Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1632: Nine. To the far horizon (1)

It rained all night and finally stopped at about 9 am. By noon, the sky was cloudless and the blue was like washing. The southern summer sun was shining on the white-grey brick paved square, similar to the sauna. Under the control of suffocating damp and hot body sensation, the occasional cool wind makes people feel particularly comfortable.

The girl stopped her slow pace and looked up at the clear blue sky.

The endless sky makes people feel relaxed and happy. The common palms in the south are dotted with green shades for this overheated sky. The heart that was originally irritated by the sultry has been somewhat relieved.

This is the summer of the southern country. Blue, green, hot, sea breeze, fishy smell, noisy and noisy mix summer mixed with a certain proportion.

Lowering your eyes, you can see the towering white obelisk, a huge poster with the theme of unity and reconciliation hanging on the building not far away, and the tweeters around the square are broadcasting news about the vote of the latest House resolution. The housewives in the shade of two were pushing the strollers and chatting, and from time to time they laughed aloud.

I don't know why those people laughed, or had no intention to figure it out, the girl accelerated her pace slightly towards the tweeter.

The announcer's level is not bad, the biting is clear, and the sullen voice is not boring. But this way of speaking always reminds people of the broadcasters of Empire News. Although the language is different, the tone of speech is very similar.

In the poster, the sun broke through the dark clouds and spilled from the window into the simple conference room. Leaders of various political parties in formal dresses shook hands and sympathized around Minerva. Under the picture of Harmony, a large font read "Common Bear, face together".

Looking at Minerva, who has become the central figure in the poster, the girl always feels a little uncoordinated. Minerva is one of the heroes of the Republic and the highest speaker of the fourth term. However, in the impression of "Nightingale", she only occasionally went home and nagged the late return children after the threshold was set. Nagging and nagging, doing crossword puzzles in the newspapers with Prince Shire, Sudoku's quirky big sister who is as capricious and noisy as a child.

When faced with this situation, "Robin" and Marseille can easily integrate into it. The "robin bird" from underground workers is good at reasoning. Marseille once won the Sudoku Championship of the fourth-class citizen group of the District Youth League. This type of game is what they are good at, and once joined, it will immediately become a unilateral crush on Her Royal Highness and Prince. Then there was another big and small dispute and noisy, until the time of bedtime was counted.

-Is this a peaceful life...?

"Nightingale" listened casually to the news of the radio report. The content seemed to be related to the current situation facing the Republic and the necessity of adding a budget for regular law enforcement forces at sea. Introduce the legal basis proposed by the empire in the previous Rheinland incident and the ways in which the countries dealt with the same problem, analyze the current situation, invite specialized jurists and maritime experts to discuss future maritime law enforcement, and look forward to the future of maritime power of the Republic Development direction.

The Empire also has a similar program, and the screen also comes with a variety of intuitive charts, photos, and video clips. The experts invited are also more famous. However, the main theme of the program has long been fixed in the "Her Majesty the Emperor, the wise, the magical, the Empire has no war. Invincible, standing upright, in the framework of the "Everything is so good", it's just that kind of routine. It is a world of difference to the Republic program that allows coexistence of different and even competing opinions.

Whenever I hear these contrasting news, I feel calm and proud in my heart, which is accompanied by a strong anxiety, which makes her uneasy.

You can’t just go on like this, you can’t always stay here.

Whenever the unexplained anxiety turned into a voice, hissing inside.

The girl couldn't help thinking.

After all, I still-


"Marseille, isn't it alright?"

The coquettish tone seemed familiar, and it seemed that the younger sister had been pulling her pants legs before. In this poor tone, she wanted to try a fresh cake.

Marseille is not good at refusing others, especially children. He will try his best to meet Prince Shir's reasonable requirements if conditions permit. Anyway, if the growing child cannot eat on time, the taste must be uncomfortable.

Just as the son of a baker, he knew exactly what would go wrong with children eating half-cooked food. In line with the dignity and responsibility of the baker, he looked at the crumb cake crumbs on the bamboo sticks, but he shook his head desperately towards Prince Charles, ignoring the tearful eyes behind him, and Marseille closed the oven again.

"At least 15 minutes."

"Wait still?"

"The old oven is just a little more troublesome, there is no way."

In the past, the Marseilles used the old-style bread oven. After entering the Empire era, in order to comply with the official food safety standards and community fire protection regulations, they bought a brand new electric oven. With this kind of oven that can set the time, temperature and firepower, the workload has also been reduced a lot, so Marseilles was also relieved from home and learned with ease.

I haven't baked bread for a while, my hands are a bit raw, and I use an old oven, which takes longer than expected.

Fortunately, he has prepared for the future to prevent this situation.

Carefully remove the lid to prevent the charcoal fire above from falling into the pot. As the white steam turns up, a mild aroma quickly fills the kitchen, breathing into the stair aisle, a bunch of housewives and children are curious 'S head protruded and looked over here.


Looking at his masterpiece, Marseille smiled happily.

Shepherd's Pie (Shepherd\'s.pie). Albion is one of the few dishes that can be called delicious. Unlike the traditional pie, the shepherd's pie has no meringue and is a flour-free pie made of potatoes, meat, and vegetables. Usually three potatoes and a moderate amount of vegetable beef can make a satisfying meal. Adding materials and using a larger container is enough to entertain guests.

In order to thank other residents in the residential building for their care, Marseille has prepared a large pot, and there are more after sharing with all the neighbors. After leaving the party for five, he distributed the remaining big pot to the leaders who gathered in the corridor. After busy with trivial matters, the pound cake was also baked, and finally Marseille, who was idle, accompanied Prince Shire to concentrate on afternoon tea and cake.


Silently ate his own cake, and with the cocoa Prince Shire asked abruptly:

"What is your plan for the future?"

"... the future?"

"Soon you will wait to enter the Republic's school to learn new knowledge. Before filling in the school admissions, you should first think about your future life plan and then choose the corresponding school."

The ten-year-old suddenly said the same words as adults, which made Marseille unable to respond for a while, and he immediately remembered the boy's royal identity, and immediately relieved.

Born and raised in the palace, experienced wars and the swift dislocation of going abroad, precocious maturity is also normal.

The content of the topic made Marseilles think more than a ten-year-old kid suddenly said something adult.

What should I do?

"What I wanted at first was to become a member of the elite youth league, apply for a military academy, and return to my hometown as a small civil servant after serving in the Imperial Army..."

The voice telling the dreams of the past is a bit erratic, like nostalgia and reluctance.

After being silent for a moment, the sound that sounded again became a little confused.

"It may be a little ridiculous, but I still want to say that if there is a chance to come back again, so that I can pick up my dream back then, I will probably refuse it."

The reason for giving up that dream is partly because the changing situation has twisted his life trajectory to this point, and the other half is because of his own choice.

It was his own choice that created a series of situations. He himself is part of the situation. It may be easy to push everything to others and the situation now. But Marseille’s character can’t accept this sense of no responsibility. Call it a life where everyone is doubtful.

He didn't want to let himself be reduced to the point where he would say "be born to be human, I'm sorry", "I am a shameful thing in my life".

Faced with an irresistible fate, non-resistance may not be a sin, but when you have the opportunity to save others but not to do it, this is undoubtedly a sin.

So he never regrets his choice to reach out to the "nightingale".

It can be asked whether he is willing to become a citizen of the Republic and contribute to the cause of the Republic. Marseille is difficult to assert.

Today, he already knows that there are other choices besides the empire. In addition to the life of making choices under the framework provided by the empire, there is also a life of thinking, judging, and deciding, which certainly makes him happy. But once he was asked "whether he is willing to give up everything including life in order to protect this way of life"~www.readwn.com~ he was hard to give a decisive answer.

Now that Marseille has been exiled by the empire, he naturally cannot commit loyalty to the empire that does not exist anymore. But his family and friends are still in the empire. Is the Republic worth his abandonment of his family and friends, and he is willing to bet on his life to defend? It is difficult for him to answer yes or no.

"Empire and republic, whichever is better, I am afraid that even if you fight for hundreds of years, there will be no result. The person who likes is like, the person who does not like is not like, no one can persuade anyone. Ask me, I It can be said that the Empire has obvious advantages, and the Republic has unique advantages, so ambiguous."

Because he stayed in the Empire and the Republic at the same time, Marseille can compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two countries more objectively.

The empire that takes the country and the emperor’s will as its top priority has a comprehensive overwhelming advantage in “hard indicators” such as science and technology, administrative efficiency, organizational mobilization capabilities, and military strength. Humanities, emancipation of mind, social fairness, etc. lead the way in "soft indicators".

Comparing the two, Marseille believes that most people, including themselves, will inevitably tend to the Republic, but if it comes to war between the two countries, who will win, reason will force people to recognize the advantages of the empire.

Taking into account such a background, being able to say the rhetoric of "willing to give the heart to the Republic" really needs enough consciousness.

Marseille asked himself that he didn't have such a high degree of consciousness, especially after listening to Minerva last night.

"I think I still..."

Rubbing his hands back and forth, the juvenile deep and erratic gaze cast out of the window, along the direction of the gaze, you could vaguely see the obelisk in the center of the Republic Square.


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