Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1626: 8. Sightseeing trip (7)

From the beginning of the founding of the republic, the republic has had great expectations for the countries.

This is not to say that the Republic has no guts, nor that they are negligent in protecting themselves. Regardless of political factions or ideological tendencies, all political parties and ordinary people are full of enthusiasm for strengthening the country and reviving the country. Right-wing groups and military enterprises have also developed on this basis.

The determination of the Republic is unquestionable, but determination and reality cannot be confused, and the result of forcibly carrying out the determination regardless of reality has been fully demonstrated by the old Charlemagne Kingdom.

With the national strength and resources of the Republic, self-preservation has been very reluctant. The little resources to support the resistance movement in the empire are squeezed out. Once a war broke out with the empire, defeat was an inevitable result. The whole country knows this very well.

It is precisely because we know how weak we are and how little time we have left for ourselves, so people will place high expectations on external forces in order to obtain a moment of security.

As long as the nations still contain the empire, the empire cannot shoot at will;

Various countries have many investments and business dealings in the Republic, and the Republic is a major interest of the various countries;

The Republic needs all countries, and all countries need the Republic. Both sides have the same security needs;

If the nations watch the empire destroy the republic, then it is their turn;


Various rumors about the importance of the republic to the nations and the determination of the nations to defend the republic are widely circulated in the society. There are many real insights, but there is more exaggeration and self-consolation and even more hypnosis.

It is true that the Republic and the countries need each other, from geographical balance to technological exchanges, from business interaction to intelligence cooperation, and all-round and multi-level friendly relations have run through the history of the Republic and the countries in the past three years. There may be a distance from the "friendship formed by blood", but it is more appropriate to describe it as "like glue".

However, the "friendship" in international relations is always based on benefits. When the risks assumed exceed the returns on benefits, no matter how good the friendship is, it will become worthless. If the benefits obtained from third parties outweigh those of the previous collaborators, then the once intimate allies will turn against each other.

There are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests-the Albian people speak very explicit, but every word in it contains truths verified with blood.

The survival of the Republic does involve many interests of the various countries, especially under the background that the empire's national strength is being strengthened every day. The Republic can indeed exert a certain degree of diversion, to strengthen the countries and further improve the preparations for the war. . But to ask whether the nations are willing to contribute wealth and young people to the survival of the Republic, a big question mark is needed. If asked if it would be for the Republic, he would not hesitate to turn the table with the empire, and he would not hesitate and firmly answer "yes"... No country.

The value of the Republic is not enough for the countries to do this for her.

This is an obvious thing, unless the empire has begun to wage war against the nations, at the time of life and death, each ally is precious, and precious enough to allow the nations to ignore the differences in system and ideology. Morphology, and form an unbreakable partnership with the Republic The Steel Alliance fights against the evil empire.

Right now it is not that urgent. The empire still needs time to digest the results, develop economy and technology, and exterminate the resistance movement in the country. There will be no major movements for at least two decades. In contrast, the existence of the Republic and publicity have begun to have an impact on the countries.

Kingship without rule;

Put the power of the king in a cage;

Power should be divided and contained, not concentrated;

A small number of elites should not be allowed to monopolize the power to participate in political affairs. As a part of the country, the public should obtain the political participation equivalent to paying taxes;

Discourses such as "great injustice" are not to be said to be published in the world in all countries, even private discussion is a felony. But newspapers, books, street speeches, and broadcasts in the Republic talked about it, and there was a moral preaching with a clear sense of superiority between the lines. As everyone knows, when they compare the imperial dictatorship and the republican system, the mockery they are visibly is also beating the faces of the countries. The topics such as general elections, social welfare, open discussions, and power splits are constantly stirring up. The sensitive nerves of the top leaders of various countries are increasing the number of "rebels" whenever they think of the heresy of the Republic... The above-mentioned big men's sight on the Republic will also become more vigilant and unfriendly.

May wish to cite the comments of Secretary Walsingham, maybe it is just a family statement, but it can also be regarded as the positions and voices of the countries in this incident.

"...The empire is a huge, visible scourge. The republic looks harmless to humans and animals, but they are actually another hidden, more subversive scourge...they pretend to be pretentious, cheap and superior, We are deeply disturbed and disgusted, but because of the international situation and national relations, we cannot point out and rebuke the face. If we accuse the Republic, it will make them feel that they have been abandoned by the whole world, they will become hysterical, and everyone will be Become an enemy. This will have serious consequences for the strategy that we have formulated and are implementing. The entire strategy may be pushed back. This is unacceptable... At present, the empire does not intend to destroy the republic, but deliberately beat the republic to make it Accepting the existing international order... We are happy to see this result."

In short, as long as the empire does not destroy the republic, but at the same time beats and humiliates the republic (this is what the countries have always wanted to do but because of emotions and strategies cannot do it), then the countries will be faithful in this incident Watcher. Appreciate how the republic was hanged by the empire with a sense of sorrow and misfortune.

The empire certainly enjoyed this situation, and the original reason for keeping the republic was to induce a situation similar to today.

Li Lin is well aware that as an emerging hegemonic country in the central part of the mainland, the empire will surely become the target of all. From the moment he wore the crown and became the emperor, the anti-imperial alliance had been formed and spared no effort to cooperate in series.

Both camps are preparing for the fate of the next battle, but this is not a fair game. In this race of comprehensive national strength, time is the best ally of the empire and the most difficult opponent of the countries. . Every day in the past, the power gap between the empire and the nations will widen. As long as there is enough time, the empire will surely accumulate enough power to crush the entire world. By then, the nations will be powerless even if they want to resist. But before that, the nations who foresee this kind of situation will detonate the war early because of desperation. In this way, although the outcome will not change, the empire will definitely pay a heavier price. Still in ruins.

How to avoid this situation is the most important issue of the empire. For this reason, it is part of the effort to lay down the body and make concessions and to achieve relaxation with the countries. However, the most critical and important core tool is the Republic.

Combining verticals and horizontals is an attempt to deal with hostile alliances since ancient times, or to lure, intimidate, or disseminate false information. In short, it is to dismantle the hostile alliances by all means. The same is true when dealing with the League of Nations. The tool used by Li Lin to dismantle the League of Nations is the Republic.

The threat of revolution is the best material for uniting conservatives and those in power at any time and in any country. If you don’t believe it, you can look at the establishment of the anti-French alliance during the French Revolution, the sacred alliance formed by the major European countries to extinguish all revolutions after the Napoleonic Wars, and the appeasement of the European countries by the European and American countries before the Second World War. . It can be said that as long as they can maintain their power and wealth and maintain the existing social structure, the king, the pope, the nobles, the gentry, and the capitalists are willing to give up all prejudices or even blood and hatred, and deal with all the devil.

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why Li Lin would always let the republic exist. Even when there is clear evidence that the republic provides assistance to the resistance organizations in the empire, he still ignores it and is busy dealing with other issues.

Everything is to let the material of the Republic grow and ferment, and eventually become the wedge that tears the alliance.

As long as the Republic exists, as long as the public opinion propaganda of the Republic still focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of the system and consciousness, shape, and form, as long as the nationals of the Republic still have a sense of superiority, the conflicts between the countries and the Republic will continue to accumulate. Various visible or invisible cracks. All the empire needs to do is to use these cracks and contradictions and seek their own interests.

Some people may ask, with such an obvious dilemma, are the republics and countries all fools, will they not see it?

Of course they are not stupid~www.readwn.com~ At least the leadership of the Republic and the upper levels of the countries are not stupid, even if they have not seen it before, they will be aware of this incident. But what if they perceive it? This is not a dispute of interests, but a more fundamental structural contradiction and conflict of mind, consciousness, form, and form. Even if they knew the problem, they couldn't get started.

Will the republic’s media and people stop promoting the republican system? Will stop their moral preaching full of superiority? When the people of the countries can’t stand the status quo and try to use force to transform the country, when the governments of the countries choose to strongly suppress the riots and uprisings, the republic What kind of response and response will the government make? Will the media and the public be satisfied with it? If not, what kind of influence will the new wave of public opinion bring to the Republic and guide the country and the whole world to where?

Perhaps the Republic will eventually be aware of the problem and come up with a solution. But now they are exhausted just to deal with the emperor's visit, and they can't expect much in a short time. Like suppressing public opinion, allowing the republic to eliminate the noise from the people, and investing in the laborious work of arms control negotiations afterwards, let the emperor do it.

With his brain full of intricate international relations and strategic planning, Li Lin boarded his special car, led by the pioneer motorcycle team, carrying the emperor and a large convoy of foreign envoys out of the hangar of the emperor, through the steel The springboard was established and set foot on the territory of the Republic.

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