Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1490: 2. Little Bird (4)

The girls looked relieved when they walked in the sewer where the sewage flowed and the stench smelled.

Lüders’ sewer is by no means a safe zone. On the contrary, it is full of sin and violence. All crimes in the world can be seen everywhere in this underground kingdom like a maze. The beauty of humanity is hard to find. Here is a collection of homeless people, frustrated people, loan sharks, scammers, alcoholics, pickpockets, robbers, prostitutes, intelligence traffickers, contraband smugglers, intelligence workers... all the pus that has been spurned by the world seems to have flowed into Lu. Des sewers, no law-abiding citizens can live for half an hour after entering this sinful land.

For two beautiful young girls with good looks, they should not have set foot here.

But for them with special identities, even Ludeus is one of the few places where they can feel a little reassured. Only here is the mistrust, doubt and surveillance in the air of Ruders. The feeling will be a little thinner.

Rudes's sewer system was originally extremely complicated. When the consortium was building the sewer system, it left a lot of hidden secret passages. After the founding of the empire, people who could not get together in Rudes were pouring into the sewers. It became a huge slum, a hotbed and paradise for criminals. The addition of various pornographic newspaper dealers and national agents has made this place even more chaotic. Fighting hard is commonplace, sacks and sacks are everyday, and shootouts can break out anytime, anywhere. In order to obtain a little safe space in this sinful place, from individuals, families to organizations, people living in sewers have begun to dig tunnels and basements, and various underground facilities overlap on the upper, lower, left, and right layers, and their complexity even exceeds that of termites. At this time, even the imperial engineers who originally built the sewer system did not dare to enter here easily. Once lost, they may not be able to endure hunger and thirst more than the humans they despise.

It is precisely because of this that various organizations that have not seen the light have established strongholds here to avoid the empire's ubiquitous attention.

Remove the tattered piles of old-old sofas with woody smell, cabbage smell, gutter smell, carpentry tools, dirty carpets, and behind it is a mossy stone wall. "Robin Bird" reached for a while and pulled a rusty hook on the wall, and the whole wall cracked from the middle with a click.

The entire wall was carefully painted with special fuels by the art teachers and students of the former National College (ordinary paints are easy to fade in wet environments), even when they are on the ground, it is difficult to distinguish them from the real stone wall. The light is dim Not to mention the sewers. In order to enhance the camouflage effect, a pile of debris was piled up. If it weren't for the "Robin Bird" to lead the way, the "Nightingale" would never have imagined that there would be a secret passage hidden here.

Close the wooden door, "Robin" pulls a few thin lines on the edge of the wooden door, and the sound of objects moving and rubbing is heard outside the door. It turned out that all the debris outside were connected with thin wires. After entering the passage and closing the door, you can pull the thin wires to let the debris return to position and restore the camouflage.

After passing through a winding path, "Nightingale" finally came to a small room where a middle-aged man was waiting for her.

"Welcome to Rudes, Comrade'Nightingale'."

Middle-aged man reaches out his hand and holds the girl's left hand.

"I am the head of the Rudes branch "Owl"."

"Nice to meet you, Comrade Owl. The right hand is not convenient, sorry."

Through the dim light, "Nightingale" looked at the person directly responsible for his operation.

This is a person who looks very ordinary from appearance to appearance, may be the uncle of the school janitor, may be the owner of the shop, anyway, that is the kind of public face that can no longer be found in the heap. But there are two points that impressed the "Nightingale".

First, he is fluent in speech and movement, and obviously has higher education;

The second is that his left hand is not only powerful, but also has a cocoon formed by holding the gun for a long time;

Letting go, the three of them sat down at the folding table in the center of the room.

"Is it smooth along the way?"

"Luck is okay, and later, the dogs will block the door."

"Robinbird" followed the contact mark left by "Nightingale" to find the door, helped "Nightingale" to wipe out all kinds of traces, and even managed to remove the traces of using Mana. When they left less than half an hour, the imperial society The senior detective of the Order Security Bureau is here, and the two sides will almost collide.

"Our opponent is not simple. The comrades who stayed at the scene reported that the Social Security Bureau not only dispatched veteran case experts this time, but also brought out the cutting-edge weapons of specialized hunting magicians."

"Owl" poured a glass of water to "Nightingale" and took out another glass.

"During the time you came over, three magicians belonging to different organizations have been hunted."


"It's an uncomfortable guy."

Forensic Eisler shook his head, put on surgical gloves, and carefully looked at the cold body.

The deceased is a 20-year-old handsome guy. Even if he is dead, he is still young, handsome, and sentimental. However, he may have encountered something so terrifying that the handsome face is so distorted that it is almost unrecognizable. Even the coroner and forensic doctor who were accustomed to the corpse felt a little palpitated and even sympathized with the dead.

What exactly did he meet and what happened to him?

Looking at the part of the deceased's neck below the neck may give the answer.


Ground meat?


Minced meat?

It may be any kind of mixture of red and white, but it is impossible to believe that it is a human body.

Forensics have seen many tragic dead bodies, some murderous masterpieces, some unlucky ghosts that fell into the machine, some poor ghosts who were drowned and caught in the bottom of the ship, and were almost cut into pieces of meat by propellers. But the corpse in front of him...cuts, burns, frostbite, crushing injuries, blunt device injuries, electrical injuries, corrosion injuries...

The perpetrator is definitely a sadistic man, so obsessed with feelings of torture that he uses every method he knows to hurt others on this man, and may have specifically filmed the entire process with audio and video equipment. What the victim took away as a souvenir.

However, the atrocities are beside them, neither Kong Wuli, the butcher-like man, nor a nervous man, but a lovely girl.

"In the afternoon of 1553, it was confirmed that one magician was excluded, his head was kept intact, and the forensic doctor was taking evidence."

Ai Panni reported calmly, with a quiet and charming smile on her face. If the face, clothes and hands were covered with blood, the girl bathed in the sunset should have been a beautiful picture.

It may be a **** and tangy relationship, or it may be that after witnessing how Epanie “dismantled” the recalcitrant magician, she felt fear and disgust from the bottom of her heart, and only Mach was around him.

"So, is this guy the person we are looking for?"

Mach leaned against the door and asked coldly. As he spoke, a group of white coats carried a stretcher covered with white sheets to the refrigerated truck not far away.

"The Mana waveform is less than 5% similar."

"Then he is really unlucky."

Mach threw the blanket on Eppanni's head, pulled the door hard, and said in a commanded tone:

"Go inside and clean yourself-from the inside out."

"Your Excellency, anytime, anywhere—"

"This is an order."


Faced with the fierce order, Ai Panni was not angry, nor was she stunned. She cleverly entered the sports car, made a good seat on the blanket, and raised the one-way reflective glass. Then like a knight taking off his helmet-

Take off his head.


"'Siren (Siren)'-this is a special specification'Legion' model for hunting magicians. In order to distinguish it from the'Legion' codename'Habi', so I used such a codename, That's actually what happened."

In ancient mythology, there are two types of siren, one is a mermaid with a human tail, and the other is a bird demon with a human face and bird body. The popular saying is that Siren and Muse lost the K song to the goddess of music and art in the Greek sound contest, and they were plucked into a mermaid (others sing for money, you sing...). However, in most Greek mythology, Siren is actually the same human face and bird shape as Habi, and Siren also often undertakes the same work as Habi, that is, to guide the souls of the dead to the underworld, which is also a link between this and the other. messenger.

The use of these two call signs to name the murderous machines that carry the souls of death can be said to be appropriate, but also can be said to be fun.

"I don’t say much about "Habi". You are better than anyone who participated in the guerrilla warfare. The thing to say here is "Siren". Perhaps many people think that it is better than "Habi" because of mythology. It’s a mild thing. It’s actually more evil than Habi.”

The middle-aged man frowned, as if to say something very disgusting.

""Siren" is a model used to hunt magicians."

The tone of "Nightingale" is very stable, as if talking about wild birds, not their natural enemies.

"Yes, that is a dedicated killing weapon designed to find the magicians hiding in the ordinary people and force them to kill in the corner. Since they were put in, several organizations of magicians have been killed unfortunately."

"Regarding this point, the superior also mentioned to me, the question is why those things can accurately locate the magician? If you don't master this point, it is difficult for me to carry out the subsequent actions."


The middle-aged man, who had always been neat, chuckled for a while, and finally showed an almost bitter smile.

"Comrade "Nightingale", you should be clear that the core of the "Legion" processing is to copy the human brain structure."

"Yes. They will search and dissect the head of the body like scavengers."

"By copying the brain structure of the deceased, the "Legion" gained the wisdom to hunt humans. In the final analysis, it was only a highly intelligent program, so-called "feeling" and "sensibility" that did not understand. As a killing machine They don’t need to master these. But magic is a rigorous theory and a miracle rooted in people’s sensibility to Mana. The cutting-edge technology alone may not be able to find the hiding crowd A magician who is no different from ordinary people. To find a hidden magician, you can only rely on another sharp magician~www.readwn.com~ to grasp the clues of the horse by feeling the flow of Mana."

"indeed so."

Until the war, the best weapon against a magician must be another magician. Of course, you can also invest in a professional team of affiliated personnel, or simply drive soldiers to overwhelm each other with numbers. But in this way, the cost of investment and training a magician is almost the same.

The war, especially the emergence and mass production of guns completely changed this situation.

Regardless of the precise shooting of the sniper, the terrible fire coverage, and the mines that will not interfere with the flow of Mana even without killing, are enough to eliminate a dozen magicians. The cost of betting on these is much lower than training a dozen magicians. Benefits are different.

In terms of efficiency improvement, it was originally the expertise of science and technology.

However, even if the Imperial Defence Force can disperse the disturbing particles, the aircraft tank chariot will rub the Charlemagne's army on the ground in various postures. One thing is still difficult to do.

That is to distinguish magicians from ordinary people.

It was a purely sensuous field. Even if the Empire grabbed a bunch of magicians, cut their brains and compared them with ordinary people's brains, studied the characteristics of the magician's brains, and wrote several cabinet formulas, the progress achieved was still limited.

"In the end they realized that since the magician can sense other magicians, take out the magician's brain, and after special treatment, put it in a humanoid container, they can get the most effective magician hunting machine. This The concrete result of the crazy idea is the'siren'-the humanoid killing machine used to kill the magician."

The fist on the table was clenched tightly, and the face of the "owl" was full of indignation and disgust.


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