Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1640: Nine. To the far horizon (9)

From a strategic or tactical point of view, the action of "Salamanda II" has no meaning.

If you want to keep the secret completely, you can start the self-destruction process at the moment when the central processor module is activated. At that time, there are a circle of technicians and senior engineers around it. Exploding them can completely keep the technical secret.

If you want to bring maximum damage to the Republic, launch an indiscriminate attack on New Orleans immediately after the repair is complete. In this way, the Republic can only swallow the bitter fruit silently, and dare not speak up internationally, let alone condemn the empire and demand compensation. In the event that "Salamanda II" flew back to the empire's control area, what information or video images the empire intercepted from the body would become more passive.

With the mobility and destructive power of "Salamanda II", it is not difficult to achieve this goal.

It didn't do that.

Unfold the half-hanger's attack and stay in place-these two actions completely deviate from known tactical principles.


Only by grasping its purpose can we predict the next behavior and launch a targeted layout. However, whether it is from the perspective of humans or machines, it is impossible to understand this unnecessary behavior.

At the end of all kinds of inferences were overturned one by one, only one conclusion left before would be regarded as a joke.

"Bacheng is out of control."

"Nightingale" opened his eyes, and the images captured with the help of shared vision faintly remained on the retina.

She has witnessed similar phenomena more than once during the confrontation with the "Legion" on the battlefield.

Those "legions" based on the guerrillas' brain organization occasionally have abnormal behaviors. The specific manifestation is that they violate the basic principle of "play more and less" tactics, are keen to fight alone, or even single out with guerrillas. Sometimes when the nearby "Legion" came to support it, it also fired away the reinforcements.

These "legions" who did abnormal behavior did not violate the general principle of "annihilating the enemy", but their behavior was obviously influenced by the prototype of the brain organization-the guerrillas' obsession in life, which was more reasonable than strategic tactics. , Fighting for dignity during life, perseverance with perseverance and pride has priority.

One of the incentives for the development of new artificial intelligence is to avoid this. It is constructed purely by machinery, does not have the memory and persistence of life, and the wisdom that was born for battle does not make the same mistakes as the old model.

In theory, this is indeed the case. But this does not mean that the new artificial intelligence will not go wrong. As a combat machine that continues to evolve from lessons learned in combat, its learning object is human beings. In this process, things that are natural to humans and wrong to logical programs will also become learning content. If such data is digested and absorbed, the "reasonable" conclusions drawn by artificial intelligence will also exist. problem.

Suppose that “Salamanda II” has absorbed some wrong data.

"Its goal will be..."

The whisper came to an abrupt halt, and De Munster's face turned white.

"Continue to fight and evolve until you become the strongest enough to overwhelm all hostile individuals."

Once connected to Marseille through the "Alaya" system, it was also connected with the artificial intelligence connected to Marseille. At that time, the monotonous sound like the gears meshing with each other was entrenched above the head.

As long as I heard the whispers of combat machinery, it is not difficult to understand the intention of "Salamanda II" at this moment.

"It wants to play against us and win."

Therefore, it ignores the rationality of strategy and tactics and launches attacks aimlessly;

So obviously he has the ability to destroy the entire base in one go, but he hasn't done so, but **** let the **** burn at his feet;

So as long as he rushed into New Orleans, even if he didn't do anything, as long as a supersonic low-altitude assault could bring a heavy blow to the Republic, he deliberately left this goal alone.

As combat machinery that exists only to exclude "enemy of the empire," these are extremely unreasonable actions that violate its essence.

All of these unreasonables are attachments-the result of attachments to those who have given them a record of defeat.

Obviously even people are not, but want to use "persistence" to define the meaning and reason of their existence.

Driven by this idea, "Salamanda II" fell into a runaway state. Now this aircraft only acts to force out the previous opponent and defeat it, and everything else is not within its consideration.

Of course, even if it is a violent fighting machine, as long as it commands an order from the superior of the system, it will immediately settle down. But who can count on the empire?

"I can only fight it."

The bitter smile of "Mockingbird" was a silence.

Do not be silly!

If the child goes on, this kind of thing is left to the adult!

What stupid things to say!

——This kind of words choked in the throat, completely unspeakable.

Let minors carry weapons to death on the battlefield, hide themselves in safe places for various reasons, and evade their obligations and responsibilities.

But all adults with a little self-esteem and a sense of shame will be ashamed of this, and even hate this kind of thing very much? When faced with this situation, they should categorically refuse the girls’ requests, even if they are forcibly prohibited by order. Not hesitate.


No one gave orders, and no one dissuaded.

When two lives and the life of the capital of the Republic, the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens, the fate of the Republic and even the world are placed on both ends of the scale, the side to which the scale bar will tilt, does not need to think at all.

Dignity, restraint, morality, and ethics cannot be overstated at this time.

The girls laughed heartily as if they had understood the distress of the adults.

"do not worry."

"That guy is our defeated man, but he just put it down again."

The laughter of the girls has no haze, but listening to the ears of the adults makes them feel more painful than any accusation and scolding.


Through the thermal imaging induction method, the hostile forces can see every move, and adjust the sound collection method and the radio reception frequency to control the dialogue content.

"Salamanda II" doesn’t mind the Republic’s small movements, which is actually in its heart,

It is impossible to fight against it with the power held by this base, and it is the same as all the surrounding garrisons come to reinforce. There is no strong enough trump card in hand, no matter how many pawns are sent, it will only increase meaningless experience points.

Sooner or later, the enemy will understand this state of affairs, and even the reasons why they can annihilate this base and the capital of the Republic in one go will be known. Facing the imminent crisis, they have no choice but to play the trump card to subvert the situation at hand.

In order to help the Republic understand the situation, in order to let the enemy forces with inefficient calculations and operations understand what they are facing, it is necessary to use this base as the second tactical target to launch a demonstration cage battle. If necessary, the capital of the third tactical target republic can be further included in the scope of the attack, and the enemy trump card can be smoked out.

This is indeed a reasonable tactic, but it is only wishful thinking. If the Republic is dull enough to find nothing, or if it is found and unwilling to cooperate, the whole plan will fail.

"Salamanda II" has no worries about this.

Just after being connected once, the girls can grasp its purpose. "Salamanda II" also has the information that the girls are at this base. Even if the other party is finally checking the condition of the preparation before the attack is also very clear.

It waited for the enemy to appear in perfect condition, stood in front of it, and then knocked it down.

If this is not the case, it makes no sense.

It was confirmed that the MDS made in the Republic was in the starting state, and the steel bee hovering in the air also moved.

Without warming up and no manners, sensing the moment when the other party entered the fighting state, "Salamanda II" released a killing blow.

The silver light flows around the body at high speed, and when the circular motion is performed at hypersonic speed, the centrifugal force generated by it and the gravity acceleration of the body itself diving at supersonic speed add up, and the kinetic energy attached to the fluid metal at this time is terrifying.

Not to mention diamonds, even a dozen-meter-thick battleship armor plates can be cut off for you.

However, the first move is not a blow.

The dense silver dots were separated from the edge of the silver ring by the turbulence of centrifugal force, and the silver arrows wrapped with thunder light clustered into a rainstorm hitting the ground.

Arrow-shaped projectile.

The shape is similar to that of a shelled tail wing stable armor-piercing projectile, but the volume and mass are much smaller. The high initial velocity formed without the help of a special launch mechanism is almost as powerful as a steel ball launched with compressed air. Now that sufficient kinetic energy is attached, even if it is The frontal armor of heavy tanks can also penetrate with one blow.

Thousands of rounds of such bullets were scattered, and the strike surface covered a diameter of 35 meters centered on two MDSs.

This is not enough.

After the arrow-shaped projectile was separated, the silver aura suddenly widened, and the radius of 40 meters centered on "Salamanda" was the dead area. Even a leaf, a flying insect entering, would only be cut into tiny pieces. The dusty debris was blown away by the wind.

After an arrow-shaped bomb hits the ground for a few seconds, the storm that shatters everything will also arrive. At that time, regardless of whether the two target aircraft are still alive, they will be cut into pieces.

It's a perfect blow.

If any human can see this blow, I am afraid it will also be cheered. But compared with the speed of the attack, the human response is really too slow and too slow. I am afraid that even if it is penetrated by an arrow-shaped bullet and split by a fluid blade, they still do not realize what is happening, and even if they can’t feel the pain, they have turned into souls of death~www.readwn.com~Only ultra-high-speed computing devices can stand In the world of "Salamanda II" silently watched the movement of each shell, how each slash attack divided the air into two.

Even if human beings are forced to a desperate situation, they will still act beyond the common sense and are called "miracles".

Regarding this information, it has been directly experienced once.

So until it is confirmed that the other party's heartbeat has stopped, the body temperature has disappeared, and the brain waves have disappeared, it will never miss any action of the other party.

Because of this move, it saw it.

During the extended period of infinite cutting, the golden lightning burst from the ground, turning into a flying dragon and rushing towards it.

A silver storm falling from the sky;

The golden lightning that soared into the sky;

The two collided together without suspense, shaking the sky and the thunder of the earth bursting apart.

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