Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1628: 8. Sightseeing trip (9)

There is an interesting survey.

A sample of the same number of people from different classes, groups with different incomes and different levels of education was selected for a questionnaire survey. It was found that the lower the group, the lower the income group, the more religious the religious beliefs. Almost all religious believers are the poor and poor at the bottom.

To be honest, this is not surprising.

The harder life is, the more people stick to their beliefs. That is the only thing they can rely on, and the only thing that others cannot take away from them.

The mentality of the citizens of the Republic is the same.

Perhaps the analogy of religion is somewhat nondescript, but the mentality of the citizens of the Republic is indeed very similar to those of the poor who are obedient to religious appeal.

"Compared with the era of the Charlemagne Kingdom, the decline of national power has no back path... No, it is because there is no back path that we will hold the gun in order to preserve the remaining dignity. This is the true state of mind of the people of the Republic Through this trip, you can observe closely to confirm how strong this mentality is and what impact it will cause."

"Then figure out how to use it, right?"

"That's one of the options for the future, and their voices are just a hassle for the Empire, the Republic, and even the next arms control negotiations."

"...Speaking as if your Excellency can hear everyone's heart and speak on behalf of everyone."

"Can't you hear it?"

The wine glass hung in the air, and the faces mixed with bitter smiles and sneer came together, and stopped at a distance that was barely rude, Li Lin said in a devilish voice:

"'No need for a guy who is not a patriot'-they are saying so."

The trembling as if struck by lightning strikes through Minerva. In the face of the emperor's oppression, he can refute without any concession, and he can fight back with meticulous sophistry. But now he has fallen into the blank of thinking because of a sentence.

That is not a lie.

That is the truth.

It was the last word Minerva wanted to hear.

"It seems that Your Highness is very clear about the voice of the people, otherwise there will be no such response."

"what the **** do you want?"

"Until the arms control negotiations are concluded, countries reach an arms development restriction agreement, and the signature takes effect, the people of the Republic can keep quiet and do not create noise that will affect the talks."

"You think this is an imperial territory, what do you want?"

"Of course not, we still respect the fact that the Republic exercises sovereignty. Otherwise, we will not wait for your release according to the procedure."

Taking a sip of cold wine and moistening his throat, Li Lin raised his glass slightly.

"It's just that we have doubts about whether the people of the Republic can objectively and rationally view the situation facing their own country and whether they can correctly judge the current international situation. Before this hidden danger can be completely resolved, the empire and the nations cannot rest assured that the Republic Participating in arms control negotiations."

Faced with the conclusion that even the rebuttal was pale, Minerva and Jay fell silent.

This is the most troublesome issue for the Republic, and it is also the root cause of the countries' uneasyness about the Republic’s participation in multilateral negotiations-the uncertain direction of public opinion and the government that is easily influenced and swayed by public opinion.

As long as it is a negotiation, either party must face two pressures from both inside and outside. Needless to say, external pressure, the negligence on the negotiating table, and the baht must be more self-evident. It is also a common thing to lift the table to fight when you are in a hurry. As for internal pressures — needless to say, of course comes expectations and blame from all walks of life.

There is an old saying that the farther you are from the front line, the more optimistic you are about the situation. Without personally feeling the cruelty of the battlefield and the pressure of the negotiating table, under the slogans of "all for the front line" and "all for victory" under the slogans of the government's call and media propaganda, he endured the hardship of life and paid in silence. After accepting everything, they naturally have high or even unrealistic expectations of war or negotiation. At the same time, through newspaper columns and hearsay, the international status quo of "I think it is correct, in fact I want to see it" is conceived in my mind, which further raises their inner expectations.

It is not difficult to foresee what kind of protest frenzy will be triggered by the huge gap when the final negotiation results are passed back to the rear, and cruel facts are before us.

"The premise for the Empire and the nations to allow the Republic to participate in arms control negotiations is that the Republic recognizes and strictly abides by the treaties that it has participated in discussions. This requires a government that can govern for a long time and stabilize the policy of the Republic. However, your system and the people Serious emotional thinking will prevent this goal from being achieved. To put it bluntly, it would be very difficult for Lord Jay to participate in the next negotiation without this trip. Whether or not the new negotiator is like Lord Jay at the same time Gaining the trust of the empire and the nations, and after seeing the end of His Excellency Jay, who dares to take his own political life. Is it against the national wave of nationalism and populism? Of course, in the end, you will still sign the treaty However, if this government collapses, will the new government, taking advantage of the wave of public opinion, succumb to populism and will withdraw or request a revision of the treaty... For this act of meaningless waste of time, we I really don’t want to be there."

The biggest and most uncertain issue with elected governments is policy continuity.

Although such things as treaties exist to be torn and bypassed, considering national strategies and international realities, until they can't bear it or are fully prepared, everyone will basically follow them honestly. But a country like the Republic that highly values ​​public opinion and is easily influenced by public opinion is doubtful about its willingness and effectiveness to follow the treaty.

Of course, even if it is the people, the host, the country and the electoral society, the opinions of the people are not always able to control the government. In many cases, although they are angry and dissatisfied, they can only do so.

"Freedom is not free." The same is true of wanting to carry out will and gaining benefits, and no one can benefit by giving nothing. If the people want to defend the dignity of the country and carry out their will, it will inevitably clash with the violent machine of the country, and the consequences...

It is always the minority who are willing to bear the consequences, and the nationals of the Republic are precisely the minority.

In order to prevent imperial invasion, the Republic allowed citizens to possess guns and ammunition in the form of laws. On the one hand, it was to deal with the invasion that may come at any time. On the other hand, it was also preparing for the future expansion of the army. He touched the gun and knew how to maintain and repair the gun. People are always easier to train than mobilized soldiers who have never touched a gun. It is also 18 weeks of infantry training. Those who have experience in using guns are better at least in shooting.

The original intention of the founder of the Republic is to do everything possible to defend the Republic. Not to mention the unpredictable atmosphere at the time, even now, this approach is still understandable. The consequence is that the per capita gun possession rate in the Republic is the highest in the world, and the frequency of shootings is also the highest (this is the result of excluding the "legal shootings" duel). When the government really introduces a bill that makes most people feel intolerable, or signs a treaty of betrayal, the **** people are likely to bring guns to the government department to "say"...

Even if politicians don’t consider votes, they also have to consider their lives. God knows if they will be attacked by neuropathic gunmen, wanted actors, at funerals, theaters, train stations, concert halls, lecture podiums, restaurants, and on the streets. Outrageous lawyers, anarchists, "patriotic men" and so on are given to the "Tianzhu thief".

Therefore, they will first bow their heads to public opinion temporarily, respond to the people's request, pose a tough external stance, and propose to revise the arms control treaty that has already been reached in order to strive for a "suitable international status." If the countries are willing to cooperate with nature and rejoice, it does not matter if they do not cooperate, as long as they continue to stalemate for a period of time, and then use public opinion to guide public opinion after the public's attention drops, assuming everything can return to the original track over time.

Under normal circumstances, the plot will indeed develop as described above, but the problem is that it is not only the republics and the powers that participate in the arms negotiations.

The countries do not care about the daily small theaters in the Republic. Anyway, it is someone else’s family, and they can be as happy as they like. But if the republic proposes to revise the treaty, the empire will also revise on the stick... This is embarrassing.

The original purpose of the various countries was to use the arms control treaty to curb the speed and momentum of the empire's military expansion, and to reach an early agreement while the gap in national strength had not yet been further widened. If the republic proposes to revise the treaty after three or five years, the national power of the empire must be stronger than it is now, but the development of the nations at that time is still unknown. To maintain the current gap, it's okay to say that if the gap is further widened, the negotiations will be reopened...then there will be something to talk about, only God knows.

In contrast, the Empire has similar doubts, but their starting point is a little different. The fear of the countries is that the empire restarts negotiations to seek a treaty that is more beneficial to the empire~www.readwn.com~The empire is worried that the restart of negotiations will seriously stimulate the countries, trigger conflicts and even wars. What is more tricky is that if the Republic does not get a response to agree to restart negotiations, and instead uses a similar approach to the Rhineland incident to show a tough stance to the nationals, then the empire must respond to this, and the chain reaction caused by this is very It may be out of control, which is still not liked by the empire.

"In the end, the situation may evolve into a result that everyone does not want to see, or it may not. The probability is about 40%, which is much better than half and half of betting. But everyone does not intend to gamble on such a big event. Planning countermeasures awaits a chaotic future, and strangling the problem as soon as it emerges is the right thing to do."

The **** pupil reflected the cold light, and Li Lin sank his body into the back of the chair.

"In order to solve this problem, I came here to make the people of the Republic clearly realize that the arms control treaty and the government of the Republic that signed the treaty were recognized and guaranteed by the emperor. Any attempt to change or tear up the treaty, Any attempt to overthrow this government is challenging the empire and my authority. If you have confidence and awareness, you can always challenge me."

The dignified and beautiful lips chuckled with a bright smile. More than ever before, the trembling came through Minerva's body, and his tight fists were shaking.

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