Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1627: 8. Sightseeing trip (8)

In countries where leaders are elected through universal elections, the candidate's face value has always been a very important parameter.

No matter how you advocate equality and fraternity, people cannot change their standards and tendencies towards beauty and ugliness. After all, the whole society is a face-seeking society. Those who can speak handsomely and handsomely are always more advantageous. If they can make promises that satisfy most people in terms of policy and welfare, then the election is almost a matter of finality.

The emperor's face value is of course nothing to say, and the charm of his body is unmatched, and the halo of "God of Actors" is to add luster to his image. In the empire, as long as the emperor's public appearances never lack a large number of fanatic fans, the enthusiasm of female supporters is beyond the reach of men. Even when traveling abroad, the ladies and ladies who fainted because of close contact with the emperor or being invited to dance at state banquets and dances are also a big deal.

The emperor with such high popularity appeared on the streets of the Republic, but people seemed to turn a blind eye.

Dancing photos, singing photos, singing photos, taking photos in newspapers, drinking coffee, doing business.

The people of the Republic completely present their daily life in front of the emperor and foreign envoys. In this way, they show a style different from any country. There are no secret police, no Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, and no uniforms on the streets. There is no ubiquitous monitoring equipment, no empire, no emperor. Everyone is bathed in the sun equally, enjoying the power they deserve, and the emperor is completely regarded as air.

Anyone can see that this is the people of the Republic expressing their patriotic enthusiasm and contempt for the emperor in their own way, and everyone is waiting to see the emperor's reaction.

Because he had been accounted before departure, Niederhogg, who was sitting in a motorcycle bucket, had a poker face, completely like a posture of a group of animals farting. But those who are familiar with the temperament of the Captain of the Guards know that this ancient loyal loyal to the emperor is not a good type of talk, maybe he is thinking about what kind of revenge scheme he has in mind.

Niederhogger is indeed full of fire, but if he thinks that the captain of the Guards is just a loyal dragon full of violent thoughts, it is very wrong.

What is the occasion now, and what is the surrounding environment? At this point of time, there is a conflict with a group of Charlemagne remnants who are not subservient to the king. Do you think the challenge facing the emperor is not troublesome enough? Was the mud happy? At this time, the most important thing is to protect the safety of the convoy, especially the safety of the foreign envoys in the next few cars. If something goes wrong with the gang, it doesn’t matter if the Republic loses its face, and the image of the emperor or even the emperor is ashamed. Things. Bet on the honor of the Guards and his life, Niederhogg will never let this happen.

In fact, Niederhogger really thought too much. The nationals of the Republic were really dissatisfied with the emperor. Before that, some Republican officials had threatened to blow the emperor’s head, but that was all. The nationals of the Republic are not just bloody, they know very well what can be done and what is to die. It’s okay to brag and grumble. I really want to talk about assassinating the emperor or launching an attack on a convoy full of foreign envoys. Not to mention some people dare. The inspiring blind-mindedness or the practice of assassination for the sake of the famous desperate madman brings unnecessary trouble to the motherland and himself.

At this moment, there is no safer and quieter place in the entire republic than the emperor's team.

"The people are really enthusiastic and rational."

Li Lin turned his gaze from the bustling crowd on the street back to the front, and the handsome face with a signature smile made a calm voice that was difficult to figure out its true emotions.

"I originally thought I would see a more intense welcome."

"for example?"

Minerva, sitting opposite, was neither humble nor overbearing, and the vigilance and disgust in his voice were hardly noticeable.

"Burn the puppet, imitate the hangman or something."

Li Lin's expression didn't change at all, still Yun Yunfeng's light smile, but no matter how he looked, it didn't look like a joke.

During this visit, Li Lin did not bring the high imitation Mercedes-Benz 770K, but replaced a high imitation magic to change the Rolls-Royce Phantom IV. Unlike the original version that only produced a total of 18 vehicles, the special version of Li Lin was elongated. The rear body was increased to four pairs, and a row of seats was added to the elongated space. The hard-top fully enclosed car was changed to an open top. If the iconic front of the Rolls-Royce Phantom IV remains, only After looking at the body, it will be mistaken for a Mercedes-Benz G4.

Although some Mercedes-Benz elements have been added to the design due to changes, the interior decoration and equipment fully adhere to the consistent luxury style of the Rolls-Royce Phantom series. For example, only 16 pieces of animal skin used for interior decoration are used. The laser-guided precision is divided into 450 pieces, which are divided into two categories according to the purpose. One is natural textured leather, which is used for seat and trim outer lining; the other is a textured "trimmed" leather, which is used as a door Support and central control panel. There are no less than 6 types of laminates used in wood products for interior decoration purposes: gorgeous mahogany, Burr walnut, maple, black tulip tree, oak wood grain and elm wood. Although the color and mood vary greatly with the wood used, the quality of workmanship is still second to none in the world. All interior decoration is manually assembled and adjusted by specialized craftsmen, and even the most discerning quality inspectors can't find a trace of problems. The rest of the "standard" such as wine cabinets and refrigerators also use top-level configurations.

Different from the common seat layout, in order to facilitate passenger communication, and to make more space for increased riding comfort, the rear two rows of seats are adjusted to face-to-face layout. Sitting in the middle seat, facing the emperor and his "joke", Justice Jay's mouth twitched, and Minerva's extremely serious eyes became more serious.

The emperor's speech was not a joke. There was no humor in it, it was all about the facts that made it difficult for them to tell.

If the emperor did not come, then what he said would definitely be staged.

It is true that the republic’s ups and downs on the handling of the Rhineland incident have long been realized. Compared with the worst expectations before, today’s eight conditions are already lenient.

There is no unilateral market opening to the empire, no concessions and military bases, no privilege of the imperial navy advancing in and out of the territorial sea to catch people and arrest ships, and no extraterritoriality. Although in general, the final agreement is still an unequal treaty, the loss of the Republic is far lower than expected, and in addition, it has obtained tickets to participate in arms control negotiations, which is not bad in terms of results.

Even so, people will still not forget the suffering, loss, humiliation suffered during this period, nor will they forget the money infringing the sovereignty of the Republic in the eight conditions. People were full of anger at the empire, but there was nowhere to vent.

So, they will look for targets that can vent their anger. Attributing the misfortune and humiliation that fell on oneself to that target, not to the one who was powerless about it.

Justice John Jay is the right person.

Isn’t it? John Jay, the traitor, faced the pressure of the empire, the first surrender to jump out for peace talks, in order to please the empire, at the negotiating table, the unreasonable demands of the empire were all accepted, and finally the empire The army brought into the republic and shamed the sacred and great place of freedom. It is really justified that there is no excuse for sin. John Jay **** it! Everyone who doesn’t curse John Jay **** it!

Next came the old routines of citizens of the Republic-parades, rallies, demonstrations, hanging and burning the dolls and portraits of Justice John Jay. It was estimated that the blazing fire was enough to illuminate the night road from New Orleans Port to Jay's villa on the outskirts of the capital.

If there is no emperor coming, this scene will inevitably be staged, and most of the government of the Republic will be so disappointed.

From this perspective, the emperor is equal to the government of the Republic. It was the emperor who came out with a black face before the government of the Republic escaped.

Jay and Minerva did not mean any thanks at all.

They know the man too well.

Ordinary people encounter this situation and may think that the emperor deliberately gave good intentions, selling personal feelings to the government of the Republic, and then deciding how to use this personal debt as needed.

It's very reasonable, and it's very similar to the tactics used by politicians.

But this inference does not apply to the emperor.

If it is only the degree of human debt, it is sufficient to send a plenipotentiary. Anyway, the shadow of the emperor can attract the anger of the people, and there is no need for the emperor to come forward.

Now that he is here, what he wants can never be trivial things like human debt. There must be something deeper and more important, and only things that he can do will work hard.

"Isn't your trip to the Republic just for sightseeing?"

"On the contrary."

Pressing the hidden button on the armrest, the freezer door popped out. Li Lin took out the wine glass filled with ice and shook it. After receiving a categorical rejection, he opened the dark compartment of the wine cabinet and stored the juniper for 15 years. The wine slowly filled the glass.

"It's purely out of travel. By the way, sign your name and help Your Excellency Jay continue her political life~www.readwn.com~Please ask the Chief Justice to insist on the end of the arms negotiations."


In Charlemagne, Minerva didn’t miss Li Lin’s uncommon face, she thought she could restrain her emotions when facing Li Lin again, but when she really faced Li Lin’s overly straightforward expression, she was almost there. Can be controlled.

He took a deep breath and readjusted his fluctuating emotions to calmness, and Minerva began to fight back.

"Do you think that the Republic is unavailable? Or do you think the Republic can't bear the weight of multilateral negotiations? If so, then you can only say that you are more willing. The Republic can meet any challenge at any time, whether it is international multilateral negotiations or unintended intentions. The aggressor. We will not flee or hide, and will inevitably face the challenge."

"That's really admirable."

Shaking the wine glass, Li Lin's smile deepened, and the original smile turned into a bitter smile.

"I have no doubt about the determination of the government and the people of the Republic. Really, there is no doubt at all, because all you have is dignity and determination."

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