Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1469: Thirty. What makes people (12)

Far away from the battlefield, two men in suits are standing high down in the middle of the battlefield like a typhoon.

"The two stupid women really rushed into the battlefield? Really convinced them, even if you want to commit suicide, you can't commit such a tragic way. Obviously, there are many ways that don't cause trouble to others, why? Can't you live with yourself?"

"Suicide was originally aimed at "killing yourself", as long as you can finally reach the other side of death, you don't need to mind the form."

"But I would mind, after all, it's me who bears the blame afterwards. Ah, it would be nice if she simply broke the stray bullets, so I could clear the line!"

"From the moment you are threatened with success, you will not be able to clean it."

"Long word! Who would have thought that a woman would threaten the enemy with the child in her belly! And whether it is the experimental body most valued by the adult! Whether the crazy woman really dares to start on his stomach, we will be Pull out the cushion coffin!"

"Now we will be pulled out of the coffin."

Completely ignoring the fact that Sloth's wailing was in the same predicament as himself, Reggie inadvertently replenished the knife, and Sloth, who had been wounded one by one on the wound, couldn't help but groaned in his head.

The task given to Reggie and Sloss is not difficult. They only need to watch Faluna and Spider, and don't let these two women enter the battle area and be unnecessarily affected. To be honest, this task is easier than being a nanny. Not to mention blocking with their strength, rubbing those two goals into circles is actually a matter of one sentence.

However, some things are not determined by the strength value, and unexpected situations that are not planned will always happen.

For example, the spider holds a device that is enough for Slos to drop the mouse, and even asks Reggie to lift the blocking task against Fafna together.

That trump card is the life that is gestating in the spider's body.

In order to find the answer, Li Lin needs a lot of experimental materials, for which Roland's descendants are essential. Every unborn fetus is equal to the exclusive order booked by Li Lin early. If there is any miscarriage of the fetus due to external forces, Li Lin will not put him on the horse for his hard work. At that time, Slos's end will be wonderful.

So when the spider pulled out the grenades and pulled the fuze, Sloss couldn't imagine it.

"This is equivalent to throwing the hot potato to the adult, no matter what the final result, Ru's punishment can not escape."

"Don't say it's okay with yourself, you are also an accomplice! I'm dying, and you can't escape."

"Escape? Why do you want to escape? I am a missionary of death. Death is the **** and end point I prayed for. It would be like a dream to be given death by the grown-up personally. Is there any reason to escape?"

"In a sense, you are really a happy guy..."

Covering the forehead with bloating pains, Sloss sighed a long time, and looked at the battlefield again.

After a moment, as if it was intolerable and fearful, Sloss squeezed a curse from his teeth.

"...All crazy."

On the distant earth, a "pillar" is slowly rising, seeming to connect the sky with the earth.

It is impossible and should not appear in the mountainous super-tornado. Above the tornado, a thick thunderstorm cloud is slowly forming.


Atmospheric crusher.

This is one of Li Lin's few energy-radiating tricks under the "Beast Form".

The typhoon may be terrifying, and it can easily cover a large area of ​​land, splashing storms to helpless people, and bringing endless suffering to people with floods and windstorms. But even for such a formidable typhoon, the maximum wind speed in the center is no more than 17 meters per second, while the center wind speed of a general tornado easily exceeds 100 meters per second.

However, even such a strong wind does not necessarily bring immediate death to those involved. Too much power and scale will result in loose density. Even in houses that can be easily destroyed and uprooted, fragile flying insects are more likely to survive. For the same reason, although a tornado that is large enough to toss humans, or even kill humans because of the rapidly changing air pressure difference, it does not necessarily have the ability to tear the human body into pieces.

If even the human body involved in it can be torn into pieces, or even wiped out, it is necessary to add "what" to the tornado.

Among the mountains where tornado disasters are unlikely to occur (tornadoes occur in open areas such as plains and seas, and mountainous areas are difficult to meet the conditions for tornadoes), a huge air vortex like a joke stands like a giant pillar connecting the world and the earth. Houses, trees, vehicles, rocks, wreckage of guns-everything caught by the strong wind is sucked into the sky, wrapped in lightning and thunder, the giant pillar has been climbing to a huge thunderstorm cloud darker than night, violent The lightning is like a glowing whip, winding around the giant pillar of Optimus, meandering the earth sentient beings from time to time.

Using the blade of the gust of wind to stir the atmosphere and the electric field, it creates the temperature difference and potential difference between the air and the ground, and creates a large-scale thunderstorm cloud and tornado in one breath. In front of the vortex of gusty wind and lightning, the mountains are nothing but meat grinders. It is just a piece of meat that turns into minced meat.

The famous Fire Dragon Roll just sucked in high-temperature flames and became a frightening natural incinerator, so what about replacing the flames with lightning and strong magnetic fields?

"We have a tornado, we have a super huge thunderstorm cloud, and superimposing the two together, we get a super large electromagnetic heater."

Li Lin's voice was still clear and stable in the roar, but the spider and Faluna were already in no mood to manage such small things.

Bend the copper coil into a spiral shape, and then throw in the metal devices, such as iron balls, iron blocks, etc. after power on, we will find that the metal device will first be suspended in the center of the coil, and then it will heat up and turn red. It can't escape from the cage of magnetic field until it becomes liquid and loses magnetism.

Today's lightning storm is far beyond the copper coil in terms of scale, electric field, and magnetic field strength~www.readwn.com~ What will happen in the tornado at this time?

Some people may think that the human body is not metal and will not heat up due to magnetic resonance. But it obviously ignores that the human body contains metal elements, such as second-order iron ions in the blood (the reason why blood appears red is because the heme of red blood cells contains ferrous molecules, which can combine with oxygen to convert oxygen Transported to the whole body, the color of the blood is ferrous-the color of second-order iron ions), in this high-intensity magnetic field coil, even the small second-order iron ions in the blood will be affected, the blood will boil and evaporate quickly, the human body It will explode like a tin can placed in a microwave oven.

"Ladies, let's take a look at it. Did you die of blood boiling first, or did Roland get the brain marrow removed first?"

Li Lin's tone is neither cruel nor passionate, listening to the ears of spiders and Faluna, like the chant of death.

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