Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1466: Thirty. Why are people (9)

? As soon as the idea of ​​"being fooled" came up, consciousness broke.

The violent wind of Mach 30-this is a phenomenon that cannot exist in nature. The famous Jupiter Great Red Spot claims to swallow the entire earth, and the highest wind speed is only 440 kilometers per hour. To show large-scale supersonic winds in nature, either put a super hydrogen bomb with an explosion equivalent of several hundred million tons of TNT, or find a way to stop the autobiography of the planet (taking the earth as an example, the atmosphere and the earth together at a speed of 1700 kilometers per hour Rotate, if the earth suddenly brakes, the atmosphere will not stop at the same time, so the surface will blow up at a speed of 1700 kilometers per hour, that is, a supersonic gust of 470 meters per second. This gust of wind will not only wipe out all buildings on the surface, but also Ground friction generates heat, and the surface temperature will rise by 38 degrees in a very short time. After such tragedies, it is estimated that there will be no more than half living people on the ground. This is not counted as the plate fragmentation and inertial impact caused by the rapid stop. ...When I think of the American alien friend in the first movie in the American Superman series, I not only stopped the rotation of the earth by brute force, but also reversed the time by the way of the earth, and then stopped and resumed the normal rotation...This is actually The villain who intends to destroy the earth). Even so, it can only create a gust of wind up and down Mach 1, and the disaster caused is also devastating.

Mach 30... The first cosmic velocity required to escape the gravity of the earth is only Mach 26. If an object is blown by this gust of wind and will not disintegrate, even if it can withstand high temperatures and acceleration, then the object is likely Become an artificial satellite ascended by the wind.

When this devastating storm wind comes together from different angles, it does not turn into a net of blades that shreds all matter as some people think. When the ultra-high pressure air converges at a point of Mach 30, first of all, due to mutual friction, high heat will be generated. Due to the rapid rise of air pressure, airflow interaction, magnetic field changes and other factors, the temperature in the central area will also surge. Eventually The high-temperature and high-pressure air mass ionizes into a high-temperature plasma at once, which is a plasma, which causes a violent explosion.

It may not be comparable to Gerald’s million-degree plasma ball, but the plasma explosion formed by compressed air is still enough to match a small equivalent of a nuclear bomb. With such power at close range, even if the "wall of sigh" is opened, it is still completely impossible. Counteract the shock. The "Unicorn" was thrown out by the storm on the spot, and after a series of bumps, bumps, and squeezes, the MDS, which was named as the White Spirit Beast, was finally buried miserably under the rubble.

Consciousness is intermittent, the body's built-in combat maintenance system is dutifully injecting anti-vertigo drugs and sober drugs, but the role of drugs can be limited, and it takes time to penetrate into the body to help Roland At the time of regaining consciousness, Roland's fragmented consciousness is trying to piece together the whole process that just happened.

All are traps.

The attack of the wind blade is a trap; the trajectory of the attack is a trap; the gap between the trajectories is a trap; the concept that the shadow of the mountain can hinder observation is a trap; the wind blade is the main killing effect-or a trap.

From beginning to end, every link is full of traps, and the traps are linked to each other. According to the scene, they can also be combined and changed into multiple types of traps.

——Not only power, but also the computing power to deal with the battle situation has been greatly improved?

With a similar sense of post-hangover sensation, the consciousness retrieved first understood the extremely cruel fact, the vision still covered by blood color suddenly changed rapidly, the throat was tightened, the sense of suspension of the body being lifted and each The pain of the broken bones passed along.

"You should almost understand it. Even if you have an ideal, even if you work hard, some things can't be changed. This is true of human beings, reality, and fate."

Was grabbed and held high, obviously his body was about to fall apart, but his eyes couldn't move away from those **** eyes.

Li Lin is beautiful.

As long as you have seen the breathtaking beauty that is almost art-like, it is hard to forget that devout devotees will even think that it is the beauty of the divine agent and part of the great miracle.

Although he could not agree with the faith, Roland agreed with the first half.

It is really like a work of art, out of the world, completely unable to have contact with others, and will not resonate with others. In a sense, it rejects the beauty of others thousands of miles away.

But... what is this strange beauty in front of me?

More powerful, stronger, more vibrant and energetic, but also more intimidating.

It was a terrible and terrifying beauty, a form that matched the **** of arrogance and no compassion, and looked as if nothing was desolate.

"...Not given up yet, are they?"

Contrary to the slightly relaxed speech, Li Lin's face is veritable cold at this moment.

No specific answer is needed, just a glance with Roland, and he has an insight into the firmness of his thoughts and will.

"It's all here, and I'm still thinking about how to reverse the situation of losing defeat... Anyway, this willpower is still worthy of recognition. Well, you know? There are 206 bones in the human body, as long as the method is proper, it will be broken. Even if you break half of the bones, people won’t die, and you can even stay awake all the way, watching how you are made into a pile of rotten meat a little bit. Before then—"

After a pause, the red eyes narrowed slightly.

"I will kill the people of the "Legion of Liberty" first-under your witness."

"You guy...!!"

"In addition to this shocking education, I can't think of a way to make you a positive reality."

The big reason why idealists are difficult is that they firmly believe in "hope" and "possibility".

"Someday", "Even if our generation can't do it~www.readwn.com~ Descendants will inherit our ideas and move towards a better future", "Only by moving forward can we be happy"-this is Supporting them to face the root causes of various dilemmas and desperation. With the power of conviction, they can even fear death and destruction, and violence and physical destruction cannot scare them.

To break the spiritual sustenance called "hope", there is only cruel reality.

"No matter how hard, hard, or even unscrupulous, all dignity, appearance, and essence are discarded. Even the ultimate trump card passed down through the next generation is used, but the result is still the same. The only change is the degree of corpse accumulation. To the naked eye, there is no guy who can continue to move forward after feeling and experiencing endless despair with his whole body. There are no like-minded people, no people who can trust hope, no masses who are passionate about revolution and ideals , Can you still say'despite this, the world is still beautiful'?"

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