Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1468: Thirty. What makes people (11)

?The existence of doubt is only for a moment, and the shaking is only one thousandth.

Unlike human beings and other intelligent lives, Li Lin does not have the so-called "tangled" inefficiency, which is almost an unprofitable act of wasting resources.

Human behavior is always inevitable with contradictions and errors. This is an inevitable thing. As a man-made thing, no matter how perfect the logic program of artificial intelligence is, there will always be such loopholes or errors, or else something like computer viruses. It will not last forever, even in the era of round trips between stars, program upgrades and bug fixes are still inevitable.

No matter how perfect the program is, there are tiny holes that are difficult to detect, but when the instructions or programs conflict, the artificial intelligence will not be entangled.

Artificial intelligence has no misunderstandings, and will not be bound or misled by emotions and interests. It is all pure things that give top priority to efficiency and results.

Because it is pure, it is strong.

Li Lin is the same.

In some ways, he is even more pure and powerful than artificial intelligence.

Putting aside his doubts, the time to make decisions is much faster than that of artificial intelligence.


The hand that held the neck still didn't move, no matter whether Roland was a hammer, or even a particle beam rifle or a beam sword, he couldn't let that iron-clamped arm loose.

Needless to say, in terms of arm strength and grip strength, in this form, Li Lin’s body surface is directly covered with countless tiny "walls of sigh". These tiny spatial phase displacement defenses are enough to handle various energy and physical attacks-boxing , Elbow strikes, kicks, zero distance particle beam impacts-all without a doubt.

"You are a dangerous existence."

The silver-haired beast said with an unsteady voice, compared with the majestic appearance, the indifferent voice was more deterrent and more chilling from the bottom of my heart.

"Dangerous existence should be wiped out. But based on the judgment of use value, it is decided to take emergency measures."

The left hand was slowly raised, and the five nails grew at a rate visible to the naked eye. When they were raised to the level of Roland's sight, they had turned into five fierce blades glowing with cold light.

"Under the premise of not injuring main body functions and harming survival, remove the prefrontal lobe of the brain."

The sound is so cold that it almost freezes the air.

The prefrontal lobe of the brain is responsible for memory, analysis, judgment, thinking, and operation. It is one of the most important areas in the brain. It can be said that the core of human intelligence and memory is in the prefrontal lobe of the brain. After removing this block, people still will not Dead, but just a mass of meat that breathes and absorbs nutrients and digests excretion.

Of course, the most important functions are also retained.

"Although it is a pity that you have to deal with the situation only one step away from the result, but now you must prioritize the elimination of risks. However, the function of survival and continuation of future generations will be preserved. Afterwards, artificial pregnancy will be carried out and reproduction will be carried out directly. It is better to increase production. As long as a large number of experimental elements are produced and continuously improved on the basis of experience and lessons, we will eventually be able to find the answer. Unlike you human beings, the eternal me can come back no matter how many times."

This is also the biggest difference between Li Lin and humans.

In the face of the concept of eternity, which is too large and long, human life, dignity, faith, etc. are nothing more than a dust that has passed away with the wind. And Li Lin, who is the strongest ally of eternity, as he said, can be repeated no matter how many times.


The sharp blade was about to pierce the skull, and a huge roar suddenly came from behind, enough to paralyze the nerves and blow through the space.

Long Xiao.

The high-decibel sonic shock and the creature's instinctive fear of large beasts are powerful deterrent skills enough to block the movement capabilities of tens of thousands of troops in one roar.

If there weren't a "wall of sigh" defense covering the whole body, even Li Lin would be slow to move. But since it can't penetrate that layer of protection, it's just noise at a relatively high volume, and it can't stop its action at all.

However, the claw did stop just before it reached Roland's forehead.

Long Xiao is really not enough to stop Li Lin.

But what if the ground collapses and loses its foothold?

In less than a second, the rocky mountains at the foot of Li Lin were covered with dense cracks like spider webs, and the rock plates that had stood still for hundreds of millions of years suddenly broke and shattered like crackers that could not withstand the pressure of weight. .

This is by no means a natural phenomenon.

Li Lin really improved his strength, because the nano-machine transformed the body, and the weight did increase. In addition, he also carried a Roland. In general, as the mass increases, the grounding area does not change, and the pressure on the ground is indeed Some enhancements.

Anyway, that is not enough to crush the quality of the rock disk. Instead of converting all the energy into mass, it directly becomes a human-shaped neutron star (the mass is not enough if a black hole), so that it will become like an iron rod piercing a rotating watermelon, directly penetrate the crust and mantle, and sink into high temperature The high-pressure earth's core, along with the planet's rotation, will cause serious disturbances.

Since it is not a quality problem, will it be the aberration caused by Long Xiao just now?


It is not impossible to use the resonance phenomenon to crush the rock disk, but the natural vibration frequencies of the dragon and the rock just now are not the same. No matter what special effects are added, what cannot be done is impossible.

So, what is--

Rolling mud was exposed beneath the broken rock plate, large pieces of rock quickly sank into the mud, and the turbulent muddy waves, a few slivers of silver flashed by.

——It turns out so.

Manipulating the gravitational field, suspended above the sea of ​​mud, always standing high and overlooking the red pupil of the living beings to the side.

"Extending a thread of special material below the rock disk, and causing liquefaction by outputting low-frequency vibrations, and then using Long Xiao to destroy the liquefied rock disk-the combat you can think of is already amazing. Do you think this kind of kid's trick will be useful to me? Even Roland has no way to fight back, so what can you two ladies do?"

"...To be honest, I have absolutely no idea what I can do even now."

Gathering the thread at hand, the girl scowled, looking up at the silver-haired beast suspended above him and Roland he caught.

This may be the most terrifying confrontation in her more than ten years of life experience~www.readwn.com~ Even when facing seven deadly sins and facing the "Legion", she never felt when she was looking up to the huge nine-headed dragon Through the ice cave like now, the tremors of tremors continually washed the body, and the blood was frozen.

As if standing at the entrance of Hades, the breath of death blows through the whole body from the other end of the gate of hell.

As long as one step forward, it is death.

But even knowing that.

"If you do nothing, just lose everything. For me, it may be more terrible than death."

Spreading his wings, the dragon girl said majesticly.

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