Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1630: 8. Sightseeing trip (11)

The emperor's sightseeing trip took only six hours before and after, and it was too hasty to describe it as a spectacle. Considering that this one is a workaholic, the lifestyle is almost the same as the Puritans, and everyone can accept it.

The emperor's visit was short-lived, but it had a profound impact on the international situation, especially the Republic.

The most direct and intuitive effect is that there are far fewer people speaking on the street. It is also difficult to find traces of "heroes" who brag about being able to play ten sharp ears in a tavern. The hard external voices in society have almost disappeared. As the Emperor left New Orleans, the streets of the Republic's capital began to fall into "silence". A sense of prostration similar to that of excessive force spread on the streets. People who had previously danced and danced showed their tired and empty expressions without saying a word. Yan walked on the street.

In addition to this, there is an effect because the process is relatively slow, but the impact is also far-reaching.

That is the input of a lot of materials.

At the moment when the Great Emperor left the territorial waters, the imperial navy warships performing the blockade task also began to lift the task formation and evacuate. Ships stranded in the open sea immediately flooded into the Port of New Orleans, and various materials quickly filled the warehouses in the port area. Due to the fact that the transshipment capacity could not keep up with the speed of unloading of materials, it caused congestion and a lot of disputes. It was finally solved.

These materials have to wait for the inventory to be checked into the warehouse before they can be listed. The citizens have to wait a day or two before they can see the shop’s empty window refilled with commodities. Division, butter, beef, eggs, coffee, prices that are about to break away from the affordability of the public will fall back to normal levels.

After the once surging passion burns out, and then facing the scene of re-prosperity and peace, people will naturally begin to reflect on, what is the significance of the suffering they have suffered before? Further questions will arise, if all this is unnecessary and could have been avoided, why did it happen in the first place? Who should take responsibility for this?

It will not be themselves. The people believe that they are innocent and deceived victims. How could a group of victims pay for the misfortune they encountered?

It will not be an empire, and the empire will act in accordance with the law from beginning to end. Judging from the incident reports published after the engagement, all actions of the empire are justified. How could the reasoning party be the culprit?

It will not be the Government of the Republic, they are also victims, and the Government of the Republic has been dealing with the mess from beginning to end. Although the result was not very satisfying, who made the fists of the empire so hot, and in the whole process, the government of the Republic kept the bottom line, and there were some touching flash points. It's impossible to deal with this situation better. If you have a soft bone, you might rush to hug the emperor's thigh and shout your father with a shy face.

In the end, all the spearheads were directed towards the radical MPs who jumped up and down during the incident. All of their previous statements were examined under a microscope, and then compared with their performance during the emperor's visit. People were irritated by the behavior that caused them to pick up the runners, and then, with the help of intentions, the guys who had insisted on fighting against the empire did "good deeds" during the visit of the emperor. When he came out, the people who were shocked by the shameless betrayal of the country burst into unprecedented anger, and finally the anger of the entire Republic burned the guys who showed their nature at the critical moment to ashes.

In the context of the counterattack of the right-wing political factions by the whole people, the previous remarks of the left will prove to be prescient, and they are true patriots. Relying on the trend of public opinion blowing to the left, the left-wing political party headed by the Social Democratic Party will surely win an overwhelming victory in the elections of the House of Representatives and even the Senate.

So is the left-wing party the biggest winner in this incident?

Absolutely not.

"The biggest winner is still the empire."

Tucked the folded newspapers into the carton containing the old newspapers, and the "robin bird" looked depressed.

As an intelligence officer, it is a basic skill to scrutinize and analyze the outline of the incident from the clues. Now all the conditions and results are in sight. If you can’t see the clues, it can only prove that this person is not suitable for intelligence work.

Empire is the biggest winner of this visit.

The so-called winning or losing is based on whether or not the expected goal is achieved. Whether it is politics or war, in the final analysis, it is a means taken to achieve the goal. What are they.

The short-term goal of the Republic is to lift the blockade, restore normal trade logistics, and participate in international arms control negotiations as much as possible, to get rid of the current isolation and become a "normal country." The long-term goal is to use international arms control negotiations to seek a relaxed development environment for oneself, and strive to accumulate strength to prepare for future wars.

The goals of the various countries are roughly the same. What everyone wants is a buffer period that can contain the empire, narrow the gap, and by the way win more benefits for their own country.

It can be said that both the Republic and the nations have achieved the expected goals. Although the way to achieve the goals is somewhat different from their imagination, the results are in line with expectations.

Returning to the empire, the empire's goal is to ease conflicts and prepare for the next war. It's just that as a more ambitious party, their focus is longer than their opponents.

The empire knew very well that the essence of the arms control treaty was to stipulate a truce, which was an intermission before the next war. According to the sand table of the General Staff of the Empire, the interval of this intermission is roughly about ten to twenty years, the specific time is difficult to grasp, but judging by the patience of various countries and the growth of national strength, it is definitely not more than two ten years.

During this time, the Congresses slowly recognized the reality that in the face of the empire’s leading technological system, industrial production capacity, and financial hegemony, no matter how they chased it, it was impossible to circumvent obstacles and shorten the distance from the empire.

The development of technology has its own rules and inevitability. The emperor, a super-gold-fed empire, took a lot of detours in the development process. Other countries not only have no shortcuts, but also have to face the patent system of the empire.

Most of the technical patents stored in the archives of the Imperial Patent Office are inevitable technological development nodes, which can be bypassed by adjusting the process or changing the formulation ingredients. No matter how much time and effort is invested, in the end, we still have to face the patent barriers set by the Empire early. They either pay huge royalties or stop there, and have no third option.

Faced with this situation, the countries in despair will choose to personally tear up the arms control treaties they participated in and formulate a full-scale war-this is what the empire is happy to see. Just like the war between Alfheim and Charlemagne, the clever layout will be used to transfer the responsibility of provoking the war to the opponents and let themselves occupy the moral highlands.

But there is an uncertain variable in this seemingly perfect plan, and that is the Republic.

Unlike other countries, the people of the Republic can express their will through the votes in their hands, which brings great uncertainty to their foreign policy.

Perhaps Minerva and the upper republic are sensible, but this is not necessarily the case for the political animals and the general public that belong to the right-wing radicals. Especially people, their choices are often based on impulse, hearsay and assumptions, rather than professional knowledge and logical thinking. When the news that the government of the Republic signed a "sell the country" agreement came, with a little incitement, angry people will certainly use the votes in their hands to teach the government of the Republic and push their right-wing party, the patriot in their minds. Let those most radical and toughest guys honor their campaign promises and abolish the treaty of betrayal.

A series of problems caused at that time will have an inestimable impact on the empire's strategic planning, and even the most serious will detonate a full-scale war in advance.

The empire certainly would not tolerate this kind of thing, so the emperor paid a visit to the republic regardless of traditional diplomatic etiquette and used his authority to make the people of the republic realize that they had no choice but to accept reality.

Judging from the final result, the emperor fully realized everything he wanted. The people bowed their heads to accept the reality; the right-wing forces were swept into the garbage dump, and they were unable to breathe for a long time; the left-wing forces that advocated compromise, opposed to the expansion of armaments, and supported the negotiations became the mainstream voice of the House of Representatives and even the Republican society; rationalists The Minerva government still controls the country;

All the elements that facilitated negotiations and ensured the implementation of the treaty were almost together, and by the way, a little extra addition was added.

"The left has always opposed the increase of the military budget. Even if it is a last resort, they must compare it. They want to reduce military expenditure to a minimum. In this way, even if the national strength of the Republic is strengthened, they want to transform the national strength into military power and local resistance. Aid also has to face strong internal opposition. Originally at this time, the right wing could still contain it, but now..."

It is normal for a country to have different voices.

Even if it is an empire, there are various political parties in the Imperial Parliament, and the emperor plays the role of arbitrator most of the time. According to the national strategy and interests, he chooses which party to support.

The Republic should have been the same.

Different parties in the House of Representatives speak for the people who support them, and submit different opinions and demands to the government in the form of bills, discuss, vote, and legislate, and the government signs and takes effect. Basically, the bill finally submitted to the government is the product of the game and compromise of all parties. It may not be satisfactory. Anyway, everyone has discussed it.

The House of Representatives visited by the emperor was not the case.

Without the containment of the right wing~www.readwn.com~ The House of Representatives with a single left wing will inevitably only put forward the proposals they are keen on, and with the advantage of the number of people, all the bills will definitely pass quickly. But this has created considerable pressure on the government.

"...The Senate may be able to block some bills, but this will also cause dissatisfaction with the left-wing parties. They will definitely be more firmly opposed to increasing military expenditures and adding new arms reduction bills. This will become a vicious circle. "

Following the information given by "Robin", Marseille painted a picture that made him shudder.

He had never thought of it, just a somewhat rude visit, there would be so many calculations and games behind him.

As he was about to say something to ease his inner unease, the silent "nightingale" made a cold voice.

"so what?"

The girl said coldly:

"Even without the assistance of the Republic, we will continue to fight until the last moment."

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