Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1633: Nine. To the far horizon (2)

The Capital Central Library, located on the central street of the capital and facing the Republic Square, was fully air-conditioned. After standing at the door, let the strong wind from the air outlet blow away the summer heat that wrapped around him, and the "robin bird" entered the library. After she settled in the Republic of China, she came in and out every day, and she became familiar with the security guards and administrators. After simply saying hello, the "robinbird" walked through rows of bookshelves and quiet readers at a quiet pace.

Due to financial relations, the public facilities of the Republic changed from the extravagant neoclassical style of the Charlemagne era to the simple and pragmatic style. The result is that most of the Republic’s public facilities look like reduced and simplified versions of its empire—thick lines, simple, and ugly cement products that lack cultivation. The only exceptions are the political centers and education-related facilities that affect the face, the House of Representatives and the Government Administration Center. After the tragic war and the various problems encountered in the past three years, the republic's investment in talent training and education is not stingy. As a subsidiary educational facility and a treasure trove of national culture and ideas, the Capital Library has also received considerable funding. The entire building is filled with the unique romance and refinement of Charlemagne’s traditional architecture, while fully considering its own functionality. Classical architecture.

The huge hall is five floors high, surrounded by a radiant straight extension, filled with bookshelves that directly reach the ceiling. In the center of the stained glass dome of the hall is the goddess who reads books, surrounded by a vast and complex starry sky, which means endless knowledge and endless exploration. In the hallways and halls, murals and sculptures of sages can be seen everywhere. In the eyes of the forerunners, many latecomers who sought knowledge walked quietly or read through the books.

For "robins" who have never had the concept of rest days, there is no tracking, no monitoring equipment, no whistleblowers, no time to watch the reader's administrator from the corners of the eye... so don't worry about anything The library still makes her a little difficult to adapt.

Just as she tried to forget the feeling of uncomfortableness, she suddenly noticed that she was staring at her, and she switched to the battle state in less than a second, depicting the retreat route and plan in her brain, while turning her face slightly to try to use afterglow. Lock the position and direction of the enemy.

At this moment, the librarian's elder sister's gentle smile and thumbs up came into view.

The embarrassment and stiffness are fleeting. The girl wearing a white suspender dress, stepping on tonal high-heeled sandals, wearing a pink silk wide-brimmed sun hat hurriedly apologized, and then fled quickly. The hard bottom sandals seemed to be in marble Sliding on the ground, you can't even hear foot sounds without careful listening.

"Robin" knew the administrator. It was during the communication with her that "Robin" learned how to dress herself.

It was also in this process that the "robin bird" learned that the other party was actually a baron.

After fleeing from Charlemagne, the old noble class in the Republic quickly divided into two. .

The nobles associated with large industries such as large-scale agriculture and heavy industry, which are related to the lifeline of the country, lost their privileges such as class status and taxation rights, and were able to continue to run family businesses after the state participated in the management. Their career is directly linked to the country's combat power, confrontation with the empire, and even future wars. If these large enterprises fall into chaos, they will inevitably have a serious impact on the war situation and even the morale of the military. As for the noble children who could not inherit the family business and chose to join the army, after the examination and selection, most of them also remained in the Republican army.

On the other hand, although other nobles still have the right to become ordinary citizens of the Republic and continue to live, these people generally lack the ability to make a living and are resented by the civilian class, and they usually have difficulty finding jobs. The living conditions of those nobles who are not many in the family are not even as good as those of middle-level mechanics.

Like the old baron who had spent a lot of money, the original home operated the farm. When news came that the main army of the Wang family was besieged on the Rhine front, the assets were transferred early. When the battle of Rhine was officially launched, the baron family Already looking for a suitable farm in New Orleans.

Since the founding of the Republic, the government has promulgated a decree stating that no one will be granted the name of nobility since then. Previous nobles were only allowed to retain the hereditary nobility title in their names to show tradition and honor. For example, the name of the librarian retains the hereditary title of "the court lady (actually the noblewoman who works as a maid)".

Because she used to be a nobleman and is now the daughter of a farm owner, this lady has always been good at dressing and fashion, and passed on this knowledge to the other party immediately after she became acquainted with "Mockingbird". On one occasion, he also dragged "Mockingbird" into the staff's locker room and taught her how to make makeup.

Thanks to this lady's enthusiasm for teaching, "Mockingbird" learned to make up for the first time, facing the mirror like another person's own, the girl cried while covering her mouth.

Since the parents had taken a wounded soldier of the Kingdom Army and were dragged out of their home by the Imperial soldiers and hanged in the square in the center of the town, the "Robin Bird" did not know what happiness was.

In order to survive, she wandered around, worked as a beggar, worked as an adult like an adult, rummaged through the trash can like a wild dog, and worked as a pickpocket. She once became a small boss of a minor theft group . One day when she was overwhelmed by the head of a drunk gang, she touched a broken wine bottle and blinded the scum’s left eye. As a result, she was not only beaten badly but also left behind by the group of beasts with coal The scars, which could never be eliminated, were put into sacks and thrown into the Seine. If she had not been rescued by the organization, she would have died by then.

After that, she became a trafficman and then an intelligence officer. Every day her head was full of life and tasks. Except for occasional tasks, she had no time to dress up. Now for the first time, it was not for a task, not to become someone else, just to dress myself up to make myself look beautiful, looking at the stranger in the mirror, and the long-pressed emotion suddenly vented.

It feels really good to cry in one breath.

It seemed like a long nightmare, and finally ushered in the sober dawn.


The nightmare did not really end.

Holding a book of economics, "Robin Bird" sat down by the window and looked up at the clear blue sky.

It is said that the other end of the sky is the endless darkness where humans cannot live and live.

She heard it from an intelligence officer who was rugged and stubborn, who was said to be an expert in astrology and astronomy before the war, after a regular meeting in the organization. Shortly after that, his sacrifice came. news.

The clear blue sky is just the cover of the dark void.

No matter the sky or the sea, the beautiful blue color that seems to **** away all human souls is just the surface of the world after death.

...The heaven is above the distant sky, perhaps because of this.

Similarly, under the appearance of a stable and relaxed life in the Republic, the power of the empire is expanding every day, and the resistance organization is either eliminated or turned into a latent and bad situation.

Even the "Liberty Army" is no exception.

Minerva's words rolled in the mind of "robin" again.

"The'Liberty Corps' will temporarily evacuate the empire for rest and personnel reorganization, and all personnel remaining in the empire will be turned into a latent state."

"Is this... bowing to the empire?"

"Nightingale" clenched his fists and squeezed out of his teeth the sound of being out of control.

If it is a temporary tactical retreat, she is not unacceptable. When being beaten down by the "Legion", it is common to retreat between enemy forces by retreating or to lure them into traps. She will never be ashamed of this. On the contrary, as long as she can fight against the empire, she is happy to play the role of a coward.

But this is not the case now.

Give up the base area, hand over the guerrilla zone to the empire, and retreat overseas... What is the difference between bending down and surrendering, begging the other party to let themselves go and escape?

"We can still fight! Please think again!"

The girl's sorrowful voice smashed her head and smashed her face. In the face of crying blood, Minerva shook her head firmly.

"This is not a unilateral decision of the Republic, but also a collective opinion of the superior of the legion."

"……how is this possible."

The always calm "robin bird" is hard to hide.

"The empire's strategy has changed, and the methods of struggle in the future must also be changed to adapt to the new form."

Taking the emperor's visit to the Republic as the boundary, the struggle between the resistance organization and the empire can be called a "war of mutual assistance".

The resistance launched an attack and made a reputation to recruit troops; the empire took the opportunity to dispose of the old Charlemagne weapons and rushed the dissatisfied people who were not willing to be controlled by the empire into the **** bin of the resistance organization for centralized treatment. At the same time, it also expanded its armaments and conducted tests of new weapons on the grounds of "eliminating terrorism".

Mutual hostility and mutual use are the twisted relationship between the resistance organization and the empire in the three years after the war.

But it’s different now.

The Republic is also drawn in, and all countries participate in arms control negotiations. Once an arms control treaty is established, the arms race will be frozen, and all countries’ military forces will enter vacation. In this international situation, it is not feasible to continue to hold huge arms in the name of the war on terrorism.

In other words, the resistance organization's value to the empire no longer exists. Then, before they became real troubles, eradicating all the hidden dangers or expelling them out of the country became the urgency of the empire.

"How terrible the Empire is in full seriousness, I don't need you to tell you. You don't need to say anything else, just put all the "legions" you have now together and put them into the siege of the guerrilla area~www.readwn.com~ its destruction The power will be unmatched by the fighting so far. If you invest further in more firepower...the nightmare of the Battle of Rhine will reappear."

The air suddenly froze.

The most terrifying thing about the empire is not the army, nor the technical power, nor the industrial system.

The emperor is the most terrible nightmare.

As long as the emperor is still there, defeating the empire is an impossible dream. In contrast, the possibility of holding a stick to poke the stars is still relatively high.

"Even so...!!"

"obey orders."


"No but."

Like steel, no sound of refusal or sophistry fell, and the completely relieved "nightingale" slumped down in the chair, and the tight air in the room instantly became abnormally empty.

No one was able to fall asleep that night, and no one spoke, until now.

She can understand the situation, understand the hardships of Minerva and Roland, and even know their expectations of these people.

No longer have to go to the battlefield, no longer have to go to the dead, no longer need to be an abnormal person who is incompatible with the normal society, be an ordinary person, go to school, make friends, grow up, build dreams, enter the society, get married and have children, organize family like ordinary peers ...

"Robin" didn't think it was bad, nor did Roland and Minerva think something was wrong with them.

Life is very happy now.

She thought so from the bottom of her heart, and enjoyed every minute of peaceful life.

At the same time, she was very clear.

For her, "Nightingale" and Marseille, this is really just a momentary dream.

Dream will wake up eventually.


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