Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1637: Nine. To the far horizon (6)

The cold water was poured under the head, the soreness around the eyes and the drowsiness that would cover the entire brain quickly faded, Marseille pressed the brow hard, trying to delay the tired counterattack, but in front of the physiological reaction, the stimulation other than drugs can be exerted After all, the role is limited.

The brain of intelligent species is certainly the most excellent information processor in nature, and its capabilities and potential are also extremely excellent. It is just that the brain that the organism will evolve is not used for combat, but for improving the organism. Survival rate and reproduction of ethnic groups. So fundamentally speaking, the human brain is actually not the best part of the war machine.

The instincts and duties of living things are to breed populations, and all their behaviors are centered around this big proposition. The root of the development of machines is "more efficient consumables than humans." On the battlefield where everything is continuously consumed by digital, which side is more cost-effective, it is more suitable for the battlefield, and you don’t need to think about it to know the answer.

Like this, because of continuous viewing of virtual images, interaction with the rear information control center, verification and comparison of various parameters, repeated verification of each instruction set... things that cause paralysis, almost never happen to the machine.

"It's hard work."

The words of comfort fell from the sky together with the iced towel, and he said "Thank you" in a hurry. Marseille rubbed his face hard. The teenager who breathed out opened his eyes again. William Van Demon, senior academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic Stern's face with a thick, bearded face was looking at him cheerfully.

"Your Mightiness……?!"

"No, don't use it. This is not an empire. Besides, you are also involved in the team as a civilian volunteer. It doesn't matter if you don't stand up and salute.

Unlike the Imperial technology R&D system, which is completely controlled by the state and the military, the Republic’s technology R&D system is carried out by different research teams of the government, universities, enterprises, military, etc. in their respective areas of expertise, and from time to time, interactive and collaborative mode.

Compared with the empire's technology development model in which the government plans and distributes resources uniformly, the Republic's technology development model is likely to disperse resources. In fact, some people have raised doubts about this, arguing that it is not appropriate to diversify talents and equipment into different projects in the context of much less available resources than the Empire. But the upper republic is not a fool who knows nothing, and they have their reasons for doing so.

In the first place, the government’s official funding for research is limited. The salaries, venues, equipment, consumption, etc. are borne by the government. I am afraid that the current financial situation of the republic is unsustainable. Second, each team faces the situation of more monks and fewer monks. They will do their best to promote their own projects. In the face of a variety of names, the list of projects that do not know how much water is mixed in the description, lack of professional knowledge and overall planning ability, and a large number of interests will surely break out among parliamentarians. Quarrels will not only waste precious time, but also affect the promotion and development of technology. In the third place, dispersing resources also means dispersing risks, and it can also absorb all kinds of talents into different teams and give full play to their talents.

For the above reasons, the technical department of the Republic is not as closed and mysterious as its imperial counterparts, and there are often various people coming and going. As long as you don’t violate the secrecy rules, basically no one cares about those rudenesses. Disrespecting military salute or something is actually a very common thing.

Marseille also heard relevant introductions when entering the R&D department. With his memory and understanding, he should not forget. But when he really meets a person who has a higher status than himself, the education he received in the empire—respecting authority, emphasizing hierarchy, and obeying orders— immediately appeared in him.

Fortunately, Demonster had contacted many people who had fled the empire and had some knowledge of their habits.

"How is it? On the first day, what difference did you feel with your previous imagination?"

The dwarf engineer asked in a bold voice.

"If you feel something is not suitable, you can say it, we will try our best to help improve it."

"You can't talk about the problem of adapting to it."

The boy tried to adjust his mind while deciding how to choose words.

"Because I was a crew member of this aircraft before, I'm used to this live atmosphere."

"Is it Menger and Dili Institute of Biology?"


"If it's convenient, I want to hear from you about those guys."

Demonster handed over a bottle of ice water and asked in the same cold voice as the water temperature:

"I want to know what those guys think about their technology and what they do."

"This one……"

Faced with a sudden request, Marseille was somewhat overwhelmed.

He did indeed spend a few days with Imperial researchers, but the question raised by De Munster was obviously not something he could answer.

To understand the problems at this level, we must have a deeper contact, only to touch the inner depths of those indifferent faces. Coexistence in just a few days simply cannot provide a decent answer.

What must be said can only be described by the generalized discourse of "a group of indifferent people".

"Is it difficult?"

"I feel that on this issue, I do not have the information to make a more reliable statement."

"Yes, those guys' mouths are always tight. Even the blood-blooded relatives, they don't confide any information. In a short period of time, they are limited to business contacts. Of course, it is impossible to grasp those guys' ideas."

"Do you want to know the level of Imperial technicians and their mental state?"

"The information in this area is really interesting, but I don't care about this."

In the case of the Republican Intelligence Service, the above information may have inestimable value in their eyes, which is not worth mentioning in the eyes of De Munster.

He did not want to antagonize foreign counterparts, nor did he intend to grab the collar of the other party and ask why the group of **** did those outrageous things, nor did he ever want to engage in technical exchanges with imperial bastards.

What DeMonster wanted to know was how he, as a technician, also felt that his imperial colleagues were constantly receiving advanced technology and issues from the emperor.

"I do not understand."

Marseille looked baffled.

The advanced technology provided by the emperor is one of the reasons for the rise of the empire, and it is also an important opportunity to push the entire world forward. Regardless of the technology applied in the military, the technology in the field of people's livelihood has indeed made the world develop in a better direction.

In this case, why did Demonster's tone reveal awe or even hate?

Demonster grinned as if he had seen through his doubts.

"If you just look at the world at this point in time, and look at the technology provided by the emperor dialectically, I am afraid that you will come to the conclusion that even though there are many problems, it does promote the progress of the world." But for our technicians, the technology of the empire It is a curse to have an emperor who provides these technologies."


"Most people don't understand it. But as long as they are technicians, they basically understand it."

Far ahead technology;

The emperor who provides these technologies, knows everything and does everything;

Patent system;

These are the three high walls that all technicians outside the empire have to face.

"The so-called "technical development" sounds very high, but it is essentially a mechanism for combining the things at hand to turn the ideas in your head into reality. In this process, you may succeed. It may fail, or you may get unexpected by-products, and accumulate experience to improve the overall technical level."








The process of combining the knowledge and achievements of various disciplines, continuous trial and error, continuous progress, and continuous challenge is the history and necessary path of technological development.

"The emperor is the exact opposite. The final result has long been in his mind. He just cooperated with the level that can be achieved in this era, and spread the results after degrading and simplifying them."

For example, to build the world's first car in a world where even the concept of "car" does not exist. Although the designer has a complete idea in mind, the technologies of metallurgy, materials, finishing, standardized manufacturing, etc. of that era have not yet reached the level that can meet the needs of "a car capable of reaching 100 kilometers per hour" in his mind. He judged that "even if it can't reach 100 kilometers, it can still build a car with a speed of 30 kilometers per hour at the current technical level, and it has extremely high value." So he coordinated with the current technical level, readjusted and combined the solutions in his brain ~www.readwn.com~ into a "30 km/h car that can be manufactured at a low technical level".

"Cars, electric lights, steam engines, tanks, armored warships, artillery, air battleships, MDSs, and communication networks are all such products. Before the emperor, people should not say that even the concept did not exist. In order to cooperate with the then The level of technology, after the emperor made the original and better technology original and inferior, became a "if this is the case, you can always make it with your current technology". Then be patient The character waits for the improvement of various basic technologies. When the overall technical level is improved to meet the requirements, the originally expected things can be successfully manufactured."

With a sip of icy water, Demonster suddenly showed a greasy smile, and the flame of hate turned into language, pouring out of his mouth.

"Just like this, maybe people can only think of him as a "genius ahead of the times." However, just as he is good at clever layout, he invests early in some unrelated and insignificant places, and then ignores it. As the situation develops and changes, people will discover his strategy only when the tide of world change flows through those nodes that have been forgotten. The emperor did the same in the technological development process, and everyone was attracted by those technologies. Unconsciously, he was introduced to the pre-designed trend, and eventually, the whole world would become what he envisioned."

De Munster stared closely at the pale Marseille, saying verbatim:

"This is no longer an epoch-making technology or system. It was created by the emperor alone. Now it has spread to civilizations all over the world. This is the "Emperor's civilization"!"


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