearable for most artificial life, is proceeding at an unprecedented speed.

The red mist gushes out from all parts of the body, that is, the boiling blood vaporizes through the skin ruptured by high-speed metabolism, the muscles with metallic luster and the skin with glowing lines quickly fill the cracked gaps, and the hair is from the night sky The general darkness quickly turns into a shiny silver and grows quickly-the hair that was originally used to keep warm and prevent the rapid loss of heat from the head is now becoming a heat dissipation device~www.readwn.com~Replace the inefficient sweat glands to discharge enough Lethal waste heat. The air around Li Lin swayed and twisted rapidly, and the cold evening wind turned into a hot summer wind in no time.

The whole transformation process took less than 0.11 seconds. Roland, immersed in the roar of the undead, could not understand what was happening, and Li Lin had completely changed into another look.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

The fierce beast with a long silver mane grinned, and his pupils leaked light from the bangs.

For a moment, Roland thought he was being stared at by a feline beast with silver body hair, and the big cat was smiling happy because he found the favorite prey and toys.

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