Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1631: 8. Sightseeing trip (12)

The three of them observed everything that happened before and after the emperor's visit. This farce made these young people who were once full of longing for the Republic extremely frustrated, and the most disappointing of them was naturally the "Nightingale".

Unlike the "robins" who are used to political wrestling and scams, and some Marseilles who follow the trend, "nightingales" are pure warriors.

The veterans in the guerrillas called her "Azrael" and the young soldiers of the same age called her "Walchüre (Walküre Valkyrie)." Those who have stayed in Shanghai know that it is synonymous with "death".

Soldiers will generally become very superstitious on the battlefield where death and pain will visit at any time, and all sorts of strange taboos that are seen by ordinary people are very popular among soldiers. Generally speaking, soldiers do not blame death, and in order to intimidate the enemy, it is not uncommon to draw pictures of death and devil on weapons or vehicles. But very few people use words related to death when nicknamed the robe, because it will bring misfortune-either to the nickname owner, or to the people around him.

Yazlar is the head of the fourteen angels of death under Gabriel, and one of the angels who sounded the horn at the end of the judgment; Walt Qiulei’s etymology is willing to be "corpse eater", which gradually evolved into "Choose a woman who died in the war"; the commonality between the two is not beauty and sacredness, but "being with death"

Where there is a death angel, and where there is a Valkyrie, there must be a sea of ​​corpses, and only these messengers that control death stand on the earth, harvest life without enemies and enemies, and take away the undead wandering on the battlefield.

The most beautiful and the worst mourners-this is the true meaning in the nickname.

It is no longer a question of jokes or mischief to give a 16-year-old girl such two nicknames. The maliciousness and fear contained in it almost overflows.

To be honest, this is actually inevitable.

The battlefield survival period of young soldiers is generally one week, and poor luck can only be calculated in minutes.

This is not to say that the guerrillas of the "Liberty Legion" kept the veterans in a safe zone to save the fighting power and let the young soldiers die. For such a shameless thing, these high-ranking soldiers will not do it if they die.

The reason why the mortality rate of juvenile soldiers remains high is largely because they are too young.

Youth means full of energy and energy, and there are many examples in the history of juvenile soldiers beating the adult troops. Many times the enthusiasm and perseverance of the doll soldiers show that even adults are sighing, and many experienced veterans are in the memoirs. Here I call the young soldiers killed by myself as "young wolves" and "underage beasts", and repeatedly mentioned that when encountering baby soldiers, they must be decisively killed. At this time, the cost of hesitation and tenderness is extremely heavy. It will kill yourself, and may also bring the same robe around you.

Although the youthful spirit and **** courage are not taken by the veterans, the veterans will feel tricky in the face of the enthusiastic young soldiers, and sometimes they will suffer a big loss if they are not careful.

However, the "Freedom Corps" is not facing an army of living humans, but an endless army of steel undead.

No fear of death, no pain, no mercy, no fear. With a single command, it will move forward until the enemy line is completely destroyed, and it will go to the perfect army on the next battlefield.

Faced with such opponents, the loss rate of young, impulsive, **** courageous, inexperienced, and insufficiently tough young soldiers will naturally be much higher than that of adults. In order to prevent the "Legion" from taking away the dead or dying Brain tissue, before retreating, the living person must also shoot at the head of the deceased or even the same robes who have died. People who often undertake such tasks will be privately referred to as "mourners", and "nightingales" have been given too many "funeral" jobs in the two years of fighting, so that they will be called such a title.

The finger pointing behind, the whispering thoughts of lowering the voice in the corner, scolding the collar in front of him and being scolded as "the **** who kills his companions", "Why are you still alive", "Why are they dead"-these have already become her life Part of. She doesn't want to fight back against rebuke, curse, resentment, or mockery. She asked herself if it was her own, and she could not bear the death who had a gun around her. If her friend or loved one died in the death, she could not control her emotions.

This is impossible. They are living people. They have blood and flesh, and they will cry and laugh. In the face of unreasonable death and disaster, they cannot be as silent as the "Legion".

The reason why these well-known "nightingales" choose to bear all this silently is not just forgiving and understanding others. For her, the "Liberty Army" is the last place to stay. Without this foothold, she will have nowhere to go, let alone revenge on the empire that has taken everything away from her.

The "Liberty Legion" and the Republic are all the hopes the girl has today, but what she has seen and heard since entering the Republic has been pounding her confidence all the time.

Is this what she believes in?

Is this what she yearns for?

This is what she has always relied on and protected?

People who only follow the slogans, who care about three meals a day and gossip news every day, scold politicians who fight and hold banners in the sacred legislature, have ambitious ambitions to face the armies of parliament and government, but call the army .

Before the emperor came to visit from the shock and doubt, the emperor came to visit. She looked at a series of things that happened during the period. She tried to maintain only the dignified people, politicians who kept themselves safe, and reasoned under adverse conditions. The struggling government, soldiers and civilian officials who still stand upright in the face of desperation.

Looking at ordinary people who did not want to bow down in front of the emperor's authority, looking at ordinary people who were still trying to do what they could, even if they were powerless, "Nightingale" first understood what Roland once said about "what is a hero" Some words.

"If there are really so-called "heroes", I don’t think it means superhumans, heroes, and other "non-ordinary people." I think... if the "dedication person" is a hero, then everyone, every one is willing Even ordinary people who dedicate even a little should be'heroes'."

The words that were not understood at that time seem to be somewhat understood now.

Unlike an empire supported by the emperor alone, the republic is a country supported by ordinary people who do not want to submit to the emperor and unjust fate.

Perhaps compared with the emperor, ordinary people are not even "insignificant". Compared with the eminent wisdom of the emperor, the people will only look funny. However, it should not be forgotten that the wise and wise emperor who never made mistakes will also slaughter innocent people without hesitation on the grounds that "this is good for the empire and most people". In the eyes of the emperor, sentient beings are nothing but weights placed on both ends of the scales, or numbers to be filled in spaces. He only cares whether the result is correct and meets expectations. As for the wail of those who "must be sacrificed and eliminated", he will never care.

If you want to build a world of permanent peace, it may not be possible without bloodshed. It can be maintained through calculated bloodshed and death. Even resentment and resistance must be managed and become part of the order. Everyone is no longer allowed to have their own thoughts and wills. All their lives are just to become the gear of the national machine. And live. What is the value of this world that has been standing still?

In order not to become such a desperate world, in order to leave the light of the Republic in the enthusiasm of the empire sweeping the world, let people know that in addition to the lifestyle under the **** of the empire, there is a completely different lifestyle. Existence, the republic must endure the temporary humiliation and endure the long winter in order to retain the seed named "future".

Now that the Republic has such consciousness, the "Legion of Freedom" must also have the same awareness.

"The treaty clearly prohibits the republic from supporting all resistance forces. In other words, if the empire captures evidence or even existing, it will be an excuse for their force to violate the republic."

With the pervasiveness of the Imperial Intelligence Network, there are only things they want to check in this world, and there are no things that they cannot find. As long as the powerful departments of the empire take it seriously, the intelligence and logistics networks that the resistance organizations have been working on are destroyed overnight. The little secret between the Republic and the "Legion of Liberty" may have been under the control of the Imperial Intelligence Agency. For the sake of its own interests, the Empire ignored it. Now these pipelines have become the empire’s hands to blackmail the Republic. Of trump card. With the conclusion of the treaty signed this time, as long as necessary, the empire can provide sufficient evidence to prove that the Republic violated the treaty at any time, and then a series of combined punches-blockade of trade channels, economic sanctions, threats of force, until the Republic bowed its head.

Never let this happen.

"Since the treaty has been signed, the Republic can of course only abide by it. Afterwards, the "Legislative Army" will have to change its existing strategy and think about how to fight without relying on the assistance of the Republic."

"The words are good."

"Mockingbird" shrugged and asked in a somewhat helpless tone:

"How much is it feasible? What is the status of guerrillas and bases~www.readwn.com~ I shouldn't have to explain it to you."

As an intelligence officer, the "robin bird" perspective has always been more practical. When "Nightingale" uttered bold words, she had listed a series of data in her head, began to calculate and analyze, and finally reached the conclusion that "basically not feasible".

Self-reliance and self-sufficiency-it sounds beautiful and moving, but it is actually difficult. And regardless of the shortage of guerrillas, talents, equipment, food...the current situation of lack of everything, facing the empire's "encirclement and suppression" and "sweeping," it is difficult to create an external environment that can stabilize production and ensure demand. Too. As for the rest, just thinking about it doesn't seem very reliable.

"Nightingale" certainly knew what "robinbird" wanted to express, and she still wanted to mumble a few words like "There will always be a way", "Difficulties are only temporary" to dismiss, just at this time. The voices of four people interrupted the dispute.

"Already have a solution."

Minerva knocked lightly on the door, and the decisive voice spread.

"The'Legion of Freedom' will temporarily withdraw from the empire."

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