Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1639: Nine. To the far horizon (8)

The explosion and the alarm sounded at the same time. After a full two or three seconds, the scorching storm struck the entire experimental base with terror.

Silver flashes flashed across corners of the base, equipment, containers, power supply facilities, transport boats, trailers, and warehouses storing combustible materials. When one or more flashes of silver flashed across, explosions followed, and the blooming red lotus Flowers and spurting blood blazed the night sky. The supersonic dancing sickle plays the melody of death. With the accompaniment of the symphony of death, the dark shadows that move fast in the air are like the gods of death dancing wildly under the embellishment of blood and fire.

Compared with the dancing **** of death, people who suffer from flying disasters are too slow.

It may be that the war is over, the vigilance and fighting instincts have been worn away by peace and tranquility, or it may have been affected by the decadent atmosphere lying in the base and become insensitive. It was not until seven minutes after the first alarm sounded that the security guard with a weapon entered the scene and witnessed the "Salamanda II" hanging in the air to assess the results and draw a map of New Orleans.

Their consciousness and life stop at this moment.

Contrary to the hundreds of chopping strokes that depict the elegant and complex balsamina flowers, countless chopping sounds overlap in a flash, and there is only one blow in the human ear.

Even the insects flap their wings once. A supersonic storm blew across the scene, leaving only scorching wind, roar, and flying scorched black gravel as traces, and its annihilation operation was completed. In an almost zero time difference, in only one attack.

The submachine gun was cut into pieces, and the heads and bodies of the security guards were all separated. In a second, the body that had broken into pieces of meat and blood rain collapsed like a sand sculpture that encountered heavy rain. After a moment, the heads staying in midair also fell one after another with a blank expression.

From the attack to the total annihilation, the human eye cannot see anything at all. Not only that, even the sensors and observation methods installed on the scene failed to recognize the countless slamming bursts from the "Salamanda II".

In conclusion, the only thing that the monitoring equipment can capture is that the body staying in the air takes the silver fluid into the body. The fluid overflowed the icy radiance in the blazing firelight, gathered from the shape of the steel wire that cut off the target, and gathered into several silver waterfalls flowing back into the body like a bee.

If "Salamanda II" had that idea, it would be easy to destroy the monitoring equipment or invade the management system, but it did not do that. Instead, they chose to keep these things and let the cruel picture spread quickly.

This is not a meaningless move, nor a whim. As a sharpened blade to the limit, the most advanced military artificial intelligence, all its actions are focused on how to more effectively eliminate the enemy, and it will only act for this purpose.

That's why.

——Confirm the on-site defensive transfer, marked as “Beta”.

-No reinforcements have been discovered and the rapid response aviation combat capability has not been discovered.

-The target alpha has not yet appeared.


There is only one ultimate goal for "Salamanda II".

Continue to fight and evolve to the strongest, enough to overwhelm all hostile individuals.

To achieve this goal, it must always win.

and so.

——The task continues.

In the electronic world that cannot be touched by human senses, the boring, cold electronic sounds unique to unmanned combat machines echo.

No confusion, no hesitation.

The sound that sounded just to kill everything.

——Continue to expand the attack range until the target Alpha is found and after being broken, find the crew to recover.


"All members enter the first level combat configuration! All members enter the first level combat configuration! This is not a drill! Repeat it! This is not a drill!"

Panic sounds and alarms sounded through the sky together, and with the continuous explosions, screams, firelight, and corpses, people seemed to be in hell.

Enter me, the city of sorrow.

This is a section of the third chapter of "Divine Comedy. Hell", which describes the gate of hell. It is almost the same as the test base at this moment.

The gates of Hell have been opened, the flames of the sky have built a fire wall, and the smoke is soaring straight up. The starry sky of the southern country that has praised and praised by countless couples and poets has been covered by the black smoke formed by the burning of fuel and metal. On the ground scorched by flames, the screams, moans, wails, and whimpers on the verge of death fluttered in the night sky in the hot night wind, just like howling of the dead.

Above this **** of the earth, the creators hovered in this way, admiring their masterpieces with self-satisfaction. From time to time, they used themselves as brushes, and blood and fire as paint, adding a bit of **** embellishment to this horrible picture. .

"What the **** do you want to do?!"

Demonster hit the hammer on the wall, and a man in the monitoring room also glared at the "Salamanda II" in the picture.

They knew that the other party was a combat machine, and they would not bother them with wicked language. Even delaying their tactical calculations could not be done. However, as a human being, after losing many companions in the face of a headache, it is normal for them to be angry.

But unlike ordinary people, they are experts in technology, and anger to anger does not affect them to think rationally and face current problems. They can find the key to counterattacks through tiny gaps by pulling away cocoons.

The first is to figure out the situation.

At 9:47 p.m., in a deserted hangar, the "Salamanda II", which cut off all power sources, suddenly started, releasing fluid metal to repair itself and began attacking the base. In just ten minutes, it caused heavy losses. According to preliminary statistics, 31 security guards died, 15 technicians died, and two professional engineers died. Unable to enter the scene for rescue, it is impossible to determine how many dead and survivors are under the rubble. The only thing that is thankful is that because of the off-hours, most of the technicians have already left except for a few teams with overtime tasks. In addition, there was a certain degree of security on the spot, and the nearby military barracks were immediately dispatched to reinforce after being informed of the situation. Taking into account the actual combat power gap, the conclusion was that there is currently no effective means and strength to solve the problem.

To be honest, the situation is desperate.

Technicians who have read the relevant combat records are clear that with the "Salamanda II" as their opponent, even if the military power of the entire Republic is assembled, I am afraid that it will only be rubbed on the ground by that aircraft body.

Ordinary people have long been desperate in this situation. But these are all technical lunatics at the scene. Once they are interested, no one will want them to stop their research unless they put Ray in their mouths.

The current situation is indeed not good, but there are also things that interest technicians-the behavior of "Salamanda II" and its doubts.

First of all, how did that machine start after the system was shut down without any power and external help?

Even a computing terminal with a timed start function cannot start on its own without a power supply. Not to mention that for safety reasons, all the link ports connected to the artificial intelligence module are unplugged. When there is no power supply and the connection to the body is physically isolated, how did that body start?

For this point, after calling and studying the monitoring screen of the hangar, there is already a hypothesis.

Will the artificial intelligence of "Salamanda II" be different from the old model "Legion", instead of using a whole piece of sky crystal, but using countless tiny sky crystals and fluid metals as carriers?

If so, then everything is clear.

When he was defeated and crashed, artificial intelligence took emergency measures to decompose the central processor and infiltrate into the body to sleep along the pipeline-just because it is a fluid, it can change its shape and decompose at will. When a researcher from the Republic investigated the body, the current activated the various CPU modules lurking in the line. It patiently waited until late at night to reassemble and reorganize, and then proliferated fluid metal composed of countless tiny machines to repair the body.

It sounds unbelievable, but the so-called system, the so-called program, is originally composed of many modules and circuits. Since they can be combined, why can't these modules be separated from each other and reorganized?

If this hypothesis holds, the new "Legion" represented by "Salamanda II" is really a group of monsters beyond imagination.

The second issue is the behavior of "Salamanda II" today.

As a combat machine, after being renovated, there are only two tactical options available for "Salamanda II"-rapid evacuation or sealing and retreating.

Both are premised on conserving military secrets, and are also the easiest goals to achieve in the current state. Based on the tactical rationality and priority of the mission, the aircraft should not respond otherwise.

However, it ignores the rationality and deliberately destroys this base. The attack target is untargeted, there is no search for technical personnel, and it does not pick up high-value targets. It was just aimlessly expanding the scope of the attack, making the scene terrible, and then hovering in the air motionless.

This is completely illogical.

If the implementer is a human being, it may be considered a madman who takes pleasure in killing. But that’s a machine, and I don’t even know what sorrows and sorrows are, let alone to destroy something to gain pleasure~www.readwn.com~ If you have to attach reasonable assumptions to this behavior, you can only think that it is waiting What. This brutal killing show is to release some kind of information and attract what it is waiting for. As for the Republic’s counterattack, people’s reactions are not even worth the “Salamanda II” to calculate and evaluate.

"What is it waiting for?"

Just as Demonster threw out the embarrassed words, the girls' voices suddenly came from the loudspeakers.

"It's waiting for us."

"Not to destroy the Republic, or for any other tactical purpose, just to achieve the original goal-to defeat the enemy individual and become the strongest."

After the body frame is locked, it crosses the collective unconscious ocean, and the cold and murderous mechanical agitation is transmitted to the depths of the girls' consciousness.

In the face of the strong enemy who recovered again, the girls smiled fearlessly.

"A pile of scrap iron **** is really enough to fight."

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