Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1636: Nine. To the far horizon (5)

"Ensure the starting voltage."

"P2~P6 safety circuit starts."

"The operation of the imaginary field is activated."

"Nerve pulse signal capture."

"The resonance signal of the brain quantum wave induction framework is confirmed, and it enters stage 2."

"Synchronization is good."

"The analog signal is completed synchronously, and it feels coherent to enter phase 3."

"The synchronization rate is 92%."

Somehow, the female voice full of bliss and frustration, after being filtered by the transmission system, always brings a boring mechanical smell, so that the listeners of the flesh and body can't help but want to sigh after listening.

——It is probably what happened in the encryption and decryption process.

Listening to the monotonous recitation and looking at the gradually clear landscape in front of him, Marseille shrugged.

The sight is not a real landscape, but a virtual picture reproduced in the brain by the sensor, brain quantum wave sensing framework, and central processor. The grass, trees, mountains, hills and buildings in front of them are all composed of 0 and 1. Weaving the simulated world.

Analog connection training device.

This is a special configuration placed in "Salamanda II". The original crew members of this series of models are only bio-CPUs that can be replaced at any time. They are in a drowsy state when riding the aircraft, which can neither interfere with the operation of the aircraft nor affect the selection and execution of tactics. In order to match Marseille's sober attack, not only the performance parameters are adjusted to special specifications for his biological parameters. In addition, in order to improve its adaptability to the body, a simulation connection training device is also installed on the body, so as to realize simulation training without starting the body and shorten the man-machine running-in process.

In the eyes of the Republic’s technicians, the “Salamanda II” symbolizing the crystallization of the empire’s most cutting-edge technical power is a huge treasure trove. Any technology is enough for the Republic to study for several years. The technical level has been greatly improved.

The problem is that this treasure house has multiple anti-theft devices, and each treasure hides unknown dangers.

Especially among all treasures, the core module of artificial intelligence regarded as the most valuable, its value is not only far superior to gold and silver jewelry, it is not enough to describe it as "value-for-money". But the danger is also equivalent to value, and carelessness may even bring the danger of extinction to the Republic.

As the test platform for the deployment of artificial intelligence of the next-generation "Legion" commander aircraft, "Salamanda II" is equipped with the prototype of the next-generation artificial intelligence. Unlike the old model that directly scans and reproduces the human brain, this model, which completely writes arithmetic programs from scratch, exhibits extraordinary computing, learning, and adaptability in actual combat, which shocked the Republican technicians who watched combat records.

If the behavior model of the old model "Legion" is likened to "civilians mimicking soldiers"-that is, in principle, it follows the algorithm and basic tactical principles, but because the brain samples taken are mostly civilians with no combat experience, they often perform in actual operations. Subtle differences and stiff incomplete products. Then the performance of "Salamanda II" can be regarded as a "blade for fighting and killing" in the true sense-clean, efficient, sharp, without any unnecessary and unnatural, pure and complete combat machine.

Once such a guy is further improved, mass production is put into the battlefield-even if it is used as a commander level according to the empire's plan, rather than full popularization-it will still have a subversive impact on the battlefield and even the comparison of international forces.

The strategies, tactics, and national development plans so far will be reduced to obsolete things. Everything must be built from scratch, and the gap with the empire will be widened again.

Conversely, if the secrets of the new artificial intelligence modules can be analyzed, such as strategic and tactical algorithms, intelligence data transmission chains, and priority order of command systems, etc., any one of them will give the Republic a huge advantage in the future.

That being said, but so far, no brave man has attempted this.

Security systems and self-destructive devices are one of the reasons. It is well known that Imperial technicians have paranoias that are more than ordinary people and almost distorted. In order to keep top secrets, God knows what frustrating insurance measures will be set by those paranoia. There are many brave explorers among the technicians of the Republic, but no one is willing to challenge the traps set by their imperial counterparts before they have enough information and do all possible countermeasures. When the precious samples are gone, let's take a top vote of scientific research talents. This kind of loss-making business is unbearable for the Republic.

Another important reason is that “Salamanda II” was in combat before the shutdown. No one can guarantee how the artificial intelligence module will react when activated. If the system goes down, luck is pretty good. If the system is intact and has the ability to autonomously judge and act, things will be very troublesome. According to the on-site environment, a better result is the loss of on-site equipment and personnel. In the worst case, the "Salamanda II" rushed into New Orleans to wreak havoc, turning the capital of the Republic into a sea of ​​flames.

Due to the particularity and sensitivity of "Salamanda II", no matter how much damage is ultimately caused, the republic can not only submit a claim to the empire, but also cover up the truth, and avoid giving the empire an attack on the republic. Just thinking about the feeling of suffocation is enough for the technicians of the Republic to act cautiously.

After repeated discussions, the technical department of the Republic finally decided to analyze the "Salamanda II" in stages, while decrypting it step by step within the scope of its ability, while improving its own technical level.

"It's very nice to say. In fact, it just imitates the technology with unclear sources and principles, and strives to create a cottage product that can be used to gain the ability to struggle on the battlefield."

The technical director of the dwarf in a white coat bit a cigar, his self-deprecating words mixed with smoke, exuding an unusually empty atmosphere.

The on-site technicians stared at their respective instrument pointers, recording various data from time to time, interacting through the throat microphone and earphones, via the wired exchange and the information integration processing center at the rear. Various feedback pulse signal intensity frequencies are integrated and translated into divine books composed of 0 and 1. These divine books are then translated into programming languages ​​and finally integrated into a status report that can be understood by ordinary people.

This is actually equivalent to reproducing the basic interaction process between the sensor and the central processor, except that an intelligence processing terminal on the empire side can solve all problems, and the Republic needs dozens or hundreds of top brains and Many times the ordinary staff used handwritten mental arithmetic to reproduce this process. Not only is it time-consuming and laborious, the probability of errors is also much higher.

The Republic is not an information processing terminal without an imperial style. When receiving the backup materials of the "Unicorn", various special maintenance equipment and instructions for use were included, including the information processing terminal. Through professional training and practical operation, many people in the Republic's technical team will use this convenient tool.

Just like most cutting-edge technologies of the empire, the technicians of the Republic only know how to use them, and at most they have only a half-knowledge level. They can detect faults and replace parts, know how to perform repairs and maintenance according to the information provided by the terminal, where the parts are faulty, how to disassemble and replace this part, and then perform a full-machine inspection to ensure that the body is in perfect condition. As for why that part is broken, what role does it play in the operation of the body, how to operate, what is its material and production process-the problems in these key areas are completely blank.

Just this level.

But if this is the case, it will be a shame at most. It would be a good thing to be ashamed and brave.

The atmosphere entrenched in the scene was by no means humiliating.

Just like the words spit out by the dwarf technical chief, the extremely low air pressure swirled between the technicians.

As if absorbing vitality, the emptiness is like a curse, and its source is "empire technology".

No matter how many times you touch, you can let the technicians of other countries taste the sadness and feel the incompetence of the advanced technology.

If it were not for patriotism that would push them to persevere, I'm afraid they would have sighed while declining.

"It's lucky to have energetic young people to join at this time."

"Really? How do I think Your Highness wants you to let those few young people pass away from us and face the reality honestly?"

The dwarf director snuffed out the cigar, and the intended smile turned to one side~www.readwn.com~ against Minerva who smiled bitterly.

"'The best way to deal with a child who doesn't listen is to let him suffer a bit'-the old saying goes. But sometimes it is too much, but it will make young people feel helpless. I have seen many cases like this By the way, every young man who has just arrived here is ambitious, full of brains to build a career, and the idea of ​​becoming a celebrity in history. Within three months, all will become soulless walking dead, and then either submit a resignation report, or repeat With every day of no progress, waiting for retirement pension... Even if it is shocking education, the risk is too high?"

"I admit that this may be inappropriate. But this is also the best compromise that can be made within my authority after considering a lot."

On the one hand, it is the young people who think they have no other way but to become a soldier. On the one hand, there is an urgent need for talent to cooperate with the analysis of the most cutting-edge technology of the empire and the urgent situation of developing their own MDS. Finally, there is the international trend of arms control negotiations. After repeatedly measuring and calculating the three on the scales, Minerva finally made a compromise to the three.

You can apply to the military academy or participate in the actual operation of the army, but the army must be designated by her.

So the three entered the technical research and development department and participated in the analysis of "Salamanda II" as a test driver and the development and improvement of the Republic-made MDS.

This was originally their scheduled task, and naturally there was little opinion on such an arrangement.


"I respect their choices, and if they do make up their minds, I will do my best to support them. But before that, they should accept the trial, re-examine themselves and their decisions during the trial, and see if it is true There is no choice but to join the battlefield."


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