Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1607: Seven. Travel to the Republic (5)

It’s not me, it’s the world that is wrong—the two-aura words in this sentence actually have a history far longer than usual. After all, there are always losers who will blame the cause of the failure on factors other than themselves. Thanks to them, the history of intelligent creatures is never lacking in Blaster, and the world is only one of them.

The people of the Republic attributed the defeat to the "sword behind the back", to the fact that the countries did not cooperate with Charlemagne's military occupation policy, and they were unwilling to kneel down to allow Charlemagne to conquer. The emperor was too strong, emphasizing that "we are not too incompetent, but The enemy is too strong"-these are their freedoms. Even if the empire hears it, it will not be taken seriously. It is the prerogative of the winner to allow the barking dogs to bark. The people of the Republic like to say what they say. Anyway, none of their YY will become true.

As for the countries, this harsh bark is not enough to undermine the strategic strategy of the United Republic to contain the empire, but they will remember these noises as a basis for the need to repair the Republic one day.

"It sucks."

"The most troublesome thing is that not only adults are coaxing, but the students at school are also fooling around."

Roland rubbed his eyebrows hard, his words bitter.

Since ancient times, young ethnic groups, especially students at school, have been recognized as the most rebellious and bloodiest groups, especially in modern times. Students can be seen in almost every group incident, and a large part of them are students. Charge ahead. The overwhelming majority of revolutions also began with the student movement, and those students who are passionate and impulsive can be described as the reserve for all revolutionary movements.

The same is true of the students on the campus of the Republic University today, and the younger and more enthusiastic and impulsive young people are eager to practice their "revolutionary ideals".

Later historians in the period described the Republic’s right-wing student movement during this period and those young writers and literary groups that were contradictoryly referred to as the “conservative revolutionary”, they all mentioned that “the old kingdom was destroyed and the Republic was established only three years ago”. A big background.

Three years will change some things, but the values ​​used to reverse the preliminarily established personality and the decisive mark left by the war are not enough. Especially for veterans and young people, the former has long been tempered by a brutal war into a heart-killing murderous machine, while the latter is a military young man who grew up in a social atmosphere of "everything is inferior, only the war is high". . It is obviously not enough to rectify the three views of these people by three years of peaceful life, let alone the disruption and incitement of various forces inside and outside.

The humiliation of defeat, the military education, the empire is watching, the chaos within the country-the environment has created anxiety, responsibility, frustration and extreme insecurity. Although as the economy of the Republic got on track, the standard of living began to recover, and the above emotions were alleviated, but this also caused veterans and juniors to start a completely different reflection on the war from ordinary people.

In the early days of the founding of the Republic, some conservative theorists developed a philosophy of war, describing war as a doomed self-heating law. Charlie Man is humiliated because of the defeat, but war is ultimately a beneficial and unified And the only way to revive the country. And pacifism does not help national rejuvenation and national strength. It is a weak reactionary thinking that violates natural law. In their own words: "We should remove the negative and conditional parts of war from our memories, and retain the great, energetic, and vital parts", "The previous war was disappointing, The reason is not that Charlemagne was defeated, but that the war was not fighting for a more profound idea, and did not express war as an art, the highest state of conflict between species, country and country, nation and nation The artistic expression of struggle between following their own laws". The most ruthless and crazy ones simply said: "At first, it was war (this is the first sentence borrowed from the "Sacred Books": "At first, God created the world")."

Because this theory was too similar to the old Army's claims, and the imperial academy also had a similar elaboration, it soon collapsed in the wave of protests of the left-wing school and the public. But the relevant theories have been absorbed by some right-wing groups, and eventually developed in the hands of veteran writers and young students.

Among the soldiers who lost their jobs due to the defeat and the economic downturn, the soldiers who switched to codewords and tried to write Memoirs of the war in exchange for rations did not initially have any political beliefs and dogmas, and rarely beautified the war. They are mainly subjective and personal beautification of their personal experience in the war years-such as the war memory and the unbreakable comrade-in-arms complex.

This is actually not very different, and it is not a big problem. However, as the economy gradually stabilized, the problems of war experience and war responsibility gradually faded out of the public eye, and front-line writers also began to be forgotten. In addition, the post-war military status and the gap between wartime, veterans generally generated dissatisfaction, and eventually Dissatisfaction with the invention of conservative theorists has evolved into a clear "mission"-use the pen to start the "national transformation", transforming the republic into a veteran nation that praises war and belligerent spirit, has imperialism and conquers the mission.

This kind of deliberate neglect, even prompting people to ignore the pain and destruction caused by the war, does not resonate with the masses, let alone the old elders who have spared no effort to attack the republic-the republic is not brave, incompetent, Unsoldier, pacifist, and defeatist-this destined them to be indifferent and suppressed.

However, in the sound of everyone shouting, the students resonated with Laoqiu Ba.

The apparent reason for this phenomenon is that young students have been bathed in military education for a long time, and they cannot turn around for a while. The deeper reason is that university students are mainly from middle or low-middle-income families (95% of college students belong to the bourgeoisie), otherwise military families are sent to universities. Members of these classes-especially small businessmen and military families-mostly fell into poverty because of the defeat and inflation in the early days of the founding of the Republic. The military families who lost their homes felt a huge gap and indifference. When the imperial naval blockade of the Republic caused chaos in the circulation of materials and signs of economic turbulence, the sense of crisis that was pushed to the edge of the cliff once again resonated with the cries of soldiers and writers.

Because he was too young to participate in the war, the younger generation who truly felt the cruelty of the war awakened the excessive patriotic enthusiasm in the urgency that the empire was once again in the city. They demanded that the Republic awaken the "fighting spirit", organize students to conduct military training, promote military sports, establish the position of professor of national defense, and fight against all "surrendered parties disguised as pacifists". What's more, the government is required to distribute weapons to student organizations and form a student army to fight against the imperial invaders. If the government does not agree, but also negotiates with the evil empire, then this government is an absolute surrender. Republic Has become a vassal of the empire. As the most progressive and revolutionary force in the Republic, it is necessary for young people to stand up and defend the country with their own hands and blood.

"It's crazy. Did they forget how the old kingdom that was far more powerful than the Republic three years ago in military power and mobilization was brought down? Defend the country with life? Why didn't I see the conscription of the Republican Army filled The report of the passionate youth? What can these guys do to force the government of the Republic in addition to their guns?

Speaking of those right-wing groups and "blood-blooded youth", Favna has never said good things. In her opinion, the reason why the Charlemagne Kingdom will die, at least two-thirds of the responsibility should fall on these "mouth guns" The kings. Now that these guys with fevered heads are not satisfied with the old kingdom, they want to harm the republic? How can someone really take them away? Since there is that free time and that idea, simply recruiting them all into the army and sending them to the battlefield to sharpen it is also a contribution to the country.

"If they can infect the'legion' with a virus with a fever in their heads, then the whole world will appreciate them."

"We can't do this. This violates the procedure and will set a bad precedent. What's more important is that the symptoms will not be cured, and the voice of the right wing may be temporarily suppressed, but they will never stop because of this. The left wing will also pass the normal justice because of the government. The program suppresses a faction in fear, maybe it will also seek cooperation with the right."

"... count those crows lucky."

"In the current Republic, apart from multilateral negotiations, the most important task is to separate young groups from right-wing groups. This kind of thing cannot be done by tough administrative means~www.readwn.com~ It’s hard to play an ideal role by suppressing the rebellion and relying on preaching and reasoning. Rather than just sit back and watch the situation or use methods that are not effective... I think that giving young people a shocking education may change their views."

"Shock education? Sounds good, the question is is there a suitable person?"

Favna frowned slightly.

She is not against shocking education. She also believes that proper beating will help the younger generation to understand what the war is and what the war will bring, which is a good thing for themselves and the future of the Republic. The only problem is the person who is specifically responsible for education-those who can identify with the students and at the same time grasp the intensity of the education, so as not to kill people and trigger public criticism.

As far as she knows the education circles of the Republic, no one seems to be able to take on such a heavy responsibility.

"I already have candidates, and there are still two, just..."

Roland smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:

"I really don't want those young people to see, the state of the Republic now."

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