Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1629: 8. Sightseeing trip (10)

Some things are ignored intentionally or unintentionally even if you want to remember them, and some things are hard to do if you try to ignore them.

The former has a very wide scope, and almost everything can be counted; the latter is basically linked to negative things. Such as hatred, jealousy, anger... and terror.

Piercing the skull, reaching the bottom of your heart, more than the horror of hell, when you think you have successfully got rid of it, that nightmare will recover from the abyss of memory, allowing you to relive the trembling in the shadows, praying to the gods that you can The taste of escape.

War, disaster, disease, life and death, and the emperor are all people who want to forget but cannot forget.

Citizens of the Republic, the proud sons of freedom, when the emperor was driving, they showed their contempt by ignoring the emperor's motorcade.

This is a silent protest and an invisible challenge. At the initial stage, the response of the people of the Republic opened the eyes of visitors, and the evaluation of the people of the Republic also improved several levels at once. The previous image of the "mob" was subverted overnight. Maybe they are used to freedom on weekdays, but the people of the Republic are still very sturdy at the crucial moment.

The citizens of the Republic worked very hard and did show enough courage and will.

They will almost succeed.

If traveling with the emperor is a third-class civil servant or second-rate diplomatic agent of various countries, I am afraid there is a great chance of being fooled in this way. However, sitting behind the emperor's car and sitting in the V16 Cadillac V16 But they are all top officials in various countries. I have received strict aristocratic training since I was a child, and have been involved in various social occasions. They will not just look at the surface phenomena. Even if they sit in a luxury car and watch the flowers, they can find various problems in various details in a short time and derive some interesting conclusions.

"Have you seen."

Duke Marlboro pointed the cigar at the crowd and said to the entourage:

"Their eyes are always on the emperor's car intentionally or unintentionally."

Along the direction of the cigar sign, a large number of people who are turning their heads in a hurry or throwing a hurry at the emperor's car into the eyes of the entourage.

The entourage nodded silently, then turned their gaze to other directions, and similar scenery kept coming into view.

"Don't care about the emperor, treat the emperor as air... It sounds easy, but who can do it?"

If they were great philosophers like Epicurus and Diogenes, they might really treat the supreme noble as nothing. Diogenes said to Alexander the Great, who visited him, that he "shone aside, don't block the sun", and Epicurus simply went into seclusion and concentrated on studying "Ataraxia". These big guys who have entered the philosophical world will not be moved by one or two big figures.

But Epicurus and Diogenes are only minorities after all, and even those who believe in cynicism and Epicureanism can break cynicism into cynicism after exploring and developing it. Doctrine played into hedonism, indulgence, and worship of Dionysus (Diogenes and Epicurus's original intent was to persuade people to be kind, hoping that the world will get rid of the entanglement of worldly interests, and achieve peace of mind and soul. Human will believes that people should be free. But not everyone has the consciousness of a philosopher, and it is inevitable that the ideas of the two philosophers are broken. How can ordinary people truly face the emperor in a completely calm and equal state without being affected by the environment and currents?

"If the emperor is a person, even if it is just a great man, they may really be able to turn a blind eye."

The voice of Count Gorchakov was extremely calm, and it sounded like a sigh.

After all, the celebrity effect has its margins, either celebrities or great men. What they can attract and affect is only part of the people.

Can span across races, languages, beliefs, the rich and the poor, so that everyone in the world knows its existence. Even if it will be forgotten for a time, it has already penetrated into the hearts of the people like sunrise, sunset, wind and rain, etc. Become the center of the topic, dominate the atmosphere of the scene, and enduring.

There is no one who can do this.

Only disasters can be so popular.

The emperor is like a disaster. It is a disaster that can breathe, think, and act independently. Faced with a tornado passing by, a tsunami talking and laughing in front of him, he is arbitrarily looking at the surrounding earthquake, and I don’t know when it will be done. Who can turn a blind eye to the volcano?

"The emperor is putting pressure on the people of this country."

He took a sip of cigar, and Duke Marlborough breathed out the smoke ring, his face cheerful.

"The fools thought they had successfully protested the emperor and were complacent. They did not expect that from the moment the emperor's flagship entered the territorial waters of the republic, the emperor had won. When the emperor appeared on the streets of the republic to enjoy the scenery, the country and the people had already Completely defeated."

At the beginning, the Duke of Marlborough hadn't figured out why the emperor came to the Republic. When he saw the people desperately pretending not to care, but his eyes were always focused on the emperor's surroundings intentionally or unintentionally, the Duke suddenly opened his eyes.

The purpose of the emperor was to swear existence, to use its absolute presence to repress the people of the Republic, and force them to recognize the current government and subsequent arms control treaties.

"People are forgetful. Maybe they were still fighting on the street the day before yesterday. When they got up the next morning, they forgot what they supported and opposed. Even if they did something that was right or wrong yesterday, it's not surprising, anyway, politicians Well, the people, and everyone agrees on this kind of thing. But who dare to question and challenge the words and treaties that the emperor said and promised?"

Count Gorchakov shook his head, his tone between regret and sigh.

A person who dares to challenge and question the authority of the emperor. There may be, but those are just a few real warriors. Those who challenge and question in front of the emperor, I am afraid they can only be regarded as madmen or lunatics.

Here there are no real brave men who ignore death or lunatics who do not take life seriously, and some are ordinary people with a strong desire to survive. They not only have to consider their own lives, but also the safety of their families. How do you let these ordinary people refuse the emperor's request?

"This is really..."

"It's unpleasant enough."

The sombre voices of the special envoys of the two countries overlapped together, and a breathtaking and dignified atmosphere settled in the air for a long time.


The emperor's convoy finally arrived at the Senate of the Republic. At the request of the emperor, the dispute between the Republic and the Empire, that is, the protocol for the handling of the Rhineland incident, will be signed and entered into force by the highest diplomatic representatives of both parties.

The reason given by the emperor is that the Senate is a civic parliament with the highest deliberative and legislative functions, and is a symbol of the law of the Republic. Here, under the witness of the top leaders of both parties, the signed agreement is more serious and legal than any other place. Through this gesture, the attitude of the Empire and the Republic towards the incident and the determination to avoid repeated tragedies are demonstrated. It also symbolizes the first step for the Republic to get rid of isolation and become a member of the new international order.

The words are very pleasant, but everyone knows that this is an unequal treaty. But no one dared to question the authority of the emperor.

Public opinion once appeared to question the Senate and Minerva, but these complaints and complaints were quickly suppressed by the sympathy of Minerva.

There is no harm without comparison. The signing of the government and the Senate on the alliance under the city is unacceptable, but after all, it is their responsibility. In the face of responsibility and blame, they at least chose to bear it silently. What about those representatives? Where did they all go? Normally, it is not clamoring to give the empire a good look. Why did the emperor come to the front, spit at the emperor, and the best chance to defend the republic with his life is now in front of him. This group of guys actually took a holiday together? The well-regarded people of the Republic have raised members such as the legislator for many years. What about the Day of the Dead? Even if you dare not carry the responsibility, what can you expect them to do?

Those right-wing MPs have quickly become the object of curse, and if there is nothing unexpected, wait to say goodbye to the political world and go home to support the elderly. But this time, the MPs are busy at home. Either you are inquiring about the way to see the emperor, or you are drafting a manuscript of the allegiance book, or else you are looking at whether there are any ancestral treasures that can be used as a gift. No one cares about how unbearable they are in the mouth of the people. It is the most important thing to be the loyal and good people of His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible.

When the high-ranking parliamentarians thought about how to "sell a good price" for themselves and the republic in front of the emperor, the unnamed soldiers and civilian officials under the backbone still did not give up their loyalty to the people, the main, the Republic, and the politics. Most of these people are making various preparations for underground struggle, but there are also some brave people who express their ideas.

The Senate archives administrator, 68-year-old George Martini, refused on the spot when the emperor proposed to enter the archives area.

"This area is only open to citizens of the Republic, and foreign citizens have no right to enter unless they are naturalized and have lived for five years."

Claude Valier of the Personnel Management Department also refused to implement the request of the Guard to provide the list of members and staff of the Senate and House of Representatives~www.readwn.com~According to the provisions of the law, the members of the House of Representatives and Senate can be read People on the list of affiliated staff members are limited to citizens of the Republic who have the right to vote and to be elected, and who are also taxed. In addition, government civil servants only exercise the entrusted powers and accusations in accordance with the laws of the Republic and their own conscience. Gentlemen, I am not a courageous person, I love my family and my life. However, since I am a civil servant, I must fulfill my obligations. "

In addition, Krem, the second-class clerk of the Senate Secretariat. Ipad. Norubega recorded this in the diary of the Senate in the same day. "At 10:30 today, someone who claimed to be the emperor of the sacred Gilmanian Empire, Siegfried Otto Lilin, applied for a visit to the meeting place without legal qualifications." Although the empire asked him to delete this paragraph, it clearly contained a large He also refused to ask for the disrespectful text.

Faced with these embarrassing episodes, the emperor just laughed, and then conveyed his attitude to the Republic on the way back to the emperor.

"Please don't embarrass those who are rude but loyal to their duties. They just say what they want to say and do what they should do."

Facing the emperor's demeanor, the diplomatic officer of the Republic who was in charge of the conversation bent deeply.

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