Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1641: Nine. To the far horizon (10)

Thunderbolt moving at the speed of light.

The hypersonic dive down the body.

The two opposing each other almost collided at the moment of the lightning burst. At the same time, a strong current penetrated the silver body and the storm it released.

The moment the field of vision was painted white, the people watching the battle cheered together, and the cheers were almost overshadowed by the deafening roar.


People believe this.

"Salamanda II" uses a specific wavelength electromagnetic signal to control the fluid metal. Through ultra-high-speed and high-precision calculation, the fluid metal composed of individual nano-machines is used to the extreme.

Conversely, when an ultra-high-strength lightning strike is encountered, the nanomachines subjected to strong electric field interference will get out of control and disintegrate.

This has been fully proven in previous battles.

Today, once again encountering a lightning strike at close range, "Salamanda II" has no second choice except for the fiasco before the repeat.

The strong flash of light turned midnight into daylight, and the deafening popping sound stirred the atmosphere.

The fluid metal barrage and murderous blade that seemed to kill everything turned into droplets in the white flash, blown away by the violent wind they created.

The mortal grim reaper was twisted and stiff in the thunder, and even a decent struggle was too late to make it, and it turned into a scattered flame.

Various induction techniques showed signs of disappearance of "Salamanda II", but "Nightingale" felt something was wrong.

It is too easy.

Without the assistance of Marseille and the brain quantum sensor unit, the combat power of "Salamanda II" is now less than half of the previous one. It can’t use magic spells, nor can it use the sensor unit to carry out all-dimensional three-dimensional attacks and defenses. The electromagnetic gun can only act as a decoration. Perhaps without the burden of passengers, there will be a significant improvement in motor power, but it is not enough to offset the lost capabilities.

To use a popular analogy, today's "Salamanda II" is a fast-running, crunchy melee that has no defense against energy attacks, especially strong electric field attacks such as lightning strikes.

Because of the cunning of that artificial intelligence, this should not be unclear. Even if it did not anticipate that the opponent would still be able to release a lightning strike of this size even when the interfering particles were densely packed, it should not rush down without warning.

This kind of too direct and brutal tricks can't be connected with the body that made them suffer hard in the previous hard fight.

——Can it be.

The biting chill went down the spine into the brain marrow, and the entire body of hair fell upright.


The intuition cultivated on the battlefield overrides the rational judgment, and within a few seconds before screaming, he perceives the murderous energy coming from the face, driving the body to leap forward.

At the next moment, a laser-like silver thread glanced in front of the eyes, and the supersonic falling fluid wiped the corner of the shoulder armor, cutting the small corners like a hot kitchen knife cutting butter.

It was too late to swallow, and the corner of the field of vision glowed red.

That's the compound sensor unit of "Salamanda II". The red light of the compound camera flickered, as if looking at it, and it was like mocking. Before the "nightingale" reacted, the outline of the steel bee swayed, no How long disappeared without a trace.

Optical camouflage.

This is the standard configuration for Type I, but the configuration is optional for Type II. After all, Type II is mainly based on high-speed air combat, and there are not many opportunities to use this function, so it is easy to mistake people for not installing.

Now is the time to pay for preconceived ideas.

"Quick fire! This guy is right in front of me!!"

"Yes, but!"

Sharing the senses allowed the "Robinbird" to obtain the position information of the enemy aircraft as soon as possible. At the moment when the "nightingale" issued instructions, she had aimed the shotgun and the large-caliber machine gun on the enemy's predicted route. position.

However, she could not pull the trigger.

In the corner of the field of vision, a silver ray emerged, and the giant bee appeared at about fifty meters in the direction of nine o'clock, and was rushing towards her with a surprise posture.

The scream of "how is it possible" still has to rise to the surface of consciousness in the future. The silver figure has disappeared. The guillotine made of fluid metal falls on the girl's neck next moment. The difference swept across the neck side of the "robin" and smashed the guillotine into pieces. Not waiting for them to reshape the situation, they launched a barrage shot of the re-hidden "Salamanda II", and the induction technique again found the figure of the enemy aircraft in other directions.

This is too unusual.

Even if that machine was originally a supernatural product, it would not be possible to do so.

In the end is--

"what happened?!"

De Munster looked at the enemy planes that had disappeared and appeared again and again, and his slightly trembling lips leaked out.

Without the crew, the mobility has been improved dramatically?

Impossible, let's not mention that the ultra-high-speed movement will inevitably cause sound explosions and shock waves. These phenomena will point out its movement route and trajectory, which is equivalent to discarding the optical camouflage function by itself. It's just that there is one less passenger, and the speed and power that can be improved still have their limits, and it is impossible to make an instant-moving action without leaving any traces.

So are multiple enemy planes sneaking into the base while taking advantage of the chaos just now and launching cooperative operations?

It is still impossible. Although the Republic’s air defense surveillance system equates to a body with complete stealth measures, now the Empire has decided to include the Republic in its new order, how can it destroy its layout.

Various doubts and assumptions emerged one after another and were immediately overthrown. Just at the time of a headache, Demonster's eyes suddenly fixed on the silver body in the picture.

"That's bait!"

Demonster took the case and grabbed the microphone and shouted.

"Girls, that's an avatar mimicked from fluid metal! Only the one attacking you is the body, the others are all empty shells!"

On the rapidly changing battlefield, it is impossible for people to distinguish and distinguish the surrounding environment and things carefully as usual. Especially in high-intensity combat, the first reaction of a highly nervous soldier seeing a black shadow around him is to aim the gun at the black. Shadow, clasp the trigger without letting go.

"Salamanda II" uses this to multiply and separate a part of the fluid metal mimicry into its own way, thus achieving tactical goals.

"By interleaving the optical camouflage of the body and letting the fluid metal scattered on the ground suddenly mimic the formation, forming the illusion of the same body moving at high speed, inducing the enemy to fall into chaos and the body waiting for an opportunity."

In terms of tactics, it is not a clever trick. This is actually the same reason as using electronic decoys and stealth aircraft to break through the enemy's air defense circle. But this kind of rough tactics combined with optical camouflage and high machine power shows enough power to make people chill.

Intentionally exposing the reaction of the bait and the body at the same time, or appearing alternately, forcing the opponent to distract and fire, and the mixed reaction of the body and the bait makes it more difficult to predict the body's movement route.

In fact, even if it is predicted, it is difficult to attack it with the other party's mobility.

——It's such a huge guy.

Clenching his lips, "Nightingale" scolded in his heart.

The anger was directed at the enemy plane, but also to the careless self.

The use of fluid metal to create avatars to induce opponents-this trick was already seen in the first battle with the enemy plane, and was lured by the same trick twice in a row, so how embarrassing is such a self.

What made her even more angry and unwilling was the adaptive evolutionary ability of "Salamanda II".

Twice in a row, it was defeated because of force majeure intervention. If not, the "nightingale" has been dead for a long time.

Despite being in a state of rampage, "Salamanda II" is more powerful than before, and it shows a high degree of flexibility in the choice of tactics.

In terms of battlefield value, today's "Salamanda II" has surpassed any elite force composed of veterans. In the future, even if it is not an elite special specification machine, the standard model equipped with new artificial intelligence will be enough to crush more than several times the strength.

——The future battlefield will be dominated by drones.

-Humanity is destined to be eliminated.

"Salamanda II" galloping on the battlefield at the moment seems to be sending out such a mockery.

"To shut up……."

The clenched lips made anxious murmurs, and there was a trace of shaking in the eyes full of perseverance.

She is very clear.

The "Legion" will not ridicule or sarcasm.

They will only faithfully execute the orders given, continue to march, and kill everything that the empire defines as "hostile targets" until they get the "stop" command.

That's all.

What she had illusioned was anxiety and fear in her heart.

She is not afraid of death.

What she was afraid of was the loss of her foothold, the pride and restraint of losing herself.

Qing Gao and restrained alive, fighting for this, as a proof of his existence as a human being.

It was her who lost everything once, and now there is nothing left. In order to protect the only tiny sustenance, she is willing to give her life for it.

However, even this is not allowed.

The scarlet light was on in front of my eyes, and when I realized that I was induced to the enemy plane, the fatal blow had been lowered.

The passage of time seems to be slowed down, everything around me becomes very clear, the fluid blade nets from the front, back, left and right, the cut and rolled fragments in the air, the shouts of "robin" and others, the enemy's head compound The red light of the sensor unit flashing alternately ~ www.readwn.com ~ is immersed in the scene of the walking lights, waiting quietly for the death to come, and the girl's unhappy, anxious and angry thoughts suddenly become calm.

——It turns out that this is death.

Too open-minded, the almost empty voice echoed in the brain, the girl’s eyelids drooped slowly, gazing calmly at the murderous blade, just as she clenched her fists, ready to sink into the darkness of death, a bright red phosphorescent package Lived the girl.

In front of the red phosphorescence of the newborn sun, all the slashes and optical camouflage were completely disintegrated, and the unpredictable "Salamanda II" hovered in situ, and the blinking optical sensor kept staring at it. The plate-shaped red luminous body in front of the girl and the teenager who firmly grasped a board and looked at the same height as it.

"Welcome back, crew."

Focusing on "Salamanda II", the electronic sounds without fluctuations spread and reverberate along the radio waves in the loudspeakers at the base.

"Your official is the unavailable wings of this machine, the other half of this machine."

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