Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1635: Nine. To the far horizon (4)

After the meal, the fragrance of coffee ripples in the room. The unique burnt fragrance does not bring a warm atmosphere, and dignity and anxiety dominate this temporary family.

"Join the army? Why?"

The trance only lasted for a moment, and Minerva quickly recovered.

The gap between expectation and actual answer certainly made her somewhat at a loss, but it was not unexpected that this possibility.

Children who only know the battlefield can hardly forget the battlefield even in a peaceful society. The bloodshed, wailing, pain and death on the battlefield are more deeply embedded in their memories than anything else. When eating, drinking, walking, and going to sleep, you can still hear and dream of the fragments of the **** scenery.

It's like being cursed.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing to choose to join the army and breathe the smoky air in the barracks to obtain peace of mind.

What surprised Minerva was that Marseille also chose to join the army.

At that moment she even felt too unrealistic, thinking that she had misheard or had auditory hallucinations.

Among the three, Marseille should be the one who chose not to join the military.

Revenge against the Empire;

change the world;

The only place to live is in the battlefield;

Can't see any hope;

The motives that exist in the girls are not the same in Marseille.

He was only involved in the situation, and he has been an ordinary person until then. As an ordinary inhabitant of the world who accidentally set foot in the world of war, even if he chooses to return to ordinary society, most people will only express their recognition and understanding.

However, he chose to join the army.

This forced Minerva to have a "why" question.

"Respecting the choices of others is the foundation of democracy, but I think I should listen to the reasons for the choices and then express my opinions as your reference, is it okay?"

Picking up the scattered gifts and information, Minerva sat down at the table and looked at the equally calm three.

"According to etiquette, it should be women first, but I think this time should be led by men. Talk about it, Marseille, why did you choose to join the army?"

"...Because I don't want to pretend to know nothing and see nothing."

Marseille spoke quietly.

Return to society, go to school, go to school, get employed, enter the society, get ahead of others like ordinary people-this is the blueprint of life that Marseille has always portrayed in mind. Whether this blueprint is realized in the empire or the republic is not very important.

If Minerva’s arrangement is followed, his little ambition has a high probability of being realized, and with the republic’s system, his special identity and his own abilities, he even has the opportunity to touch something that he could not even imagine in the empire. High-Become a respected member of parliament and government officials. In front of such a beautiful picture of life, Marseille could not resist.

He really did not think about resisting, even now, it is a very attractive and viable life.

But he is no longer the past Marseille, who only has a utilitarian future in his eyes and constantly fighting for it. Once he has touched the world below the surface and experienced first-hand the world beyond the framework provided by the empire. Back to the past life. Not only that, for the empire, Marseille, whose thinking has changed, is already a "dangerous person" with similar pathogens, and he should deal with it before he spreads those dangerous ideas.

Not only is the empire, I am afraid that in other countries, Marseille is also an unpopular figure.

Although the world is large, apart from the Republic, Marseille has no place.

"I'm not a hero, and I don't think I am a brave person. I can't be loyal to the Republic and the Republican system. But I am also very clear about this. If I lose this place, I will have nowhere to go."

Taking a step back and observing yourself and your surroundings may give you an inexplicable sense of alienation, but you can therefore see yourself and your surroundings more objectively.

"The war is not over yet."

The war has never really ended. Even under the peace and prosperity that most people eulogize for peace, the war is still going on in various ways in the corners that people do not know.

This is the model today.

Once the arms control treaty is signed, the risk of a large-scale comprehensive hot war will be temporarily minimized, and the world will enter a relatively relaxed state.

This is not peace, just another kind of war situation called "Truce".

All the people in all countries held their breaths and waited for the iron wind and thunder to sweep the world and kill the three thousand world crows.

"The next war is already a stubborn thing. Even if you close your eyes and plug your ears to deaf ears, sooner or later the war will open your eyelids and pull your ears to let you face reality."

Minerva understood.

His previous remarks became a catalyst to urge them to make up their minds.

The war is not over, the struggle just continued in another form.

In this case--

"As long as the empire still exists, as long as the emperor still exists, the war will not be over, and here will not be called real security. If we don't fight, this country will not escape in the end. I really like peace and love to be An ordinary person, ordinary school, ordinary growth, but I can’t escape the facts in front of me, pretend to be all right, and sit in a seemingly peaceful environment.”

That is unacceptable in Marseilles today, and it is also the most disgusting and unforgivable practice of imperial subjects of the "nightingale" and "robin".

Living within the barriers set by the emperor, taking himself as a fourth-class citizen is taken for granted, enjoying the so-called peace with peace of mind, diligently contributing to the empire, and using his own labor to kill his unmanned war machine. Day after day, we are preparing for the war that swept the world.

Not to mention humans and animals, I am afraid that animals are also stronger than this. At least the animals will lose their temper and call twice when they are not happy, and the fourth-class citizens do nothing.

In the past three years, under the training of whip and candy, the fourth-class citizens have been taken away from their backbones and become a group of pigs in captivity. They have long forgotten what is courage and what is dignity.

I am afraid that even if one day guerrillas attacked a certain imperial city, they called on people to stand up and fight for dignity, equality, power and freedom. The loyal imperial subjects will only sit on the sidelines, shrink into their safe dens, drink coffee, eat snacks, and wait to see how the imperial army crushed the uncontrollable fools into pieces.

Life and death are biological instincts. Considering the strong and weak contrast between the empire and the resistance organization, and the cruel revenge of the empire afterwards to assist the resistance organization, most people may make such a choice. There is no way for people to accept it frankly, or even to join in and become one of them.

I don’t want to be that kind of person, nor is it accepted by the empire. If I can settle down here in the republic, it is naturally the best, but the reality is not the case.

Marseille knew that the girls and Minerva also knew that no one would regard artificially made "rules" as sacred and inviolable principles. Especially the treaties signed between countries-since ancient times the sole purpose of signing treaties between countries is to tear it up at some point in the future. Whenever necessary, kings, politicians, lords, etc. will not hesitate to abandon all rules and treaties, or use more ingenious methods to circumvent.

The emperor’s credit history has so far been known to be good, but he is also good at doing such things-circumventing the treaties he signed, or using clever layout to let others tear up the treaty.

As he often said-only the result is the most important, the process and means are insignificant.

For such an outright Machiavellian, can a paper arms control treaty and the peace guaranteed by the treaty be binding on him?

If we step back 10,000 steps, even if the emperor is willing to abide by the treaty, the threat and pressure faced by the Republic will not be reduced.

Even if the armaments are not strengthened, the size of the army is reduced in accordance with the treaty, or even the entire Imperial Army is laid off, this threat will not be reduced.

The empire and the emperor are there.

Even if there is only one emperor, all the countries of the whole world can't resist together.

The emperor is the empire, the emperor is the world.

Faced with such a threat, they cannot turn a blind eye.

They are people who have lost their place. Although the world is big, there is no place for them outside the Republic. However, even the Republic had to breathe in the shadow of the increasing Empire.

Under this fate, they have no other choice.

"War is inevitable, and it is only a matter of time before death to go on the battle scene again. Then I feel that at least I can choose to fight for the fate of my last dwelling place."

This is not heroic self-intoxication, nor loyalty to the people, the master, the communist system, nor even the bitter choice forced by frustration.

Just to face the fate of destiny that even the most powerful people can smash to the point of ~www.readwn.com~ It is a little reserved for people who have struggled to pursue happiness.

However, Minerva couldn't help but shook his head in denial.

"If I offend you, I feel sorry, but... I think you are too dead to bind yourself."

Dignity and restraint are indeed the last bottom line people should stick to. Minerva has always fought against this belief. For her, those who devoted themselves to this are worthy of respect. They also have every reason and qualification to be proud of this.

But glory and curse are often separated by a piece of paper.

It is true that they are proud to protect their dignity and shelter. Conversely, there is a loophole that cannot be avoided in this logic.

"Why do one survive and how do one survive? The answer is an interpretation of the meaning of life and a mantra that limits the scope of life. If I want to define life, I think "a life seeking happiness is life."

It doesn't matter whether it is a good person, a wicked person, or a mediocre person.

Regardless of their moral behavior and intelligence, everyone takes the pursuit of happiness as their own responsibility. This is the original intention of all people. The source of all behaviors is this little selfishness and goodwill.

In the pursuit of happiness, people must be restricted by certain factors, such as blood, love, language and culture, sensitivity, ideals, values...and the life accumulated so far, these can not be rid of. So no matter how hard people try to accuse freedom and pursue freedom, it is impossible to achieve complete freedom.


"After listening to what you said, I can't help but feel that you seem to be saying that you can't choose any other way and become anyone other than a soldier...you can't expect anything from yourself except this self."


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