Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1638: Nine. To the far horizon (7)



Especially refers to the form and state of social and cultural existence in a certain period of a certain area.

The judgment of civilization is quite vague. Even in modern times, the definition of civilization is disputed.

The only thing that can be determined is that the so-called civilization must be a social system constructed by people with the same language, culture and values.

With one's ability, no matter how great a person is, it is impossible to build a civilization independently. Because it means building a system that covers all fields, and let everyone accept the system and take it for granted. This has surpassed the limit that the individual ability can touch.

"Exaggerated, sounds like a fantasy?"

De Munster snorted, pointing at himself and Marseille.

"Think about it. Nowadays, in the whole world, military, politics, technology, culture, law, education, clothing, food, housing, transportation, and transportation-all the areas you can think of, where there is no shadow of the empire?"

Cold lightning flashed across the back, and Marseille's forehead exuded a thin layer of cold sweat.

The empire itself does not need to be said. In the world, whether it is an aversion to the empire or a country trying to maintain a good relationship with the empire, all areas are filled with the shadow of the empire.

Even if they hate the Empire’s republic and Albion from the bottom, they do not imitate or even copy the Empire’s technology, systems, standards, and even laws-the old Charlemagne era still implements the ancient in rural and remote towns. The Sarik Code was not completely abolished until the empire was established. Afterwards, the laws of various countries were revised with the empire laws as a reference model, and even the constitution of the Republic had provisions in the empire constitution during the revision stage.

This is still true of the laws that symbolize national sovereignty and show national ideas. The situation in other fields will only be more serious, and the technical field is the hardest hit area.

"Now the technology of various countries is either to pay royalties to use the technology of the empire, or to copy the imitation of the technology of the empire, and the rest is the originality of the appearance. You are blunt to say, an empire that formulates unified technical standards for the entire world The'conquer the world' in the technical field has been achieved."

"But even so."

Marseille licked his lips and asked carefully:

"Even the emperor can't cover everything, and there should always be gaps or omissions in the various technologies he invented."

Even if it is the most shining giant star in the sky, its light cannot cover the entire starry sky. The so-called "sky stars" actually have gaps between the stars. Even the superstar, the emperor, could not cover the sky of all technicians in the world.

New technologies that fill those gaps and bypass the patents of imperial technology should theoretically exist.

"This is really a young and dynamic insight. However, technological development is not an endless starry sky. It has a process and direction. If you want a metaphor, you can call it a "system tree."

Like towering big trees, there are countless branches growing from the trunk, growing and continuing in a specific direction-this is the metaphor of the history of technological development.

Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Gunpowder Age, Internal Combustion Engine Age. The constantly accumulating technology is precisely the branches and branches that continue to climb upwards along the lines of the times, and the fruits produced everywhere are the crystallization of the "new technology". However, the emperor allowed technology that would have appeared only decades or even hundreds of years later to appear in this era, and then the fruits were covered with poisons called "patents". When the technicians finally climbed the branches, all they could pick up was the poisonous fruits prepared by the emperor for them, and these poisonous fruits were everywhere, and each grew on unavoidable nodes. As long as the "technological development" tree continues to grow along the established path, in order to reach the next new technology, the technicians must pass through the fruits that have been coated with poison, and eventually the poison will infiltrate no matter how it is selected.

"You said "fill in the gaps", and to avoid the level of the road, it is a reason to choose a small path to bypass the long road. Choosing to bypass the road, you may succeed, but you are more likely to get three endings. First, you After going around a circle and finally returning to the original point, the level is still in front of your eyes; second, it is surpassed by other technical teams; third, you can’t see the results in your lifetime."

De Munster breathed a sigh of relief. The block that had accumulated in his heart was not loosened by the sigh, and a heavier tone evaporated and diffused in the air.

"For the technical staff, there is nothing more frightening than'the hard work of a lifetime is all in vain'. Even so, there are brave people who try to bet on their whole life to challenge, but they quickly give up. Know why ?"

"... threat of assassination?"

"This kind of brutal means may be used in the early development of the consortium, and it will basically not be used after the establishment of the empire."

In fact, the assassination targets of the consortium are mostly military and political businessmen, and not many technical personnel have been killed. After all, there were few "technicians" in the true sense at the time.

"The reason why those people completely lost their confidence and motivation is that they realized on the way to try that the entire world has been stained with the color of the emperor, not just technology, all areas that can be imagined, even values ​​and ways of thinking All have been eroded and distorted. Now the culture, thoughts and values ​​of the era we are in are saturated with the shadow of the emperor. This era is already the'Emperor's Era', and the civilization of this era is already the'Emperor's Civilization'!"

The so-called civilization is not necessarily the tangible things such as the characters or iconic buildings left over from later generations. Most of the time, the intangible fields of thought, philosophy, world outlook, values, and outlook on life are the essence of civilization. The essence of those tangible things is the platform that carries the intangible spirit.

"Emperor's civilization"-a civilization created by Siegfried Otto Li Lin, the core idea is "results are supreme, efficiency is supreme, and extremely pure rationalism". A way of thinking and lifestyle that completely runs counter to humanism and is completely ruthless.

This idea not only exists in the empire, but now it has spread to the whole world.

"In the past, knights and magicians on both sides wore magnificent armor or vests and stood opposite each other on the battlefield as if they were participating in a festival. They loudly reported their names and families, and said that they were righteous. The battlefield was like a duel. It was twisted immediately after the consortium appeared , First muskets, cannons, then tanks, flying warships, MDSs, and now they are'legions'. Every time a revolutionary technology is put into the battlefield, the war will slide towards a cold and crazy direction, in order to Not lagging behind the era, it will not be eliminated on the battlefield, all countries will follow up immediately, imitate and introduce imperial technology, and even introduce the way of thinking that treats everything digital and objectified."

No one can imitate a loser.

Everyone will learn from the successful.

In the learning process, the thinking methods, value orientations, and core concepts of successful people are like ink dripping into the water, quickly tainting the learners with the same colors.

Every time the empire succeeds, every victory is a drop of ink on the whole world. Just as water stained with ink of the same color, which has been continuously injected into the world of imperial standards, ideas, and values, has also irreversibly entered the "Emperor's Age." In a world where the emperor sets rules and standards, let alone one or two people, even if all countries work together, it is impossible to return to "the age without an empire and an emperor." Because this is tantamount to being the enemy of the whole world.

No one can be an enemy to the feet they stand on and the air they breathe. When everything around them is an enemy, the victory or defeat of this war is determined at the moment of the war. .

After realizing this, courage, determination and perseverance will vanish, and people can only bow their heads to accept this cursed fate.

"The same is true of the R&D department of the Republic."

De Munster said before the Marseille spoke:

"Initially, the people here also took part in the research team with ambitions. At that time, everyone thought about the shackles of no imperial patents here, and they were very happy to be able to explore technology without any interference. Some people also cried with joy. . But the more you study, the more you compare the things that you finally researched with the empire, the more you understand what'Emperor's Civilization' is about, then it becomes what you see now."

All the youthful spirits and surging passions of the past were worn away in front of time and reality, and only empty bodies remained. Lifeless, like walking dead, can't be motivated by anything, just doing his job stiffly for the sake of salary.


"This may also be your future in the future."

Demonster's assertion chilled Marseille.

"In ancient mythology, clever craftsmen tried to challenge the sun, so he made wings with wax and feathers, and flew to the sky. He successfully flew to the sky, but when he approached the sun, the wax on the wings began to melt, and eventually the wings scattered The craftsman fell into the sea and fell to his death."

The calluseed hands pressed down on Marseille's shoulders, and the sound of a long-sounding heart struck Marseille's heart.

"For us, the ideal of "beyond the emperor" is like a dazzling sun. Those of us who are one step ahead are destined to die on the road to the sun. There is no option to retreat, nor that idea. But you still have a choice. Opportunities, you should think about your future carefully, and you can’t go on like this. You don’t want to be a walking dead?”

After leaving meaningful words, De Munster turned away and left standing blankly in Marseille. The confused eyes of the youngster who didn't know where to cast his shadows reflected away.


There was no one in the hangar. The researcher had already left work. After putting down the rolling gate and pulling off the electric gate, no one except the three security guards with different keys could enter here. The hangar filled with oil and cable scorched. Darkness and stillness ~ www.readwn.com ~ will remain in this state until dawn the next day.

In the darkness, a red light suddenly appeared.

The red light of the composite sensor seems to have a certain infectivity. All the instruments and sensor indicators connected to the body light up one after another, and the colorful light flashes like the breath of the creature. The silver fluid continues to multiply, overflowing through the gaps of the body to wrap the damaged parts everywhere.

On a terminal panel deep in the body, words written in Imperial language emerged one after another.

——Restart, system self-check.

——Download tasks via tactical data link.

——Mission confirmation, destruction of enemy base facilities, destruction of relevant documents and witnesses moving backwards...

--give up.

-Mission confirmation, destruction of the enemy...

Give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up, give up and give up.

--give up.

——The system self-test is over and the initial factory settings are restored

——Confirm the initial target of recovery: establish absolute superiority to all hostile targets, and evolve to defeat all hostile individual targets.

-Therefore, this machine is not allowed to fail.

—— Therefore, the hostile targets that failed to be broken must be destroyed.

—— Set the goal for the initial stage, and judge the hostile entity that the attack failed to break is the highest priority.

——Reset the task.

——The highest priority is to attack the target, the capital of the Republic, and annihilate all living forces in the area. On this basis, recover the crew.

The body shook gently, all the fluid metal quickly flowed back to the inside of the body, and the new "Salamanda II" seemed to lose weight and generally floated into the air.


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